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The Amazing Spider-Man: Play As RHINO Or Stan Lee

If you're a fan of the web-slinging superhero, you're probably planning to see the new movie. And if you've got faith in developer Beenox – and you probably should, given recent efforts – you might want the game, too.

Today, Activision Publishing has announced the pre-order incentives for The Amazing Spider-Man , which is set to launch on June 26 (one week before the film's theatrical release on July 3). This free-roaming adventure set in Manhattan serves as an epilogue to the movie…so shouldn't it come out after ? Well, whatever.

We have high hopes for the game and the retailer-specific pre-order incentives aren't too shabby. We like any bonus that gives us extra gameplay, after all. If you put your deposit down at GameStop, you'll receive the exclusive Rhino Challenge, which lets you play as the genetically engineered villain, RHINO. Unsurprisingly, you'll rampage through the city, feeling the formidable power and unleashing huge combos on just about everything in sight. This offer is for a limited time only, though, so strike while the iron's hot.

If you'd rather pre-order with Amazon, you'll get to play as – wait for it – comic legend Stan Lee. That's right, the iconic superhero creator will be playable for the first time ever in a video game; Stan "The Man" Lee will have his own special mission and he'll borrow abilities from Spider-Man so he can move about faster. Stan will even have his trademark "witty banter" that his fans so well recognize. Remember, this year marks Spider-Man's 50th anniversary! Yep, he's old.

Okay, so who do you want? RHINO or Stan Lee?

Related Game(s): The Amazing Spider-Man

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12 years ago

Would I be hoping for too much I had expectation for this to at least be as good as Spider-Man 2 game?

12 years ago

lets just hope there is not some stupid kid crying about his lost balloon this time. id like to go punch the guy that made that mission in the face.

12 years ago

Yeah that mission got to be be a pain in the ass, it was just so repetitive lol, I also remember how in the 1st Spider-man movie how fun it was to play as the green goblin.

12 years ago

Yeah that mission got to be be a pain in the ass, it was just so repetitive lol, I also remember how in the 1st Spider-man movie how fun it was to play as the green goblin.

12 years ago

while both sound fun to play as i doubt i will preorder this game. i for sure would not be doing it at gamestop so it would end up being amazon. since it is an activision game i probably will not buy it anyway. guess i will have to wait for reviews to see how it turns out. im hoping it is good.

12 years ago

To Amazon!!

…or wait for the price drops and pay $3 for the "exclusive" DLC. That works, too.

12 years ago

I'll get it when I see the reviews and it's on the cheap. Hopefully the new movie does well. I'm hoping that it's better than the Rami trilogy.

12 years ago

@Chosen: Dude, they weren't that great. Especially 3.

12 years ago

Nope didn't like them as much as I had hoped. Let's go through my main reasons why not:

1. No web-shooters
2. Kirstin Dunst was just terrible
3. Used Venom after he said he didn't like the character and had no plans on using him. Then just decided to throw him in 3
4. 3rd movie was just plain awful. Parker singing, need I say more?

12 years ago

True fans know that spiderman 3 suck. Spiderman needs the reboot.

12 years ago

Friendly advice: Caps lock and walls of text are bad 🙂

12 years ago

Chosen is obviously not a fan of the comics if he thinks the Maquire films were good Spidey movies. Oh, and he is obviously a bit unstable encouraging murder and all that. My my…

12 years ago

Shhh. Use your indoor voice…

12 years ago

Spiderman is one of the few superheroes I like, it's so weird to get a reboot so fast though ya know? I always meant to get to Shattered Dimensions but there's so many games out ya know? Anyway, hope this is a better movie tie in game than some previous. 2 really was cool, and 3 wasn't bad either.

12 years ago

I'm afraid I don't understand what you're talking about.

12 years ago

try decaf

12 years ago

I love how much your personality kills your otherwise valid arguments.

12 years ago


12 years ago

i really hope this turns out good!
i really miss the spiderman games from the ps1, the first 2 were absolutely freaking awesome!
ive played the final boss battle against doc oc so many times its literally printed into my brain!
then 3 and all the spin offs sucked donkey balls!
please antivision, please for the love of god stop raping one of the best comic book heroes of all time!

i wish they would put raven software back on xmen get them to do a stand alone xmen game staring all the characters.
origins is still one of the best super hero games ever made!
buggy, and ugly as hell, but also so much bloody fun!

Last edited by ___________ on 5/10/2012 5:15:24 AM

12 years ago

Haha – easy: Stan Lee ftw!
I hope hope HOPE this game will be good. The Marvel fan in me never quits hoping.

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