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“Very Cool Blend Of PAYDAY And Left 4 Dead” Incoming

PAYDAY: The Heist is an invigorating multiplayer-oriented shooter that proves that big things can reside in smaller digital packages.

It might be the closest thing to "Heat" in a video game, as players attempt to pull high-risk bank jobs, all the while gunning down the pesky authorities and even – during multiplayer – turning on their allies for a bigger personal payday. The cool part is that it's about to get even better.

Overkill game director Ulf Andersson has revealed that the team will be collaborating with Left 4 Dead designer, Valve:

"As perceptive gamers will have noticed, several hints have recently been dropped into PAYDAY The Heist, which has led to various rumors. We are excited to be able to confirm that an in-depth collaboration between OVERKILL and Valve is currently in production.

We are working on a very cool blend of PAYDAY and Left 4 Dead. I am sure it is so exciting that it will have some players check into the hospital before we are done."

Well now, let's not find ourselves in the hospital. Still, it sounds like a damn good idea; does this mean we're getting zombies in PAYDAY ? Zombies robbing banks is some sort of next-level insanity that might just work… And remember, the undead foes in L4D were anything but slow, so we don't have to go shuffling through the bank like a bunch of…um…zombies.

Related Game(s): PAYDAY: The Heist

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12 years ago

It would be cool if you where trying to pull off one of the heists in Payday then the LD4 zombies started rushing in changing it into a Left 4 Dead level. If its an expansion I hope its for LD42 because I don't have Payday or I would a standalone game.

12 years ago

I hope it's a standalone game. Something new with their collaborative efforts. I've always wanted to play L4D but it's not a system seller to me so I'm not about to go out and purchase a 360 for it. But this could mean I get some mixtures from both games, and an effort from two talented dev teams.

12 years ago

Well, you could get it on PC (through Steam). It's better on there anyway. It's the type of game that's best played with the keyboard and mouse setup. Very fast paced. Still has a strong community of players. It never gets boring. No need for a 360.

12 years ago

…and that's true but my PC would be terrible for games. And I've only really ever enjoyed Baldurs Gate on PC. Never been into PC gaming.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 5/21/2012 5:56:41 PM

12 years ago

Hmm a game about going into large places with supplies (stores, pharmacies, hospitals, gas stations, gun stores) or for a rescue and having to search for who or what items you may need in places that are also densely populated with zombies? Maybe they can randomize the places where the items or people will be to keep the pace on the frantic side? Thats just my guess though. I haven't played Payday and I will admit to only having a few chances to play Left 4 Dead on a friend's pc. Isin't Payday more about holding/defending the fort and L4D more about making your way through to the end? That makes me wonder just what will come out from this collaboration. Whatever happens hopefully PC and console gamers will be able to play together since Valve is helping and made that possible with Portal 2

12 years ago

i wish they would do a game like heist.
i was looking forward to that so much till it got canned!
the agency was looking really sweet too till that got canned too!
i cant believe we have not had a game based on some of histories biggest bank heists.
i mean come on where could you get a better story and gameplay platform than history itself!?
who does not want to play out the life of the infamous bony and clide?

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