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Final Fantasy XII Sequel In The Works At Eidos? …Really?

We keep seeing news for just about any Final Fantasy title that isn't named Final Fantasy Versus XIII .

But no sour grapes here. This is interesting.

There's an image that has been circulating around the web, which was originally dismissed as fake. It could very well be but the discovery of a certain active Twitter account is making everyone think twice.

Evidently, Valiant Saga: Final Fantasy is a direct sequel to Final Fantasy XII , as the new project is set 10 years after the events of the last PS2-era FF installment. The story is apparently set in Nabradia and features a new main character, who is hired as a mercenary by the Queen of Dalmasca. The strange part is that this title is – according to the rumored information – in development at Eidos Montreal. Yes, Square Enix owns Eidos but still…

The Twitter account might prove the game is real, but who knows? It certainly isn't official and right now, we have no idea what S-E will do next.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XII

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12 years ago

There has already been a sequel for ff12 called "Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings" set 1 year after it. This new one would actually be a sequel of FF Revenant wings.

12 years ago

Hopefully It will be on th 3DS so we can all ignore it like Revenant Wings… At least it is not a numbered Final Fantasy title. I can't stand how FFXI & XIV are online titles but still in the numbered franchise. I'd rather they just be called Final Fantasy Online.

12 years ago

They should just let FFXII die and make a sequel to a better final fantasy like VIII or IX

12 years ago

Shut your mouth! 🙂

12 years ago

No, Newcloud. Any sequel or remake to whatever classic Final Fantasy seems to be a downfall. Just look at all the crappy sequels and prequels to VII.

This however is bizzare, but somewhat unsurprising. If true, then Square-Enix seems to be taking a step further into trying to cater to the western audience by letting a western developer make the product.

12 years ago

Hold on Crisis Core is a fantastic game and Advent Children was a daring but rewarding project… Dirdge of Cerberus… Okay I admit that was diabolical but give the other two credit.

Though of course in the end we all just want XIII to be concluded properly and for S-E to work on Final Fantasy XV.

12 years ago


WTF are you talking about? If you're going to bash these "prequels/sequels" then at least list a few of them.

12 years ago

Eih, I just can't get passed the fact that they decided to use the name of a composition as gimmick for a terribly confusing and highly questionable plot of a movie, then decided to use that gimmick more in a prequel that not only has plotholes, but has costumes borrowed from a Japanese band… They went too far with the whole Minerva/ Genesis project, imo.

Nonetheless, Crisis Core was an enjoyable game and the second half of the movie was entertaining (plus it did set a exemplar for cutting-edge CGI).

12 years ago

Last Order was nicely animated, but they changed the way Sephiroth died. I don't think I need to talk further about Dirge of Cerberus. Admittedly, I haven't played Before Crisis (but unless you live in Japan or are that determined, I don't think anyone else has).

12 years ago

No more sequels or spinoffs please. Hurry up and finish Vs, finish up FFXIV so it can fail, and get on with FFV.

12 years ago

eidos montreal??? Noooooooooooooooo
I wanted them to be working on the next Deus Ex Game!

12 years ago

Hear, hear.
I want them to take their time though. No rush.

12 years ago

There's rumours or "hints" of a Deus Ex 4 for the next generation. However they could be mistakened for a new Thief game.

Meanwhile, you can enjoy Dishonored ( October release), a steampunk stealth action made by a few old members of Ion Storm =).

12 years ago

i wouldn't dare miss the creator of deus ex next game's going to to be my new fav game this year.

Last edited by Kiryu on 5/26/2012 9:29:36 PM

12 years ago

Oh I hope not, Final Fantasy XII was the biggest disappointment in my gaming life. It was just so bland, besides it's already had a sequel with Revenant Wings on the DS.. I hope this is not true if so I am finished with Final Fantasy end of.

All these Ivalice titles just don't feel like Final Fantasy, while they're not bad games themselves their tone is more similar to Dragon Age or other PC RPG's. In comparison to the vibrant RPG's Final Fantasy usually produce… I really cannot express how opposed to this I am.

12 years ago

FFXII was boring as hell. It had one decent character in it plus the story and pacing were just awful. There were 4hr stretches where the story would not advance at all. I also despised that MMO type battle system. Damn, a World of Warcraft battle system in a main FF game. Save that crap for the online FF games.

After coming off the excellent FF10 and decent FF10-2(loved the battle system) I went all out and bought the collector's edition of FF12. I would rate it as one of my biggest dissapointments in my gaming life as well. I wanted to like the game but just did not care for it at all.

I loved FF7 through F10. After that it would seem some the magic was lost. I doubt a western developer would be able to recapture any of that magic. They should pick a better FF game to make a sequel to as well.

Now I do know everybody has there different preferences when it comes to the FF series. Others might feel very differently about FF12 and they would not be wrong. I'm only speaking about my take on FF12. I thought it was one dull FF game and could not agree with Ultima more. His sentiments reflect my feelings about FF12 pretty well.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 5/26/2012 11:41:56 AM

12 years ago

^FFXII is amazing. It never got boring running around the vast world hunting creatures and leveling up. The story was interesting as well.

12 years ago

I agree with everything you said Excelsior1. It was a real strain to complete this game, I didn't do many of thE sidequests and just tried to plow through the story or the landscapes I should say. It took me 80 hours to get to the end… I just completed Final Fantasy IX again and in doing all the extras (Apart from the absurd request fore the Excalibur II) I got through everything in 50 hours.

It just does not feel like a Final Fantasy game, politics stole the focus from character development, which was a big mistake. Balthier was a good character, charismatic and had a good backstory, but the rest as I have said many times before we're just bland.

Last edited by Vivi_Gamer on 5/26/2012 11:46:45 AM

12 years ago

^FFXII is amazing. It never got boring running around the vast world hunting creatures and leveling up. The story was interesting as well.

12 years ago

@Ultima and Excel…
FF12 was the most disappointing of the series and had the worst lead character.

12 years ago

Well I did enjoy the battle system of XII. Was refreshing. Other than that I hated the lead character and the boring political story as a whole XD

Graphics were also among the best the PS2 had to offer.

12 years ago

As usual, Neo_Aeon666 and LV bringin' the straight up facts.

Hard to argue with that 92% meta average, too. That's 10 whole percentage points better than FFXIII and it's weak-sauce battle system and very un-massive world.

12 years ago

Oh come on Underdog. Neo admits he liked the battle system but hated the lead character and boring story as a whole. He flat out says he could not even finish the game becase he did not care for it in the thread bellow. Hardly a ringing endorsement of FF12. He does speak the truth. FF12 did an awful job when it comes to delivering a decent narrative with good character development. That's a staple of the series and is one some fans demand. To each their own but please don't put words in Neo's mouth. Clearly he is not a fan of the game. He quit because he did not care about the fate of the main characters. I slogged through it until the bitter end mainly to justify my purchase but my God it was such a strain.

12 years ago

Well LV admits he loved the game, storyline and gameplay.

12 years ago

Oh I'm sorry Excelsior. I forgot you were the type to hone in on one little thing you notice and ignore the real point. (Did I even say anything about the story?? Lets see… what point did both Neo and LV say… could it be the same point I am alluding to when I say they are both right? Well no… in your head, I must have meant the polarizing opinions they had!)

So really, excelsior, your 'opinion' is hard to respect when you can't actually address the common point they shared even when I said the two of them were correct, and you can't address the only objective fact in this whole debate: That 10% differential in professionally graded quality.

As for my opinion, I liked the story and most of the characters just fine. I think there are other FF's that are better, but that doesn't make 12 automatically bad just because the story isn't as good. I think there are key elements to a couple characters that were shaped very well. (Some more than others, unfortunately)

But that wasn't the point I was making…

Everyone here that actually knows me understands that in the cases of both FFXII and FFX-2, I was ok with the stories (but hated their dialogues), but LOVED their gameplay. The gameplay is what I will defend to the death for both. I understand why some people dislike both stories, though. I just personally liked them ok.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 5/28/2012 2:09:45 PM

12 years ago

Actually this game was being made by GRIN before it went bankrupt thanks to Square Enix not paying them,and during that time it was called Fortress and yes it was set in Ivalice a few years after the events of Revenant Wings. So it makes sense that Eidos took over this proyect after all.
here is a link with information about Fortress if you guys are interested in knowing a bit more:

12 years ago

It evens shows a Chocobo! I guess no one actually saw it on the link with the images and the video : / it would have answer a lot of your questions.

12 years ago

what if its this…

im loving dragons dogma right now… but all i can think of is what if this was in a Final Fantasy world. Worlds more exaggerated and epic monsters. I think Japan developers are adapting to western taste and I think that is a smart move. Look at demon's soul, dark soul and now dragons dogma. They are not perfect but they will get better. And now is square enix's time to respond.

I know my opinion in this site is not very popular, but FF12 was great. It had limitations, but with today's technology, I don't see why they wouldn't go with real time action rpg. make it hard like demons soul, make it open world like dragons dogma, but introduce the world slowly and with story like in FF games.

12 years ago

I love FFXII, absolutely love the game. If this is true I'd hope for the same art design and gameplay.

12 years ago

All for the art, design and gameplay but they have to give us better characters/story. I couldn't even finish 12 because I found myself not caring at all about their fate lol.

karneli lll
karneli lll
12 years ago

I dont know which one i hate more, ff XII sequel or ff XIII-3

12 years ago

I think this is a bogus rumor

12 years ago

a quote I read and would like to share. lol


I give up on trying Square. At this point I just dont care what Wada does with your company anymore. You are producing things people arent asking for. As a matter of fact fans ask you not to do something like this and you do it anyways.

Fan: I want Versus XII
Square: Okay then you'll love XIII-2
Fan: Huh?

Fan: The fans want a Final Fantasy VII remake.
Square: Then you'll be happy to hear that we are remaking Final Fantasy X and IV (for the 9th time).
Fan: That's not what we asked.

Fan: Square we dont care about any of your current projects anymore. Just move on and make XV so we dont have to remember the last few bad FF.
Square: How conveniant! We are proud to announce that we are making a sequel to Final Fantasy XII!
Fan: MOTHERFUC*****!!!!!!!!!!

end qoute.

why not make a prequel for Final Fantasy 6 =(

12 years ago

LOL That was a really good read. Thanks for posting that and there is a lot of truth to it.

12 years ago

Hah. Perfect!

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago


12 years ago

lol that was pretty excellent, actually. XD

12 years ago

@ SuMtOnE

Lol!! Soo damn true. HA! Priceless.

12 years ago

Another "Ha" from me, though of all the things you listed I would be most interested in a FFXII sequel…not that I think SE should be making sequels.

12 years ago

I find it a little hard to believe…..just about all of it but hey Eidos might end up doing a better job then square. At this point I'd let any developer have a go with ff.

Russell Burrows
Russell Burrows
12 years ago

Fans: we want a FFVII remake.
SE: ok.
Fans: yes!!!
SE: FFVII remake Aeris goes shopping rythm game.

Fans reaction is plan to buy up SE stock to have board of directors at SE promoted to car washers.

12 years ago

After playing one of the greatest games of all time that just came out, Dragon's Dogma, I could care less if I EVER play another Final Fantasy game.

Last edited by ethird1 on 5/26/2012 2:57:31 PM

12 years ago

Drgaon's Dogma seems to be a a game which tries to be an MMO but fails by giving you generic parnters from the rift… But like all MMO's it suceeds in having a poorly designed system where the protgaonist you play as has no personality due to the character creative element. I have seen far too many RPG's this gen fail because of that feat… Mind you not all do… Dragon Quest IX has user created characters and has turned out to be quite enjoyable…

12 years ago

I look forward to trying out the game but I've heard from everyone that it has an average at best storyline and when it comes to RPGs I really look forward to that aspect of the game.

Heartless Angel
Heartless Angel
12 years ago

I love FFXII. Sinked almost a 1000 hrs into that but "enix", focus! Finish the damn Versus XIII, we the fans are tired of these little detours, FFXIII-2 and other upcoming FF game rumors.

12 years ago

Maybe the western dev can better capture japanese style gaming.

12 years ago

oh f*ck no come on $E we NEED a new dues ex title!!!!!!!!!
speaking of a new deus ex title theres a few rumours that it is in development at eidos montreal but its for next gen systems so we wont see it for a while.
and that warren spector is actually returning for it!
id be interesting, in a recent interview he did say that he has a few ideas for a new deus ex game and that he would love to work on it.
who knows maybe after epic mickey 2 is finished he will ship back to game that made his career!
one can hope.

back on topic, whats with asians and their obsession with getting westerners to create their games this gen!?
jesus tap dancing christ, next were going to hear MGS 5 is being developed by infinity ward!
and pokemon is being made by bioware!
god help us!

Last edited by ___________ on 5/27/2012 3:39:03 AM

12 years ago

This is by far the most hilarious post on this board.

Right on, brotha!

12 years ago

You, good folk of PSX have very little idea of how much of a smile, this news brings to my face!

12 was. Oh, so many things. Creative, sublime, tasteful, colorful, hard (at times), vast, quirky, THE MOOGLES ONLY MADE SOUNDS DAMN IT, NOT LANGUAGE! oh and Balthier absolutely is the boss! As well as accompanied by the beautiful Vierra worrior. Damn, I know she is a game character but that physique was…*salivating*

To cut the corners. The battle was a natural step forward for a Turn-Based-Battle-Mechanic of an RPG. You move around, but, when prompted with battle, you still must wait for, yeah, you guessed it – YOUR TURN! It's wonderful!

So, I hope all you calling it MMO-like can go out of your way and actually play an MMO before comparing a rather fresh approach to a battle-mech that is clearly ingenious and very Final Fantasy oriented to something that requires you to…press the left key of a mouse?

PS3 release this, no?

12 years ago

I understand that some need a engrossing story line and need to be put on a moderate one way track to play an rpg,like FF. But I love the to make my OWN story. Its why I love mmorpgs,like Dark Age of Camelot,and others. If I wanted to read a book I would.

Playing Final fantasy for instance. WHy even have levels? The story lines don't show how you grow and why you must get stronger. They just go from point a to b to stop the enemy. Leveling is just an after thought.

I like to see the results of my "growing". The more monsters I kill the more levels and stronger I get. Then I can come back and kill a mob that I could not earlier because I am stronger and saved to get some better armors. You dont see THAT in the story line. You just see a girl in hot pants killing legions of automated gun toting soldiers with nothing but wink, a dance move, and a gun sword. That is not a good tough rpg to me. That is effiminate crap is what that is.

But not only that. Whenever there is a sequel to an RPG that features the same main character as the previous game, that character will always start with beginner skills. Everything that they learned in the previous game will be gone, as will all their ultra-powerful weapons and equipment. WTF is up with that? It's stupid.

In the actions rpgs, it is even better. You still level up for more strength and better armors, but you use skill alot more as you actually have to fight instead of the old rpg standard eeer, I forgot the name of the system.

To each his own though.

Last edited by ethird1 on 5/27/2012 6:03:42 AM

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