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DICE On BF3 Online Issues: “Tough To Tell Who’s Right”

Not everyone experiences the same problems when playing online, and it can be a challenge to determine the majority versus the minority.

DICE wants to serve their fans properly but at the same time, they have to remain realistic. DICE CEO Patrick Bach told CVG that despite fan complaints, the team has to keep their priorities intact.

"First of all, just because it's in a forum doesn't make it our top priority. There are things that we've been fixing that have been way, way worse than the things you've brought up, and we have to make decisions on fixing the most important things first. Regarding vocal people on the internet, the statistics we get from the game often prove that certain things aren't true, and it's really hard to tell sometimes."

Bach added that many of the complaints in question concerning lag and voice issues come from the minority, and he wanted to clarify that they don't want to appear indifferent. They just "can't always tell people that they're wrong," and you have to admit, it can be sensitive…because nobody ever thinks they're "wrong." As for the input lag, that should be fixed with the upcoming Close Quarters DLC .

"It's interesting that you brought up the input lag, which has been a really hard thing for us to fix, but in the Close Quarters expansion pack we're actually fixing it. I didn't want to bring it up as a feature, but we are improving it quite significantly, and hopefully players who have felt it before will feel the difference, that it feels much snappier and gives better feedback, so we're definitely listening."

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12 years ago

I think this is a case of "players have no idea."
Ive been using the Source Engine in my level design class, which as far as i ca tell is the easiest to use. But let me tell you, when there is any bug, any sort of problem at all, its typically pretty hard to fix without causing something else to screw up.
I really think most people have no idea just how hard it is to make these games. Especially the complainers in the forums, there no chance they have a clue.

12 years ago

I know what you mean. Several years ago, I worked as a GM for WoW and the kind of ticket I always hated the most was, "such and such is bugged." Unless it was a known issue, the first thing we were required to do was lead people through a UI Reset. This always pissed people off because it would always shut down their mods. It would always prompt my favourite line ever: "it's not my mod that's bugged, it's your f****** game." Of course, the UI Reset fixed the problem 7-8 times out of 10, so I at least got some smug satisfaction at the end.

Unfortunately, even when you flat out prove them wrong a lot of gamers will never admit that they're wrong and will continue to bitch and moan about how the game is bugged.

12 years ago

The only issue I have noticed as of late is that sometimes hit detection fails. I hit a guy point blank from 20 feet away with an RPG and he didn't die. That can get frustrating.

12 years ago

Oops, point blank is the wrong term. I mean I hit the guy dead on from 20 feet away. No kill and I died. Also, why is it that sometimes when you're running away from some one shooting you, he's still able to kill you even though you made it around a corner? Like his bullets followed you around the corner. Is that lag?

Last edited by Jawknee on 4/26/2012 10:22:03 PM

12 years ago

Yes indeed that's lag, Its almost like in his monitor or tv he starts shooting at you way earlier than when you actually notice it. More like his version of the kill, he kills you well before you turn around, but your machine doesn't register it until you are like 9 miles away.

12 years ago

Gotcha, thanks.

12 years ago

It's because BF3 uses client side hit registration, so while you might just see some1 turning a cornor, on his screen he might have a 1+ second leg up on you, this is a reason I stopped playing this game… well that and they keep screwing around with weapon dmg, constantly flip flopping back and forth.

12 years ago

Hey Jaw, I just got Killzone 3. Am I crazy or are the controls mushy?

12 years ago

Yea they felt odd to me too when I first played. It's a mix between CoD and Battlefield. I started with the sensitivity low but I ended up settling on 70-80% in the end. They're a huge shift from KZ2. I didn't have much issues with them though once I got used to them. I actually prefer them to anything else besides maybe Battlefield.

Last edited by Jawknee on 4/27/2012 3:14:11 PM

12 years ago

They need to fix the Suppression its ridiculous, I mines well betta be a blind guy playing this game 0.o

12 years ago

Restore dedicated servers, I'm tired of getting booted because jump in the plane the admin wants or get alot of kills while on the opposite team. I'm not saying stop renting servers out. Just have some dedicated servers playing something other then Gulf of Oman 10000000 tickets.

12 years ago

as the saying goes you cant please everyone so all you can do is please the majority.
some will think weapon x is overpowered, others disagree so you have to make your decision whether to change it or not by looking to which weapon is most used in server stats then do internal and external testing to decide whether it needs changing.
maybe its most used because it is overpowered, or maybe its most used because its the most practical for that situation.
as he said internal statistics really come in handy with balancing things which is pretty much the only reason why so many games have betas these days.
lag and reliability they can test themselves and with internal teams around the world.
but balancing weapons, well that takes the community, the people playing the game to help decide.

you can never please everyone, so all you can do is try and please the majority.

12 years ago

the input lag killed the game for me – i was one of those lucky people with TVs that were effected badly – traded it in for the xbox version – it runs like a charm on the 360

My main complaint now is that team deathmatch seems to always default to canals – i hate that map! and its hard to get a spot on populated servers on the other deathmatch maps

i would love it if Dice would add more control layout options – namely the same layout as MOH,COD,KZ, Resistance and most other shooters – i never hit the right button for grenade or crouch when i play BF3 and i cant play one shooter exclusively so this jams me up

12 years ago

What difference does the TV make? I'm curious.

12 years ago

Well – from quite a bit of reading on various forums – and from a bit of testing ive done myself – only certain tvs were affected with ps3 input lag – larger screen LGs and Panasonics in particular – Dice have just announced they have fixed the issue in a patch coming with the new DLC in june

12 years ago

so, if they're releasing the patch with the DLC, does that mean
that "not" everyone will get the patch?

12 years ago

no idea mate – just read it today on the N4G site

12 years ago

For me BF3 is perfect. If the controls do become a little snappier that is great, but I won't be investing in any more DLC… I like the game as it is for now…



12 years ago

My panasonic 3d tv runs like a charm. I hear it's actually the Samsung led tv's that are having a horrible lag issues not just for BF3 but for any gaming, regardless of console.

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