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Sorcery Development Diary: Move Spells Dynamic Fun

May has a couple good games for PlayStation 3 owners: Starhawk drops this week and Sorcery finally hits on May 22.

What many assume to be the "killer app" for PlayStation Move has been further revealed thanks to a new developer diary, which debuted at the PlayStation Blog .

This is only the first in a four-part series, so be sure to catch all the subsequent installments. Here, they talk about how all those involved – artists, engineers and designers – created the game to take full advantage of Sony's motion sensing peripheral. The game offers "a completely original spell-casting experience," and one must utilize "creative thinking and quick reflexes" to be successful. Check it out:

This right here is the reason many bought Move. Let's hope it delivers.

Related Game(s): Sorcery

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12 years ago

I gotta to go preorder this game asap. This game was the #1 reason I brought the move controllers.

12 years ago

Totally agree! This game looks very promising.

12 years ago

Looks down right nasty! (nasty is a good thing) I remember sitting at home watching them play the demo at E3 a few years back. I have been waiting for this game to go buy a move.
My fiance isnt into videogames very much anymore (she was big into them back when PS/PS2 were around) and she loves Harry Potter. She would go nutz for this game. This game is a day 1 and I would bet they will have a bundle for the move as well.

12 years ago

Too little, too late to convince me to get a Move.

12 years ago

… However, for those of us who took the bait back then and bought the hype, this is the tiny little glimpse of hope is what we have been begging for ever since we got tired of Sports Champions.

Looks extremely linear though. But I guess, ironically, it has to be that way with Move.

Last edited by Beamboom on 5/7/2012 4:15:43 AM

12 years ago

I'm waiting on reviews, but the game looks pretty cool. I already have Move controllers so if the game is good, I'll have an excuse to use them.

12 years ago

im really disappointed by this!
it looks so different to what it did when they showed it at E3.
the original looked so dark and gritty it looked like harry pot head mixed with a dark tone and story of LOTR.
i really liked it!
now it looks like harry pot head meets sesemy street!

come on $ony havent you turned enough games into crappy kids games?
medievil moves deadmunds quest, ape escape and playstation move heroes were bad enough!
stop trying to be ninty!

12 years ago

Awesome, I can't wait to get this game.

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