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MLB 2K12 Perfect Game Challenge Tainted By Cheating?

It's a fantastic marketing ploy but oh lord…what a gigantically glaring loophole.

As some of you already know, 2K Sports has taken to holding a Perfect Game Challenge for each new entry of their MLB 2K franchise (it started last year and was in place for this year's installment). The winner gets a million bucks.

But according to Kotaku , one contestant claims that one of the final 8 contestants in the Challenge – who is now headed to New York for a shot at the cool $1 million – cheated. The qualifying is over and the Perfect Game Challenge mode has been removed so this can't be replicated, but it seems contestants were able to fiddle with the starting lineups of the opposing team.

The official rules only state that you can't substitute the pitcher, and one would assume you can't gimp the opposing team by removing their best hitters. But that didn't appear in the official rules, so the person accused of cheating says he did nothing wrong. But it seems clear he did it; screenshots of the following text conversation appear to confirm it:

"bro … i just took braun/ramirez/hart out of game lol."

This means qualifier William Haff took out the heart of Milwaukee's order; Ryan Braun, Amaris Ramirez, and Corey Hart, before tossing his perfect game. …and that's just lame.

Related Game(s): MLB 2K12

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12 years ago

Now 2k sports learned the hard way. That is exactly why is very important to make a very extent set of clear rules. And I suppose that the participant is right (if the rules doesn't cover that up, I don't know them…), that was not against the rules, so if 2k wants to void the challenge or him from it, he could, and imho is that "should" sue them.

Last edited by godsdream on 5/4/2012 9:33:46 PM

12 years ago

the guy accusing the other guy did the lineup changes himself, and didnt make the top 8. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Furthermore, the guy being accused didnt do the perfect game with against the brewers, talk about bad reporting he did it against the RedSox with the Twins, and he says he followed the rules, this guy accusing him is just p'o'd he didnt get into the contest by cheating

12 years ago

Not lame, brilliant. He circumvented the system without breaking any rules. The perfect Kobiyashi Maru solution.

12 years ago

I completely agree! It's not cheating if you don't break any rules. This is creative problem solving. I'd hire this guy.

Last edited by Beamboom on 5/5/2012 3:17:09 AM

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Come on. That's appallingly…distant.

Even if he didn't break any rules, that's hardly in the spirit of fair competition. I can see neither of you played many sports when you were younger. 😉

12 years ago

You're right about that Ben I sucked at all the sports so I had to turn to my brain.

The spirit of the game to me is how to outsmart the competition.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 5/5/2012 1:11:06 PM

12 years ago

With a million bucks on the line, how many people do you think would have used this had they known about it? With that kind of cash, I think the spirit of fair competition disappeared a long time ago.

12 years ago


But you would agree that sports actually encourage breaking the rules when it serves your team's purpose!

Look at basketball. Late in a game when down by a couple points, you intentionally foul the other team to get into bonus situation and hope you can save time and limit the points the other team gets.

Or hockey or football. You intentionally commit a penalty or induce a yellow flag to prevent the other team from scoring, because taking the penalty is worth preventing a TD or goal.

Or in soccer, when winning, you waste time by delaying your free kick or throw in when possible.

Tennis doesn't really have that, but that's a prissy boy's sport! *evil laugh* (just kidding, of course!)

All are pretty cheap ploys, but these loopholes exist within the rules. Sports really aren't any different at all, I would argue.

12 years ago

as my physics teacher always said, i cant break the rules but i can bend them as much as i want!
hopefully 2K has learned their lesson, and next time will make sure the rules specifically say what you can and cannot do.

12 years ago

Justin Verlander throws 2 no hitters, wins the Cy Young award and MVP award IN THE SAME SEASON !

And all he had to do was take out the other teams best hitters to throw perfection ? Im sure he's gonna be pissed….

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