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Rockstar’s Multiplayer “Crew” Feature Hitting More Games

If you didn't already know, Rockstar is giving you incentive to work on your online multiplayer "crews" in Max Payne 3 .

The incentive is that these crews will be usable in the multiplayer element of Grand Theft Auto V and according to lead multiplayer designer Charlie Bewsher, this feature will be used elsewhere as well .

Bewsher confirmed that the crews will continue through "GTAV and beyond," although he didn't provide us with any specifics. If you forget, GTAV will be the second title to utilize Rockstar's Social Hub-driven system, which lets players "perpetuate friendships and feuds and rivalries" across multiple games. Said Bewsher:

"The community needs to establish itself and we will of course be entrenched in it, constantly watching and reviewing. That said, with our Crew features and the way all the friendships and feuds and rivalries players create in Max Payne 3 can be transferred over into GTA 5 and beyond, it’s clear that we’ve got big plans for future Rockstar releases."

We're still waiting for Rockstar to announce the new Red Dead (we're 99% certain it's coming), so maybe this feature will somehow be used there…although the differing time periods could pose a problem.

Related Game(s): Max Payne 3 , Grand Theft Auto V

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12 years ago

Sounds interesting….I've never played multiplayer in any game but Max Payne 3 is looking so damn fantastic Im thinking I'll give it a try.

12 years ago

Manhunt 3 please!

12 years ago


12 years ago

keep dreaming!
the media and ratings boards ate that alive back then and they were a hell of allot quieter and more lenient back then!
hell the soccer moms are already trying to get sniper elite v 2 banned for teaching kids how to kill hitler ( like thats a bad thing!?) so i dont want to imagine what they would do to a new manhunt.

12 years ago

love Manhunt. part 1 anyways not so much 2

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
12 years ago

So is this crew feature basically a cross game clan system?
Or does your max payne multiplayer custom character transfer to GTA 5 multiplayer?

12 years ago

Random question Ben: When will we be able to read your reviews on Max Payne 3 and Starhawk? Thanks in advance.

12 years ago

I really wish Rockstar would make another "The Warriors" type game. With combat more focused on street fighting(some of us do get tired of shooting things and casting spells on things all the time). The crew system would be perfect for that game. Imagine a 9vs9 clan fight. The warriors combat system was pretty good, with a few improvements it could be quite a fun thing online. With all the modes it had Free for all, King of the hill, and elimination style team deathmatch, with a couple more modes A warriors type game can be great fun online.

12 years ago

since when do people play R* games for the MP?
i really wish R* would stop wasting their time and money on this BS and stick to the stories!
really pissed to see the R* pass does not contain any SP DLC.
come on, seriously, did i miss a law passing recently that forbids it?
no really?
what happened to the good old fabled expansion pack?
sigh, yet another reason why PC gaming will always be better!

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