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Final Fantasy XIII-2 DLC: Lightning And Snow Episodes Incoming

If you're a Final Fantasy XIII-2 fan, you want more character-related storyline content.

We know a bunch more is coming, including one that expands on Lightning's story, and it seems information taken from a Chinese forum (as cited by NovaCrystallis ) has given us a few DLC-related details.

Evidently, gamers can expect a couple new episodes; one for Snow and one for Lightning. According to the leak and based on the price conversions, Snow's bonus story will go for around $8 and Lightning's will cost $7. However, it's quite likely that when they release here in North America, both episodes will cost the same. As for size, Lightning's will come in at 440MB and after completing the mission, she'll be able to join your party. Obviously, you'll have to finish the main campaign before these episodes become available.

If you didn't already know, you can get Lightning by beating her in the Coliseum. She's not that tough and if you max her out and infuse her correctly, she's arguably the best "monster" in the game. In regards to release dates, it seems Snow's episode will be available on May 15 and Lightning's will show up later that same month.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy XIII-2

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Russell Burrows
Russell Burrows
12 years ago

Takes a break from the Dust 514 Beta.

Tries to remember something about the Fantasy game and all that came up was no longer interested, yawn.

Back to the Dust 514 Beta!!

12 years ago

Hehe – sometimes I get the feeling that poor old Ben is the only person left in the entire world that really, really care about Final Fantasy.

But how is the Dust beta? Got a few first impressions to share? That would be interesting to hear more about!

Last edited by Beamboom on 4/27/2012 12:43:56 AM

12 years ago

Hehe, Beamboom. I have asked myself that question myself. Ben is not the only one but I am certain a ton of Final Fantasy fans have died off this generation. Square has made some whacky moves that alienated FF fans. I don't think FF fans have a lot of faith in Square's current leadership and have just moved on until Square does something to change that viewpoint. The chatter on the major gaming websites is way down when relating to a FF based article. Even the once highly anticipated FFvs13(that's the game FF fans really wanted) has been given up on for the most part. Just some dumb moves by Square like announcing a game AGES ago. No game can hold hype for that long. Gamers will move on.


I know you are not a big FF fan Beamboom. I have seen you ask why some Sony fans still hold FF games so closely to their hearts when all they do is complain. I have also seen you asking questions like what is so interesting about running around from one cut scene after another watching characters pose and give long winded speaches. Heartfelt speaches are a staple of the FF series and the JRPG genre. It really would not be a FF game without them. Even the posing is part of the overall Japanese flair.

I think it is this simple. A JRPG can grab a player on an emotional level that is unrivaled by any other genre. The beauty of the romantic scene on the lake in FF10 comes to mind. The shimmering of the moonlight off the water, the art design, the overall glow of the scene and interaction of the characters all combine to form emotional attachments. I still remember the pain on Yuna's face. Combine that with a great song that had the most beautiful Japanese voice I have ever heard…wow that is powerful stuff that really pulls you into another world. It really pulls at your heart as well. Does that make sense to you Beamboom?

Add in the long history of the FF series on the Sony platform and it's not too difficult to see why a few of us hang on like Ben and even me sometimes. I did like FF13 and FF13-2 but I'm in the minority for the most part.

If they could just get some of the "twitch" out of that battle system I would have loved them more. Gotta hurry up and beat that battle or no 5 stars for you. Next there will perks that allow you to call in heavy attacks. Oops they kind of did that but it's in interactive cut scenes which I thought turned out pretty good. It's not at all like a Muliplayer perk or anything. I found myself liking FF13-2 a lot and fealt some of my old feelings return. I was having fun. I had my doubts about the lead characters in FF13-2 but they are pretty good. Some issues like slow initial paridigm shifts were fixed as well.

There is some evidence Square is listening a little bit. Shops, towns, and traditional character interaction are back. Ben liked the game. He found himself having fun as well which he mentioned in an editorial. Ofcourse check out his review if you want to read a good review from somebody we know is a huge FF/JRPG fan. Read the editorial as well to gain even more insight.

I did miss Lighning. I will buy the DLC without hestitation while kind of biting my tongue.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 4/27/2012 3:20:44 PM

12 years ago

This much downloadable content for a final fantasy game? Sheesh. STill trying to make up for last year's losses square enix? I may try this game if there is an ultimate edition with all downloadable content included ( assuming they don't keep it going on forever) like how Bioware did with Dragon Age/Awakening.

Quite frankly SE hasn't given me a good reason for me to give them my money this gen. The only SE game that I felt good about purchasing this gen was Star Ocean The last Hope (PS3).

12 years ago

Yeah I bought the DAO/Awakening Ultmate Edition a couple months ago. Screw d/ling extra conten. Just put it on a disc so I dont have to waste bandwidth. Or time waiting for the D/L to finnish. Oh and I almost tweaked at you cuz I misread your comment lmao.

12 years ago

Still want S.O…. Till the End of Time was my favorite game last gen. I invested 397 hrs into that game…. Till someone deleted my save… Ugghh, pissed just thinking about it…

12 years ago

I really liked Till the end of Time. If SE decided to put it on the PSN I'd probably pick it up again. Not enough PS2 games on there right now imo.

Russell Burrows
Russell Burrows
12 years ago

Dust 514:
Color me impressed!!
CCP really did a good job with a persistent world.

But the best part is the game is free to download and free to play!

Due to NDA I am unable to say anything more or much less post any videos.

E3 will have all the info on this excellent game.

12 years ago

Bah screw the NDA, how are they supposed to find out who you are anyway. We want details, and we want it now! 🙂

12 years ago

Dang, I wish i got into the Beta. :/

12 years ago

So not true, I still love and care about Final Fantasy. Even though I broke it off several years ago. It just isn't the same anymore. I miss it alot and if FF can change back to its beautiful roots, I'll gladly take it back.

12 years ago

I was worried when I first heard about the DLC for XIII-2 that i'd have to conform and by everything. But it turns out to be quite the opposite, I just don't care anymore about the DLC or the game in general. I had a blast playing it through and getting the platinum even, but I just cannot be bothered to have to track every game and it's DLC – nor can I afford it. It's a real burden that developers have placed on us this gen one which is putting me off gaming altogether.

12 years ago

I have to agree. It's as if a lot of devs are relying on DLC now. When SE decided to do this with FF13-2 and how they decided to do it, it really turned me off to this game.

If most games become this way in the future, I will most likely be put off as a gamer as well.
If that happens I've got a large backlog that I'd finally be able to get to.

12 years ago

Final Fantasy: We're going episodic to screw you even harder so bend over and open your wallet.

12 years ago

… Or not. 😉

12 years ago

Yeah I'm not buyin' that. I'm having a hard enough time forcing myself through the main campaign.

12 years ago

World, I thought you liked it?

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