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Family Guy: Back To The Multiverse Set For “Gaming Consoles”

There are just too many lines from the show that would help to introduce this news…so pick one of your favorites.

Today, Activision and Twentieth Century Fox have announced Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse , which is coming gaming consoles this fall. They didn't specify which consoles are targeted, but we can probably form an educated guess.

This adventure is inspired by the episode with the same title, which came to TV in 2009; Stewie and Brian use a remote control to travel to parallel universes, which include The Flintstones and Disney environments. We don't have any other details at this point, but we're hoping it turns out a little better than 2006's Family Guy effort, which was mildly entertaining but certainly far from being a top-quality game. It was kinda funny, though.

There's also Family Guy Online , which is a free-to-play PC title that is in beta testing for the time being. So obviously, Activision wants to build on the success of the uber-popular TV series, and we'd like to think a new Griffin adventure could be pretty funny and worth our time.

Related Game(s): Family Guy: Back to the Multiverse

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12 years ago

Given this is based on, in my opinion, the last great episode of this series, I have some hope it could turn out well. Though in order to pull it off, they'll need to care about more than capitalizing off the popularity of the show, and given it's a licensed game published by Activision, I have my doubts.

12 years ago

This should sell best on 360, by a lot. Just saying.


12 years ago

This is gonna be "freakin' sweet".

12 years ago

"This adventure is inspired by the episode with the same title, which came to TV in 2009; Stewie and Brian use a remote control to travel to parallel universes, which include The Flintstones and Disney environments."

Ahh, one of my favorite episodes! Wonder how it'll be executed, though!? Who are the writers for the game? If it's not anyone on the actual Family Guy team, that sort of ruins it for me.

12 years ago

That episode was indeed fantastic.

And it's on NETFLIX right now for anyone that wants to see it!

12 years ago

I don't think i saw that one.

12 years ago

the one where they end up going back in time to find his real father?
family guy died for me when it got canned for that controversial few episode.
first 3 series were really funny, after that it just became really outdrawn and, well, frustrating.
every joke goes on for 20 minutes too long, like the episode where peter brings in a frog and its dead so he spends the next 10 minutes fumbling with it to throw it out the window.
or you have the plain boring episodes like where they end up going to the north pole to kill santa.
not a single thing thats funny in that episode!

as for the game, well, its made by antivision.
and its a game based on a TV series, a TV series which is pretty crap now.
so yeah does not take a genius to predict how this is going to turn out.

12 years ago

No, you have the wrong episode in mind.

That north pole to kill santa episode was amazing. Even the jokes about Canadians were hilarious!

Last edited by Underdog15 on 5/10/2012 2:07:58 PM

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