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Mass Effect 3 Operation Exorcist Brings Weekend Challenges To PS3

Remember when EA and BioWare said they'd be working on bringing those weekend Multiplayer Challenges for Mass Effect 3 to the PS3?

Well, they're true to their word. BioWare has announced "Operation Exorcist," as detailed at the developer's official website . This event will be the first one available to PS3 owners, and more will follow. In fact, all future Weekend Challenges will be coming to Sony's machine. About time, right?

Apparently, it took some time for Sony to approve this promotion but at least it's done now. Remember, Xbox 360 and PC owners have been enjoying these Challenges since ME3 launched in early March. In Operation Exorcist, players must survive until extraction on any map on Gold difficulty. The other goal is to kill 1,000,000 Cerberus Phantoms between tonight at 6 p.m. PDT and April 30 at 5 p.m. PDT. If you're successful with each goal, you'll nab a Victory Pack and Commendation Pack, so get crackin' on the mass elimination!

See? They delivered…eventually.

Related Game(s): Mass Effect 3

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12 years ago

I already beat a gold and kill 2 phantoms *(^O^)*, 999998 more to go.

12 years ago

That's stupid, this stuff is stupid. Stupid stuff. What do you get if you win the challenge?

12 years ago

You get the Commendation and Victory Packs, as mentioned in the article. I don't know exactly what the packs contain, but they are certainly more multiplayer stuff. I suppose you get to unlock some of the rarer characters, weapons, or equipments from there. Can't say exactly.

Also, if you play ME3's multiplayer, it isn't stupid. If you don't play multiplayer, you didn't lose anything. It's clearly only for those who play the game's multiplayer.

12 years ago

I don't know what those packs are but they sound stupid.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 4/28/2012 2:01:14 AM

12 years ago

The commendation pack includes the N7 weapons, The player well get the N7 Hurricane, N7 Eagle, N7 Valiant, or the N7 Crusader. The details on the Victory pack are sketchy. The only thing I could find on the Mass Effect 3 MP Wiki was the player will receive a special reward.

So it was Sony's approval process that slowed down the N7 special events arrival on the PS3? Sounds like a reasonable explanation. Bioware did say Sony got in the way. Good to see they have worked out their differences and I am pleased that this happened so quickly since we first heard last week that Sony was working with Bioware to bring these special events to PS3 owners.

Zettai and I have been playing Mass Effect 3 almost daily for quite awhile and have had a lot of fun together. Zettai messaged me last night when he heard about the good news. By the way Zettai thank you very much for doing that. We've have never beaten a Gold match together though. I have beaten a Gold match a grand total of two times.

I ran accross an extremely high level player in a Gold match that had an insane 3953 experience points! That's an unbelievable amount. He was an amazing player as well. In a couple of waves three team members died early in the wave. He confidently told us not to worry guys I got this and then managed to finish the waves off by himself.

We were fighting the Geth on Firebase White. Once the three of us were down the player retreated to the small room downstairs and took cover in the corner. He took down countless Geth with the special reach over the wall melee that yanks the enemy over the wall to you and slams them to ground for and instant kill for a ton of points. That particular melee attack does not work on Geth Primes but it does work on every other Geth.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 4/28/2012 5:26:11 AM

12 years ago

okay people need to not take me seriously.

12 years ago

Excelsior: You've been ignoring my invites last night, you prat! LOL Just kidding.

I only played a bit last night as I felt sleepy very early. Got home two hours after work, watched the latest episode of Fringe for the third time in the same day (LOL), and finally played ME3 online. I think I only played four or five rounds before calling it a day.

I'll try to play more later this evening if I get to resist the very strong urge to watch The Avangers after work. It's been showing here since Thursday. Haha!

12 years ago

And I forgot to comment about the thing your 3000+ player did when you finished Gold. Yes, I've been able to finish Silver with just one other player on that same map, fighting the same enemy, by doing the exact same thing.

The Primes can be dealt with quite easily as long as you camp on that spot you were referring to. All the other Geth enemies can be killed by doing a grab. The Geth don't throw grenades, so that makes things really easy. We can try that later on Gold if you want (and if you won't ignore my invites). LOL

12 years ago

which ever pack you get for beating gold, thats the one pack i wont
be winning. i think the same can be said about killing 1 million phantoms.

good luck to those who try and have fun.

12 years ago

Nah killing 1 million is easy as it is the whole Allied community goal. So pretty much long as you play every should get that one.

12 years ago

This is a great idea! I would be up for this for sure. I just don't have the time this weekend to kill that many Phantoms. Glad to see ME3 MP players will be receiving the goodness!

12 years ago

Shame online play is required to get your Galactic Readiness over 50%. I'll be doing it anyway so I can attain over 5000 EMS, which in turn should make that "perfect" ending available.

Though apparently it won't help the overall outrage of the ending(s). I'm just about to do the last 2 missions and I'm still fretting for a disasterous finish, which then I hope it's surprisingly not as bad as expected, if not just pretend the original ending concept actually happened instead, which then I'd make my imaginary decision and live on happily ever after…half in denial.

12 years ago

if you dont think about it the ending is not that bad
but thats the key dont think

12 years ago

Well I just finished it. It's an emotional end to the series and I have to say I personally dodged a bullet with my outcome; I was satisfied.

However, as I reminisced afterwards in my sleep, I came to find flaws and plotholes within the end. And throughout the night and the rest of today, more thought on the ending instead raised more questions, each new discovery developing an even more disgruntled face.

I'll probably post my opinion on how/why it's considered disasterous for many. Until then, thanks for the reply.

12 years ago

it is monday and i had beaten gold 3 times and killed at least 200 phantoms and i didnt get either packs. My online feed back was turned on but im wondering if they just havnt givin it out yet. If anybody know it would realy help me out

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