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What Is Capcom’s Remember Me?

Trademarks are funny things.

Sometimes they mean everything; sometimes they mean nothing. Maybe we'll find out about one of Capcom's recently registered trademarks at E3 next month.

As noted by Eurogamer , Capcom has filed a trademark for an upcoming game called "Remember Me." The trademark filing was made on May 22, 2012 and relates to "computer game software." There's no other information at this time, but maybe this is a brand new IP that will give Capcom a big boost in the Western markets. The long-running franchises like Resident Evil and Devil May Cry are great but every publisher needs a bit of freshness, right? Yes, even Activision, you pessimist you.

For some reason, I'm reminded of Quantic Dream when I see "Remember Me." It seems very artsy and surreal; very much unlike Capcom, if the Japanese fans don't mind me saying.

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12 years ago

Maybe its software that reminds us how cool they once were?

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

Maybe, "Remember me" is all there is to it.

12 years ago

Crap, I was hoping this was the video game adaptation of the movie of the same name, starring Robert Pattinson. *sigh

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Artsy = unlike Capcom? Didn't they do Okami though? I know, it's only one game.

Fits in with the strategy that they outlined of introducing new IPs alongside their older ones. They've been doing that a lot lately, Dragon's Dogma, Asura's Wrath, E.X. Troopers, I like it. I wonder what this is though…

12 years ago

Onimusha return? Make it happen Capcom!

12 years ago

oh the irony, the irony of it all!
after what you have done to your fans beloved franchises like DMC, RE, mega man, SF, dead rising, ect, ect.
after what you did to one of the wackiest most humorous developers out there!
GRIN, now dead thanks to you crapcom!
after all that, how could we forget you?
dont worry, we WILL remember you!
but maybe not the way you would want us too…………………….

12 years ago

You know what I remember from Capcom?

Mega Man X8 ending with a "to be continued" sort of ending leaving you wondering what happened to Axl…

They never made another Mega Man X game… and I'm still left wanting!

12 years ago

okami was done by clover studio, which capcom owned for a while before they axed them, which is dumb coz they were a lot of talent, now called platinum games

12 years ago

I wanna say MegaMan or Onimusha.

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