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Pre-Order Absolution, Play The Hitman: Sniper Challenge

Now see, that's a pre-order incentive: We'll give you the deposit now, and you'll actually let us play something before the game comes out. Nifty.

Firstly, Square Enix has announced that Hitman: Absolution will launch for the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC on November 20. That means yet another high-profile title has been penciled into the always crazy autumn.

Secondly, they've announced a downloadable, standalone experience entitled Hitman: Sniper Challenge , which is the pre-order bonus for Absolution . This is actually available next week, May 15, for consoles, although PC gamers have to wait until August 1. It's basically separate content that we can all enjoy while waiting for the full game to arrive; it's an assassination mission where Agent 47 must eliminate a weapons company executive and all his bodyguards.

Upon completing the mission, you will unlock the Silenced Agency Kazo TRG for use in the full Hitman adventure set for November. Plus it'll give you access to "a further 12 weapon techniques." I'm not entirely sure what "weapon techniques" are, but I'd sure like to find out.

Related Game(s): Hitman: Absolution

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12 years ago

Ben, is the pre-order incentive specifically geared towards a particular retailer or is it a universal pre-order bonus? I believe I pre-ordered it already from Gamestop

12 years ago

gamestop exclusive.

12 years ago

I was going to ask the same thing. It seems to be a GameStop exclusive, which I think is unfortunate, but still a great pre-order incentive overall.

12 years ago

Can't I just pre-order it, get it, then cancel?

Shareware is back my friends.

12 years ago

dunno about anywhere else but here you wont get the code till its fully paid off, and once you do that you cannot cancel your order to stop people from doing things like this.

12 years ago

I do all my business at Amazon

12 years ago

So awesome, it comes out on my birthday!

12 years ago

shame its exclusive to gamestop.
now thats seriously lame $E, come on why should your fans miss out on such a awesome bonus because they dont have a gamestop nearby?
way to say thank you for buying our game!
god i hate publishers……..

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