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PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale Official

Once again, the rumors have been proven true.

Today, Sony Computer Entertainment America (SCEA) has announced PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale , in development at SuperBot Entertainment and scheduled to arrive for the PlayStation 3.

Dubbed the "ultimate four-player brawler," the most iconic characters in the PlayStation universe will throw down in invigorating combat; expect the likes of Kratos, Sweet Tooth, Fat Princess, Parappa, Colonel Radec, Sly Cooper along with many recognizable characters from some of the best third-party franchises around. So…Dante and Ezio, anyone? Said SCEA Senior Vice President of Marketing Guy Longworth:

"PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale delivers a veritable encyclopedia of PlayStation's rich gaming history. This game is a celebration for fans of PlayStation and we are excited to deliver the most comprehensive brawler available."

Players will be able to fight "in a variety of configurations," including versus matches for four, team battles, and special practice modes. When online, we'll face a new set of challenges, and that includes Tournament Mode, Special Event Battle, and Custom Matches. The environments on display and the music that will grace our speakers come straight from the "rich and varied history of PlayStation titles."

Yeah, it's Super Smash Bros. for the PlayStation brand, but hey, there's nothing wrong with that.

Related Game(s): PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale

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12 years ago

i bet it'll be much easier to pick up and play. that was always a problem for me and super smash bros, because nintendo always has the crappiest controller setup. now its on the dualshock baby!!
let the ass kicking commence!

12 years ago

The Nintendo controller doesn't have a crappy setup, their's a learning a curve involved.

12 years ago

The GameCube controller is terrible.

12 years ago

I learned to throw a curve with it into a wall, does that count?

12 years ago

by saying there is a learning curve involved, you inadvertently support my argument that nintendo's controllers are crappy.

just think of it this way

super smash bros has had three iterations: the self titled first game, melee, and the most recent entry, brawl.

now each one of those games has been on a different console, with radically different controller set-ups. this provides no cohesive system of executing commands in the game because its always so different.
yes, the respective button commands may be the same in some cases, but the location of the said button always varies, leading to a adjustment period in which you get owned by a more familiar player

so unless you are a nintendo gamer that has all three consoles (with their respective titles) then there's no way somebody who plays playstation or xbox and has only casually played this game (or one of the others) at a friend's house can easily pick up SSB and play it with someone who is a veteran player, and not get the crap beaten out of them.

with a more approachable control set-up, you open it up to everyone

Last edited by Qwarktast1c on 4/27/2012 3:29:53 PM

12 years ago

Ummm, I found no learning curve.

12 years ago

I grew up with Nintendo, don't own a Xbox. I guess your having difficulties in a particular game with "what" Nintendo console are u referring to?

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 4/27/2012 4:20:54 PM

12 years ago

I didn't much like the GameCube controller. Always preferred Sony's duel shock layout.

12 years ago

I do also like the Dualshock layout to, it's more friendlier in my hands for some reason and Sony nailed a good job at that.

12 years ago

and also what Nintendo gamepad Qwarktast1c? Their's different versions. Like to me the 64's controller similar feeling to the Xbox's controller.

12 years ago

i was referring to all 3 of them. in the context of there being no easy transition from one console to the next

for example

someone who hasn't played the wii, but is very adept at either the gamecube and/or n64 SSB games. the minute they play brawl they are instantly thrown into the heat of the game with a completely different, and might i add very unconventional controller

Last edited by Qwarktast1c on 4/27/2012 5:48:11 PM

12 years ago

okay, gotcha.

12 years ago

Phoenix, you seriously sound like you just started gaming this generation. Just Snake? Really? That's not a PS3 character.

12 years ago

All I remember is pulling my hair out trying to pull off moves on Soul Calibur 2 and playing Twin Snakes more horribly than I've ever played any MGS game. Nuff said.

12 years ago

I'm going to be honest, so far all it screams out to me is Smash Bros rip off. What makes it worse is from the roster I have seen so far, I question if it will be strong enough. Say what you like about Nintendo, one thing they know how to make is Iconic characters and Smash Bros has a bunch of them. This game though, what Fat Princess, Parappa the Rapper, a generic solider from Killzone… do you see my problem here, these Sony entries just arent strong enough.

You look at FF Dissidia even, that had a great cast of characters and FF tributes enough for any FF fan to pick up and play . I just don't see this reaching the same charismatic value.

Last edited by Vivi_Gamer on 4/27/2012 9:20:10 AM

12 years ago

Did you watch the video? They showed like 6 characters, plus the guy said they are listening to the fans so relax dude.

I trust that characters like, Jak, Ratchet or Clank, and others will make it into the game.

I personally would like spike from Ape escape. His throw could be catching people in his net and whipping them across the map. Also Dart from Legend of Dragoon would be sick too.

12 years ago

I agree with Ultimadream, I just dont think sony is going to be able to pull this off with the cast of characters they've got.

Seriously, if you want a SSB game, go and play a SSB game.

12 years ago

The Killzone character is actually Radec.

12 years ago

WAY too early to make judgements.

12 years ago

I understand it's early days yet, but to do a celebration like this you need a strong load of content to back it up and I dont think Sony alone has this, most PS games I play are from thrid party developers, if they start to include them maybe… but just thinking about SoE's games… I don't think the content is half as iconic as Nintendos.. but I guess we'll see where they go with it…

12 years ago

SO then you should be happy when you read the part about them adding in a number of third party characters?

12 years ago

I might be happy when I see it… but then they could get someone like 'Big the CAT' from Sonic Adventure involved… jus tahve to wait and see…

12 years ago

I have decided, Bring back Crash Bandicoot could make this game, god that little furball has been on vacation for far too long!

12 years ago

You can say clone or the game looking very similar, but I wouldn't say rip-off. Playstation most certainly have enough of their own characters, each with very different worlds, that can bring their own unique moves and style. It's only a rip-off if the game isn't any good! Of course, we don't know the conclusion to that.

Just try to imagine it like comparing fighting games like Tekken and Soul Caliber. They're both fighting games with 3D graphics and with nearly the same camera view. The only differences are the characters and movesets. This game is like that to SSB. But honestly yes lol, it really does look nearly the same as SSB, but for sure the characters, levels, and moves aren't.

And yes, Crash got to make it!

12 years ago

I agree there should be Crash mentioned before any of the newer characters.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 4/27/2012 1:00:54 PM

12 years ago

Honestly Ive always wanted to get into smash bros but the few times ive played it and watched it none of the characters grabbed me. Ive owned all things playstation and to me the amount of memorable characters are abundent from sony and just a handfull from ninty.

I like mario games but do I want to play in a fighting game with him? No no I dont. I am very excited to get this game and enjoy it with my 10 year old son.

12 years ago

The argument about going to play SSB if you want to play SSB is stupid. I'm not gonna go out and buy a Wii to play SSB.

Who made this rule that there can only be one party brawler? It's ridiculous.

12 years ago

Sony has more IPs then Nintendo and Microsoft combined. You don't have to worry about them not having enough characters to choose from.

12 years ago

I'm not worried about quantaty, more so quality. Lets face it, Nintendo has the most iconic characters in gaming history, Sony is only on thier 3rd system, and really dont have any iconic characters, apart from snake…. who kinda got his start on the NES, or perhaps that guy from the uncharted games, they are kinda popular, arnt they?

I guess if you dont have a N64, GC, or Wii, then this game might seem like a good thing, even though I pity you if you dont because your missing out out some of the best games, but I still say if u want SSB, go buy it.

This gen, it seems to me sony is just in copy/pasty mode, if something on another console does well, sony wants to get in on it, and this is just another example of it. O, I'm sorry, did u want another example? *cough* Move *cough*. I think that's what bothers me the most about this game, hell,who knows, it might end up being an ok fighting game, but it will always fell like a cheap SSB ripoff.

12 years ago

Your fooling yourself if you honestly believe that Sony doesn't have Iconic characters.

I don't even… Just wow…

12 years ago

Um, yeah I dont think Sony or sony fans have anything to worry about, seeing that Sony has more 1st party IPs and devs than Ninty and M$ COMBINED, and thats not even counting 3rd party yet (and Im not blowing smoke out my a$$m check it up). So I think this game is settled in terms of possible content.

12 years ago

Oh, I wish sackboy is a character because I really want to witness sackboy bashing up kratos.


12 years ago

If not, you could always play as Sackboy against Kratos in Hot Shots Golf 😉

I know, I know… not the same.

12 years ago

Well there is already a LBP stage in the game so I am sure there will be a Sackboy character.

12 years ago

Yep. I read the article on IGN and they said that there is a level called "Dreamscape", inspired by LBP, therefore Sackboy should be in it.

So they also said there will be some third party developer characters.

Wouldn't it be cool if they had the 'Souls' series warrior or pyromancer and maybe the Origami Killer from Heavy Rain? Lol… It'll never happen tho 😛

12 years ago

Hmm, I thought it was going to be like Marvel vs Capcom. I'm happy ether way

12 years ago

That would have been better I think.

12 years ago

I prefer to have maps with various levels and have a brawl mentality like SSB, though. I really like that combination of battle and platform.

12 years ago

Iconic characters? ha, my nephew who plays brawl all day did not even no any of those characters besides the big 3 and Pikachu.I had to tell him who star fox and donkey kong were.Ice climbers,kid icarus,kirby and captain falco are far from iconic.Hell the wiis fanbase who are casuals do not even know who mario is.Anyway how iconic the chacters are do not matter but rather how it plays since I fojnd smash bros to be clunky.

12 years ago

I'm sure your anti-Nintendo bias has nothing to do with your lack of appreciation for what Nintendo has done with Super Smash Bros. and her iconic characters. To my generation, YES! Those characters you listed ARE iconic.

12 years ago

Yeah. DEFINITELY iconic.

It's children that would be the least likely to identify iconic characters from franchise histories, so you shouldn't be surprised by your nephew.

12 years ago

Nintendo must feel flattered. It's a Smash Bros. clone. Hope Cole is in it.

12 years ago

Was thinking the same thing. Cole would be badass.

12 years ago

It would be crazy if he wasn't in it.

12 years ago

Personally, I don't care if this game isn't as good as Smash Bros. Smash bros is an incredible franchise. You can be not nearly as good as smash bros and still be an amazing game.

Know what I mean?

There are lots of Playstation characters I still want to see. Some PS1 jRPG characters, please!

The HERO from Dragon Quest 8 would make a great Playstation version of Link. lol… seriously! Sword, shield, boomerang, magic… has a spear as well, for an extra add-on.

12 years ago

Old Snake needs to make an appearance in this since Kojima put Solid Snake from MGS2 in the last SSB game. 🙂

12 years ago

Now that is a great idea!

12 years ago

Yes, Naked Snake form MGS3, that will be cool.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 4/27/2012 1:06:13 PM

12 years ago

Alex, I mean Old Snake from MGS4. But Big Boss would be welcome as well. 🙂

12 years ago

I don't follow, I thought Old snake is Solid snake?

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