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Crytek Spent Dev Budget On Monkeys, So No TimeSplitters 4

Okay, the statement is funny but we're still disappointed.

Way back in 2007, it was confirmed that TimeSplitters 4 was in the works at Crytek UK. After Haze tanked, Crytek had to save Radical Entertainment and ever since that time, fans of the esteemed TimeSplitters series have been waiting on news of a fresh installment.

Unfortunately, a studio spokesperson has confirmed to CVG that in fact, the project doesn't appear to be happening. …well, it might, provided all the monkeys the grabbed on the black market can figure out how to write code. Lost? Yeah, here's the statement:

"For Timesplitters 4, with ever spiralling development costs, massive teams and endless crunch we decided on a more radical development strategy.

In short, the experiment was to implement the infinite monkey theorem. With cloning being a far too expensive option, we spent all of the development budget on buying monkeys on the black market.

Those seven monkeys are now sat in a room with typewriters and lots of mirrors, and we fully expect Timesplitters 4 to be finished soon. Rumours are that they haven't written any code but just tease the press from time to time. Those damn monkeys.

PS: anyone got any bananas?"

See now, that's humorous. But we still wish TimeSplitters wouldn't disappear; it's one of our favorite franchises of all time, and we could use a lighthearted FPS with kind of a cool story and fantastic environments. Oh well. And we have no faith in monkeys.

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12 years ago

This will sound silly but was there a 3? I played 2 to death on the ps2 and loved it. Shame there wont be a 4.

12 years ago

Yea there was it was called timesplitters future perfect. I didn't enjoy TS2 as much as 3. I played 3 to death on the PS2 it was class.

12 years ago

I have always disliked monkeys. They slap their behind to taunt and throw poop. So good news on no monkey cloning. Yes, those damn monkeys indeed. Please don't tease gamers you monkeys. Nobody likes a tease.

Now Crytek did use humour to diffuse some of the dissapointment. That's always appreciated when one is used to dealing with carefully worded PR or marketing speak. Maybe it even helps take away some of the intial sting at first plus it adds some fun back to the industry even if it is just some clever spin. I am pretty sure if Crytek really believed in the game they would somehow find a way if it was high on their priority list at this time. It was probably just a costs/benefit analysis on their part which is kind of hinted at in their first sentence. Maybe they thought the timing was bad, They can keep the asset and in their back pocket and revisit it later when they have less on their plate. Maybe next gen? Developer costs would be even higher I suppose but we have seen stranger things happen.

Reading an article about Timesplitters brings back some good memories. Like the others above I played Timesplitters 2, and 3 a lot. Never did get to play Future Perfect.

I did play Haze and for some reason I don't think it's absolutely horrible. Am I the only one?

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 4/27/2012 11:59:39 AM

12 years ago

No, you're definitely not alone on this one. It wasn't great, but it wasn't terrible either.

I think it was so poorly received because of the insanely high bar TimeSplitters put forth coupled with the marketing blitz hyping the game for everyone.

12 years ago

Err, leave the humor to the professionals: Atlus Press Releases

12 years ago

For those who don't know "The infinite monkey theorem": The theory is that a monkey hitting random keys on a keyboard for an infinite amount of time will eventually almost surely type a masterpiece… Or a perfect piece of software code. 🙂

Last edited by Beamboom on 4/27/2012 2:04:06 PM

12 years ago

"It was the best of times, it was the BLURST of times! You stupid monkey!"

"Ooh ohooh Ah AHH!"

"Oh, shut up"!

12 years ago

gotta love the simpsons!
a thousand monkeys at a thousand type writers would eventually splutter the work of Shakespeare.

12 years ago

Back in my bachelor pad years ago my roommates and I would, (every weekend between going out and various *ahem* "dates"), pop in one of the Timesplitters while drinking Yuengling Lager, Rum, and Sake.

The best part of this game was the split screen local multiplayer. Those were good times.

12 years ago

I'm a massive fan of TS. It was the game that ended Golden Eye's reign as FPS multiplayer king (and ironically from the same team).

It dipped in quality with the third installment, well, only the campaign and TS2 was all round brilliance…..and thanks to this hit and miss, confused generation….we still haven't seen a follow up, but have seen countless copy and paste junk that i don't even need to name.


12 years ago

thanks crytek ive had a sh*t day i needed that!
dam, you just had to break my heart AND my brilliant idea though dident you?
no timesplitters 4, and now my brilliant idea of getting monkeys to finish my assignment for me is thwarted!
oh well i guess a thousand monkeys at a thousand type writers may turn out the works of shakespear, does not mean but they cant code.
dam, and it was such a brilliant idea!

12 years ago

Ughhhh, these devs need to STFU…. Noooooo no no no no were not doing that game, yes we are, no we're not, yes we are, no we're not… Getting on my nerves, Just admit you are or are not going to make and finnish a game or shut up and eff off, Gahhh… End Rant

12 years ago

Words cannot express how much I could do with a TimeSplitters 4, these generic FPS' games flooding the market are annoying. This isn't too good news… I've been waiting for this game forever.

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