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Team Ninja: DoA5 Characters Will Have “Actual Presence”

Dead or Alive has always been an attractive franchise…in more ways than one.

In speaking to NowGamer , Team Ninja director Yohei Shimbori talks about the progression and maturation of the colorful, entertaining fighter. He spoke about the gameplay tweaks and additions, and said that DoA5 will boast a "battle system and balance focused on character individuality and versus play." At the same time, they'll keep the elements that make the games "so fun."

And in addressing the obvious sexuality involved in the franchise, Shimbori had this to say:

"In Dead or Alive 5 we are not only focusing on making the characters stand out, but we are adding more presence to the backgrounds and sound, etc, to add to the overall experience.

In the previous games the more sexual aspects may have been a distraction to the fight and those were the only elements that made characters stand out.

However, in Dead or Alive 5 we are making sure that characters themselves have actual presence and not the sexual bits. The game is still in alpha stage so we are playing around with different parts here and there, but the overall concept will not change."

Unfortunately, the robustness of the fighting mechanic has often been overshadowed by the "bounciness," so hopefully, the gameplay will reign supreme in DoA5.

Related Game(s): Dead or Alive 5

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12 years ago

I never had an issue with Dead or Alive's cast, at least they had more presence than the characters in Virtua Fighter, my god I cannot think of a more bland cast within a game o.0

12 years ago

Anyone else think that it will be a shock if the female fighters in the game lack sexiness? I mean to take the quoted remark at face value, they'll be wearing sack clothe and ashes, and bounce as much as cured concrete.

Somehow I find that unlikely, but you never know. Namco removed Sophitia, Taki, Xianghua, Cassandra, Setsuka and others from their game mostly in favor and entirely un-cute male fighters in SC5. So perhaps the Japanese fighter game developers believe that in order to sell in America, you need more macho male fighters and less bouncy female fighters. Are they right? Do western gamers prefer macho men in their games to cute women? If so, what does that say about western gamers?

Hey, I'm just asking the question… 😉

12 years ago

THe girls have plenty of sexiness in DOA5. I can definately tell Hitomi's model has been re-worked over past DOA's for DOA5 and there's no lack of any aesthetic concerning the females. I know, I've played the demo. Maybe he's subtly suggesting the game won't half a dozen or more female costumes for unlock… which then after negative reviews and angry fans, they'll offer DLC costumes for a low price =p
I don't get why Hayasashi says half the crap he says… "we want to bring the NG franchise back to sleek and sexy and move away from the blood and gore" interview for NGS2.

Then NG3 comes along and it's totally the reverse of what he stated for the series less than a year prior, or so.

12 years ago

I can tell the game is placing more emphasis on bg's, but not to the lack of female attractiveness.
Now the combatants get dirtier and more scruffed up as they roll around and hit objects. It gives the game a more grittier look, with more neutral tones and less saturated colors. I look forward to this one a lot. I'll have it pre-ordered here soon =)

12 years ago

But…I like my pristine, clean fighters and saturated colors! non-gritty games FTW!

12 years ago

I doubt it has gotten super gritty, sounds like it the character models are just affected by the environment which I think is cool.

12 years ago

I should also comment that the lighting system is much more atmospheric, with more dynamic light sourcing etc.. It's quite the change in visual feel with the decidedly more realistic graphics.
And yeah, the dirt scuffs just kind of get layered onto the characters as if they've rolled around in the dirt. But it's not using any kind of grain filter like KZ2 or Silent Hill to produce a real gritty look, far from it. It still has a very anime'ish under pinning to it's character design.

Last edited by Temjin001 on 4/27/2012 5:37:19 PM

12 years ago

Just don't remove why we fell in love with the series as young men.

…the accessible fighting 😉

12 years ago

I've been a huge Dead or Alive fan since the second game, and I'm extremely excited for this one. I loved the recent story retelling in Dimensions (however they fucked up some of Helena's best scenes…). I can't wait to see Helena actually, now that they've made the graphics a lot more realistic, less animé-ish and such. You can tell that the game still has sexual undertones but it has been brought down marginally, the focus isn't on sex anymore atleast, which makes me happy because I love the story which they could've developed more on. Oh I can't wait!

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