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First Two Uncharted Titles Hit The Digital Realm On June 26

There's no chance you haven't already played two of the best games of the generation. None whatsoever. Right?

Well, if you've been kicking yourself for missing out and are late to the party, have no fear: Both Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves are headed to the digital land of the PlayStation Store.

As revealed at the PlayStation Blog , both amazing titles will be available to download on June 26. The cool part is that you'll be downloading the Game of the Year Edition for Uncharted 2 , and don't forget that all of the DLC for the second title is – wait for it – free . So you can grab all the following absolutely free of charge:

Personally, I enjoy having both these games in my physical library, but hey, times are changing. Besides, too many people missed out on the first Uncharted (not enough gamers had the PS3 back in 2007), and they can play catch-up now.

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12 years ago

I've got all of them so no need but I wonder what they are charging. Also, is it just me or is PSN adding a lot of full titles for download lately? It's good to have the option, but it makes me a little nervous.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

It was part of Sonys plan because they are loosing money, 4 times in a row, yearly.

12 years ago

I wouldn't be nervous – as long as there's a market for physical games, they'll provide them. Companies like making money and all that :). But I would expect things to move more towards digital provision of software over the longer term, not unlike the PC at the moment.

12 years ago

Killa, take a look at their financial reports, Sony's not losing money on games, they are losing it on TVs and tax credits though…

12 years ago

I might buy the U1 because I really had a blast and I no longer own it.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

As soon uncharted 3 goty is announced, ill buy uncharted1/2 pack and uncharted 3 goty. Ive only ever played uc2.

12 years ago

Cool, well, until PS3's HDD's come stock with TB's worth of data I think I'll keep big BD sized games on a disk.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 5/22/2012 9:55:41 PM

12 years ago

Ha, even my own 1T PS3 is already down to a little over 600GB's, and only in about 6 months time.

12 years ago

When comes to two great games like these, I rather have a physical copy. I'd say no more than 20 bucks for U1 and no more than 30 bucks for U2 just cause it has the xtra DLC.

12 years ago

Hmmm, i already have all 3 Uncharted game discs, but its a nice option though for those who didn't play the first two

12 years ago

However the question is: Who on earth hasn't? 😀

12 years ago

Omg Omg , two more overpriced ps3 games in psn .Can t wait .

Seriously , they really need to sell them for less . They are pretty much always 1O-2O more then normal in store price .

With some hope U2 will be fair priced thx to all dlc for free , well somewhat free .

12 years ago

I wouldn't say that I picked up Hot Shots Golf for PS3 off PSN with all the bonus content for a sweet price.

To be honest, I would actually repurchase one or two more games I already have on disc, just to have them on my HDD, and so that I can give the disc to my son. Makes it much easier not having to fight over the game disc, or find it once he's 'lost' it…

12 years ago

that is if you live in the states of course!
sigh, typical $ony giving EU the finger YET AGAIN!
cant see these doing very well though too expensive and if i remember right the first used a full bluray disk so its 25GBs, and uncharted 2 used a full dual layer disk so its 50!
who has 75GBs to waste downloading 2 games?
and god how long would it take!?
took me 3 hours to download the spec ops demo last week so i dont want to imagine how long this would take!

12 years ago

lol, I doubt that will be a problem, they will compress all of the things they need to, but did not on the BluRay release.

12 years ago

of course, but you can only compress things so much.
most ps3 games release at 15GBs or so and they end up on PSN after compression around 10GBs.
1 would be ok but no way in hell there going to compress 2 enough for many to be able to download it!

12 years ago

I had the PS3 back when the original Uncharted game released, but at the time, I thought it was just a Lara Croft ripoff, except, without the super hot female character.

Then, when Uncharted 2 came out, I had more of an interest in it, but decided to hold off, as I wanted to first purchase the original game before jumping into the second. Sadly, I never did buy the original.

So, the first Uncharted game I have ever played was Uncharted: Golden Abyss for the PlayStation Vita, and now that I've experienced the epic adventure for myself, I want more. I just can't get enough.
But, sadly, my PS3 is fried, and I'm too cheap to buy a new slim model, as I had the original 80 GB.

Now that the first two Uncharted games are in digital format, the light at the end of the Vita tunnel is shining bright, as there's now a better than good chance that they will eventually be released for the PlayStation Vita, and if or when it does, you can expect that I will be among the first to pick up my copy.

12 years ago

dude, theres a fat chance that the ps4 will be able to play ps3 games let alone the vita!
in other words if you really want to play them save your pennies there never coming to the vita!

12 years ago

PS4 is a mystery until it arrives. For now, there is as much reason to suppose it will be x86 based as there is to believe that it will be Power7 or Cell derivative based. We simply don't know, and those that do know are not telling.

12 years ago

backwards compatibility has nothing to do with what architecture it uses.
ok yes it has everything to do with it, but my point is it can have exactly the same architecture as the ps3 but still may not have BC compatibility.
$ony always removes it, so even if the ps4 has similar architecture, which i hope they do its a waste spending all that money and time devs have spent to throw it away.
however $ony and BC have never been friends so whats stopping the ps4 from continuing the relationship?
i hope we do have it but i doubt we will simply judging on previous experiences.

i seriously doubt the ps4 will have similar architecture though im expecting a much more PC like system simply because it makes it so much easier to build games for, and oh so much easier in the port department!
the ps3 has had so many headaches because of this, and STILL is!
not to mention its lost out on so many games because of its difficulty to port games to.
plus the vita is much more conventional so that leads me to believe systems from now on will be.
not to mention the only reason why playstation systems were so exotic was because father ken, a engineer was the higher up in the company.
now that hes gone you have money heads instead of tech heads.
exactly why have always said the departure of father ken would be the destruction of the company!
and sadly i was right.

12 years ago

If we take Vita as a guide, then PS4 will be an ARM based system with many cores.

12 years ago

ARM is what allot of phones these days use, and if i remember right doesent the 3DS use it too?
apple popularised it and ever since that its popped up in every mobile device.
exactly why i find it so hard to believe the ps4 will be using cell or similar architecture when other systems released are straying away from the exotics in favour of conventional methods.

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