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Mirror’s Edge 2, Bad Company 3 Pop Up On Resumes/CVs

There are two names a great many gamers wouldn't mind seeing again: Mirror's Edge and Bad Company .

The good news is that new installments in both franchises have been spotted on some online resumes and CVs, as reported by GamerZines .

One example is that of a former EA software engineer, who says he worked on Mirror's Edge 2 between July and August 2009, generating "the wandering of crowd systems within the Unreal 3 Engine." Another ex-EA staffer says he created "new gadget and interactive features" for the sequel, along with leaderboards and a mini-game within the campaign's story. It may not be coincidental that in June 2009, EA Games Europe vice president Patrick Soderlund told everyone that we'll "see another Mirror's Edge for sure."

As for Bad Company 3 , that title showed up on the resume of someone who "provided video game prototype, design, and demo feedback on various AAA titles including Battlefield: Bad Company 3 , Dead Space 2 , Devil May Cry 5 , and other unannounced titles." This happened between 2009 and 2011 and with Dead Space 2 on store shelves and the DMC reboot in the works at Ninja Theory, it all sounds plausible.

For the record, Bad Company 2 launched in March 2010 to widespread critical acclaim, and then EA and DICE turned their attention to Battlefield 3 . With that out late last year, wouldn't it make sense that they go back to Bad Company …? Guess we'll have to wait for the official word, but we really would love that Mirror's Edge sequel.

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12 years ago

I loved Mirror's Edge. A bit on the short side, but there was a lot of replayability and it really felt rewarding when you could pull off some of the advanced stunts. Using what they've learned from the first game, I can only imagine how awesome a sequel would be. I await more information with bated breath.

12 years ago

I'm gonna get me a bottle of something in anticipation of a Mirrors Edge 2 reveal at E3 maybe? I say that every year but this news gives me a good feeling that this will be the year. Fingers crossed.

12 years ago

Just don't drink it right before you play it. *mimics vertigo*

12 years ago

Getting dizzy just thinking about it.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Yes. Mirror's Edge, despite being flawed, was a good game. I sometimes regret trading it in. Would definitely be interested in a sequel, but you'd think they'd have moved on from Unreal, given Frostbite 2.0 is all the rage for EA now. That means a complete reworking for the game since 2010 at the earliest and I'm not really hopeful to see it anytime soon, especially if they're working on Bad Company 3 alongside it for a release at the end of next year…

12 years ago

That's a series that could do amazing things as long as it stays away from giving guns any extra presence or multiplayer.

12 years ago

I agree about the guns. And I would prefer that they kept away from multiplayer too, but, what if the speed runs that you have with the first game had the option of multiplayer with you and one other person, different routes across the city roof tops, all the obstacles in the way and you've to try deliver a package to the other end of the map. Just saying, there are ways they could probably make a cool mp experience if they really feel they need to add it. But I'm still all for them not doing it.

12 years ago

Yeah I didn't think of that, I guess when it comes to MP it's usually "KILL KILL!". Maybe they could integrate races in some way, but without the constant murder option I don't think it would be popular and thus that tiny DVD space would be better spent elsewhere. I wouldn't hold it against them if it is included though.

12 years ago

what i really cant understand is why are people doing this?
i mean in any other industry, if a actor was to put on his linkedin profile that he was working on say a matrix sequel he would be fired so fast his head would create its own gravitational field!
games industry though, well, this has been happening for years and its showing no sign of stopping!
maybe companies need to start handing out pink slips before the message starts to sink in!

12 years ago

I would definitely pick up Mirrors Edge 2 first day, as the first one was a really great concept that flew in the faces of most developers showing that guns don'thave to be the focus of a game.

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