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Sorcery: Move’s Shining Moment, Or A Sinking Realization?

The review embargo is up for Sorcery , so you'll start seeing reviews probably within a matter of hours. Expect PSXE's to go live tomorrow night.

Now, without giving anything away and without making any allusion to the game's quality or its content (as that would be breaking embargo rules), the following question is viable and significant:

Is this the Move's Waterloo or is it the one title that Sony's motion sensing accessory needs?

It's strange to think that one game could have such a drastic impact, but consider the facts- Sorcery was one of the first games unveiled for Move, and a great many will tell you they bought the motion-based peripheral with Sorcery at the top of their "must-have list." Many others have said they'll wait to see what Sorcery is like before investing in Move. Either way, that's a great many gamers who are looking to this one title almost as if it will define the future…

Although there are plenty of Move-compatible games for the PS3, it's no secret that we haven't really seen a AAA title specifically made to show off Move's prodigious technological capabilities. It works fine with most shooters (provided you fiddle with the settings enough and you've got something like the SharpShooter accessory) and some sports games, but if I'm still mostly using Move to play Sports Champions , that's a concerning statement. I'm hardly the only one who will say the same and for many who bought Move, their nifty motion controllers are gathering dust.

But if Sorcery hits big, if it shows how and why Move is a superior mechanic to what we find on the Wii, and what Microsoft has in Kinect, this could be huge for Sony. If the game drags down big scores and widespread, consistent critical acclaim, it could very likely spur Move sales. It could also very well amp up interest in the future, as gamers finally have the verifiable proof they require. If it does the opposite and tanks, I'm afraid the seemingly waning interest in Move will only continue, to the point where it's just not talked about anymore. As is the case with anything, great, defining software is required. It's the #1 critical element.

So this is probably more important than most people have realized. Sorcery really appears to be a sink or swim situation for Move.

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12 years ago

dont forget tumble! that was a great game for the move. it might not have been a big AAA game but it was still good at showing off what it could do.

as for sorcery i am really excited to find out how it does. i dont use my move much but i do want to pick this up and try it out. i hope it scores highly.

12 years ago

Sorcery will be the death rattle of Move whether it succeeds or not.

12 years ago

I love the move and still use it fairly regularly, but from what I've seen of this game so far, I get the feeling it isn't going to be enough to convince people that the move is designed for both casual and hard core gamers.

If I had a kid, I might look at getting this game, but I don't think it's for me…I'd like to see a game like red dead or something along those lines that incorporates the move in a quick draw showdowns or something like that. Or even take the sword fighting and archery from the Action sports game and incorporate it into a skyrim type world, you could even still cast spells.. I'm probably asking to much as I feel that as much potential the move has…it's not something that is really being supported to it's full capabilities.

Sony almost needs to hire a studio that focuses on making premium move titles. And market the crap out of it alongside the wii and kinect…

12 years ago

I see the game as an excellent use of the Move accessory but as a game just another average experience. Games designed around motion controls pale in comparison to regular games in terms of quality.

12 years ago

I think you are right. Hopefully this game can sway that decision though, that controllers and keyboards always will take precedence.

…even though they will.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 5/21/2012 11:06:36 PM

12 years ago

Anyone know when it will show up on PSN?

12 years ago

It looks like it will be a decent game but I can't see it being a big seller. Sony has no advertisements for it, know one will know or care about it. Kinect Star Wars had good advertisements despite being a below average game and I think in the end Sorcery will be the better game. To be honest sony need to step there advertising for all games/hardware.

12 years ago

Your right I haven't seen anything for Sorcery in advertising. With their restructuring they may be taking a break on advertising to catch up. Who knows, it doesn't make sense.

12 years ago

Amazon just charged my credit card! So I'm really exited!

12 years ago

Really? I'd be a tad worried.

… xD

12 years ago

I been waiting 2 years for this game, so I can't wait to pick it up tomorrow.

12 years ago

As a grumpy old Move owner I gotta say:
I doubt one single game can make such a huge difference. We've already been shown the potential as well as the limitations of Move with those launch demos, in particular with Sports Champions.

There *could* have been more games released that simply built upon the foundation set by those titles. But there hasn't. Not a single serious developer has picked it up and said, "hey, this thing is pretty cool. Let's see what we can make of it". Not even the indie scene seem to care, none has come up with some small gem that'd be perfect for a Move controller. Not one. You can't fight that.

As far as I am concerned Move is already long gone. I just hope I can get one – just ONE more game that will make me enjoy Move like I did with Sports Champions, and I'll call it quits.

Last edited by Beamboom on 5/22/2012 12:49:01 AM

12 years ago

Datura was an Indie Move game – although heard it was pretty hit-and-miss with implementation. Under Siege was another Move game that used it very well.

Last edited by Axe99 on 5/22/2012 3:05:37 AM

12 years ago

There has been a few releases yes. They do exist. But Datura has a meta of 57%. Under siege has a meta of 70%. It's hardly what I spend my money on, Move or not.

12 years ago

the only use for a move is as an attachment for the sharpshooter (rather than vice versa …) The sharpshooter is a ton of fun to play Killzone 3 and Resistance 3 (campaigns – don't think about going against a DualShock online) and if Zipper had made an effort Socom4 might have been fun – sadly …
Downloaded house of the dead so will have an excuse to dust off my trusty sharpshooter once more.

sorcery? looks like a kids game to be honest – Wii like almost

12 years ago

While I think the Move is excellent for what it is, and has surpassed my expectations for it, I also think Ben's article is on the money. For the Move to be any more than a niche peripheral, a la racing wheels and flight sticks, it needs some big games to make it stand out. However, just like the limitations of touchscreen gaming on tablets and smartphones, the Move only suits particular types of experiences, and I don't know whether those experiences lend themselves to a AAA title in the sense that we've come to understand it.

12 years ago

Move who? That was a waste of my money. I tried with it… I really did. It's just not seamless to me. Endlessly having to calibrate height, etc is frustrating to me. Standing in the right spot requires me to shuffle furniture around in my living room. The cord for the camera left me trying to Velcro the camera's base to counteract the rigid cord. I'm done! Give me a controller for my hands and split what you get for my Move on Ebay with me.

It's not that the tech isn't great. It's not that wand's color may cause some to question my sexuality. I'm just not having the experience worth the hassle. Sprawled out on a couch with a controller seems just my speed!

"Don't forget tumble!"

Are you kidding me?! What happened to "hardcore" players? Compatibility with preexisting games isn't what I'm looking for. If it boils down to it, a game with controller support will see it used. Build me a game that's meant for Move and will entertain the daylights out of me if they'll build something at all.

It just hasn't happened for Move. To think; I could have (should have?) bought 2/3 games I wanted to add onto the to-do list.

12 years ago

well according to the reviews its closer to the stinking realization.
not been getting favourable reviews at all!
such a shame the E3 reveal demo looked so freaking awesome!!!!!
way to turn a gem into a piece of sh*t $ony!
they have the midas touch everything they touch turns to sh*t!
why do they consist that move games have to be for 6 year olds?
first they took 4 beloved famous playstation mascots and created that crap playstation move heroes!
than they took one of playstations most beloved heroes ape escape and turned that into a crappy 4 year olds mini game!
than they took the concept of one of playstations greatest franchises medievil and turned that into a crappy 6 year olds hell, and now this!
$ony, when will you get it?
chrst, i thought they would of got that through their thick skulls by now!
this is playstation not f*cking nintendo so stop trying to act like them!
your NEVER going to steal their market share, so stop trying!

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Seems like Sony is squandering an opportunity to hit it big with a trio of Move games in a very short span of time. Datura (which by all accounts is a flawed execution of brilliant ideas), Sorcery (which early reviews paint as a good game, but short and derivative [and yet FPS games get a free pass, go figure] Sorry), and Pixeljunk 4AM (which could be absolutely brilliant). Unfortunately, none are getting the advert cover they need to take off.

Sony have definitely slipped with the Move. Zindagi is probably working on a follow up to Deadmund's Quest, but I can't think of any other big titles that could be on the horizon. Well… Sony London is supposed to have a "character-driven AAA action" title in development for it, but one game isn't enough. They need to have a strong showing for both Move and Vita at E3 and still give core PS3 gamers enough to sate them. It's a tall order…

Incidentally, Ben, will you be reviewing Pixeljunk 4AM? Obviously I won't be getting it, but I am intrigued by the concept and how it will be received, given that it's not really a game.

12 years ago

They've had a very long time to release at least one single must have game, and judging from the reviews, this isn't it. I've officially given up on the move.

12 years ago

i dont think ive met a single person in life who has played disc golf on sports champions and hasnt loved it.

why not make that a stand alone game, with amazing HD graphics, tons of 18 hole, 72 par courses, characters that you could use the camera to capture your face and scan it onto your player, a boat load of clothing and disc options, and then have tournaments, leagues and standings online, with prizes like a month of playstation plus, etc. for low scores.

i mean, its so simple. would anyone NOT play that 5-6 hours a night?

12 years ago

Personally I thought disc golf was the most annoying and boring game in Sports Champions. Table tennis and the Gladiator duel was a lot more fun, and IMO especially the Gladiator games could make for a lot better full game experiences.

12 years ago

It's an okay game, just not meaty enough.
Ultimately Move may be fun but it's still a gimmick like Kinect and Wii. (Both of which also had their day in the sun and are now ignored)

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