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Don’t Be Surprised If Sony Announces inFamous 3 Soon

So everyone is talking about one – or possibly two – big PlayStation 3 exclusives that Sony has yet to announce.

One could very well be "PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale" or something along those lines; essentially, a Sony version of Super Smash Bros. . But there have been whispers about something else as well, and we have a sneaking suspicion that Sucker Punch will be involved…

inFamous 2 was wildly entertaining and managed to sell relatively well. It launched back in early June of last year and ever since, we've heard next to nothing about a follow-up effort, although most have assumed it's coming. Now that God of War: Ascension has been announced , we've been wondering about the the mystery PS3 games that are coming our way. Another possibility is Killzone 4 or maybe the other new IP Guerrilla Games is currently cranking on, but it's very possible that a third inFamous is lurking just behind the curtain.

Remember, Sanzaru Games is the primary developer for the upcoming Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time , so Sucker Punch has to be working on something , and they've said in the past they'd give "serious thought" to a third entry if Sony requested it. And why wouldn't they request it?

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12 years ago

I'm requesting it!!

(SPOILER ALERT – Infamous 2 ending discussion)

But with the way Infamous 2 ended (the good ending anyway) I don't know how the third installment will continue with Cole… a new protagonist? Or perhaps Cole is brought back from the dead and his electrical powers keep his body going while his heart no longer pumps?

Who knows, but all I know is that if it is as fun as the first 2, I am totally up for a third!!

Infamous 3, Assassin's Creed 3, Dead Space 3, Diablo III, Bioshock Infinite, The Last of Us, The Last Guardian, GTA V and Dishonoured cannot get here quick enough!!!

(Wow! More games on the horizon than I first thought! Might be time to trade)

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
12 years ago

At the very end of the good karma ending a lightening bolt hits the ship that cole's body is in,maybe it resuscitated him.
i'd like to start off evil in INfamous 3 anyway.

12 years ago

If they do use the good ending as a justification for a sequel, count me out. I loved the succinctness of infamous 2's endings.

I for one would really love to see Playstation's take on Super Smash Bros (my favorite fighting game series of all time).

Killzone 4 sounds good too, but we should let it take a little more time to fry. I liked Killzone 3 but not nearly as much as 2 (the campaign anyway).

12 years ago

I'd rather they went with the Evil ending to continue, IMO. Possibility of a new protagonist, nothing against Cole.

12 years ago

I say use the evil ending. But since Cole would have to be the games villein there would need to be a new main character.

In Infamous 2 Cole does mention he has a brother when talking with Nyx. Being Brothers would make it a high possibility that he would be a conduit as well. There you go. Plus you get the brother vs brother dilemma in the game that I think would be neat.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Use the evil ending, make it an MMO. Only way to continue onwards methinks.

Last edited by Lawless SXE on 4/26/2012 2:20:46 AM

12 years ago

they could do that, but 1 its cheesy im sick of the amount of games that do that!
2 it takes the whole point of infamous away.
whole point of the franchise is to let the player play how they want to, that kinda takes away that possibility.
i seriously doubt there will be a infamous 3.
if there was sucker punch would of not ended 2 the way they did.
after all why make it so hard to resurrect the franchise, especially when your intending to?

12 years ago


Guys. Imagine if inFamous 3 was a prequel… where you play as Kessler, the first time through history? You could play as Kessler as he loses to the beast, and then go back in time and work for the First Sons and stuff. And then you would play through inFamous 1 again, except through Kessler's eyes, doing what Kessler was doing. And the final boss would be Cole, and you would die. I want this so bad.


12 years ago

@Jak. That is actually an interesting concept. I also have thought alot about the original timeline.

12 years ago

I'd be big smiley face if it was inFamous 3 – or something else from SP, I haven't not liked every Sucker Punch game I've played :D.

12 years ago

E3 should be Sony's to lose if they save some unannounced games until then. Seems they might have something(s) big for them to already reveal GOW:Ascension. Also add in the possibility of a PS4 reveal.

12 years ago

infamous is all about karma and the good karma and bad karma went different ways in Infamous 2 so.Infamous series has ended.

12 years ago

Infamous is my favorite series of this generation and without spoiling anything I think they could easily pull out a third one.

Infamous 3 would be my most desired game announcement.

12 years ago

i hated infamous when i tried the demo, i ended up getting
infamous from the welcome back package. i've been hooked ever
since, heres hoping theres an infamous 3.

12 years ago

The demo didn't grab me either but I took a chance and bought it anyway. It was the only time I was happy with my impulse buy. Just about every game I've bought this gen that I wasn't enthusiastic about but decided to give it a chance have largely been disappointments.

12 years ago

Not sure what's going to happen but if the ending was any indication, I don't know how they'll do it.

12 years ago

I hope so. This game is one of the best new IP's this gen. After inFamous 3, Sucker Punch needs to do a Vita installment.

12 years ago

Don't you feel like having them push out a Vita title would be a demotion for Sucker Punch? I would think you want your best of the best (S.P., N.D., G.G.) working on the PS3 where they can do their best work, and get the largest audience.

12 years ago

While it's true you do want the best of the best on your main console, a vita Infamous could help push the vita and you could always do it in between console releases.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

I hope not. Don't get me wrong, loved inFamous 2 to pieces, but it ended, and I've railed enough about why I like endings to stay as endings to not really need to say more. If anything, it's more likely to be MM's project, given the extra six months that they've had over Sucker Punch (about nine if you want to count Festival of Blood). Actually, there are quite a few first party studios that we don't know what they are working on, and there's always the possibility of a second/third party exclusive…

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Let me just say that, if iF3 does become reality, I'll be on that like white on rice. Just too tempting, but if it doesn't exist, I don't really want it.

12 years ago

Let it be a new I.P or a very long overdue sequel , so tired of those supposedly big announcement that end up being a game sequel/prequel i had no doubt that was coming .

Last edited by berserk on 4/26/2012 2:01:11 AM

12 years ago

I'll get the Hero edition of that as well. One of the best new franchises this gen.

12 years ago

For me I would love to see how cole became Kessler when beast killed his family, how he become the leader of first son and his journey back in time to warn himself about the beast. So this time i would like kessler as protagonist and cole antagonist.. also i would love if SP kept iF3 real like the first game, for me personally First one was like the dark knight, and second more in line with Xmen.

Last edited by taus90 on 4/26/2012 4:19:38 AM

12 years ago

well if the old saying is true about trilogies…its all about going back to the beginning and discovering something you thought you knew that turns out not to be true…look at Uncharted 3 for examples

12 years ago

the reveals not infamous 3, theres a preview of the GTTV announcement and that confirmed the games being made by the new studio thats been leaking the SSMB wannabe so it has to be that.

id love to see a new infamous game, though not infamous 3.
considering the ending of 2, and the events of the series id love to go back to john and kesslers time.
weve played coles timeline where the development of the ray sphere was accelerated so cole could get his powers earlier and train.
so now lets go back to kesslers time and see how his events trained out, and how john was tied into it back then.

12 years ago

It's a good possibility that we might see a inFamous 3. I think the Festival of Blood last October confirmed to SP that people want more Cole. It's entirely possible given the way the bad ending played out. The good ending doesn't leave much of a opening but there is one.

It could also be a prequel showcasing Kessler as well. Doesn't matter though, if they ever announce a inFamous 3 it's a D1P

12 years ago

I read an interesting article on Game Judgment titled Sony gamers brag about Sony exclusives but do not buy them. The article talks a lot about the poor sales of 5 Sony exclusives that only sold 5.5 million copies combined. Infamous 2, Resistance 3, Socom 4, and KZ3 were all on the list. I'm having trouble remembering the last game on the list. I think it was Demons Souls. There was only 1 game on the list that managed to surpass 1 million copies sold. Only 1 out of every 7 PS3 users own a single Sony exclusive. The author cited Media Create as his source. The author also talked up Infamous 2 and urged Sony gamers to go out and buy the game.

The author of the article did note the financial success of games like UC3, God of War 3, and GT5 but they are the exceptions. He still thought the attatch rate of Sony exclusives is way too low. The overall theme of the article was that multiplats are way more popular with Sony users than exclusives despite the fact that Sony users brag about their exclusives. He flat out stated that Sony users need to go out buy their exclusives. He stated: "Hey PS3 fans. Do you really need another Assasins Creed game? Go out and buy Infamous 2 instead."

I was surprised to at the Sony exclusive attach rate. I figured most PS3 users owned at least one Sony exclusive. I will note I am only using a single source for these sales figures by citing the sales figures in this single Game Jugement article. The author did state he used Media Create, NPD, and Game Chartz as sources. It looks like he did his homework since he had links to these sources. I did my homework too and followed the links. When I added up the sales figures of the Sony exclusives cited in this article I came up with 5.8 million copies sold. Resistance 3 really stands out as a complete bomb and that game was well received by critics! Socom 4 bombed as well.

I'm not sure what is going on here but I suspect advertising and poor marketing is an issue. There was a Resistance 3 demo that came with the Battle of LA movie that got called for dated graphics. I think that demo actually hurt Resistance 3 sales. I don't understand why a developer would shoot themselves in the foot like that but I have seen it happen more than once. The Crysis 2 demo for the PS3 got called out for being inferior. The reaction was so bad EA yanked the demo from PSN. Dumb moves by both developers.

Now let's talk about advertising. I have seen a lot of adds for God of War on Hulu but NOTHING about Starhawk. I don't blame Sony for using their advertising dollars on GOW but I do ask myself which game needs advertising more. Starhawk comes out in a few weeks. It needs advertising way more than GOW does in my humble opinion. I question the wisdom of having all these great developers but so little advertising. I wonder how much better some these games on that list would have done if they had some actual advertising muscle behind them. EA recently spent an insane amount marketing BF3. 200 million dollars! It got them 10 million plus in sales. I'm a big believer in advertising with some frequency. You have to spend money to make money. A game can fly right over a gamer's head in this highly competitive market. It takes some creative thinking to get a game noticed. Obviously, great review scores are not enough to drive sales. If they were a lot of games that bombed despite critical acclaim would have been hits.

When I mentioned creative thinking to get a game noticed I thought back to the Dead Island trailer. That was a great trailer(even though it was not representive of the actual gameplay) that got the attention of gamers and put the game on the map so to speak. Sometimes it does not take a massive of amount of advertising to get a game noticed.

My advice to Sony would be to spend more money marketing each exclusive. The frequency of the advertisng and its placement is important as well. It just can't be an ad here and there.

As for Infamous 3. That would be nice. I own Infamous 2 and I thought it was fun. I thought the game was a little on the easy side. I rarely died. If I got in trouble I just ran for my life and let my health regenerate. Kind of like I do Mass Effect 3 mp when I see a Banshee or phantom. Zettai knows what I'm talking about.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 4/26/2012 7:50:34 AM

12 years ago

Dude, give it a rest. Some way, some how, you must always find a way to criticize Sony.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago


MOST PS3 exclusives sell well. The exceptions are the ones that don't. "Well" means you sell more than most games out there, and exclusives always do.

No, KZ3 won't sell more than Call of Duty, even if 70% of CoD players are on the Xbox. It's the way of the world.

12 years ago

Why did you post all of this, captain buzzkill? It has little to nothing to do with the possibility of inFamous 3 being announced. Not to mention you completely brush aside the exclusives that DO sell well: Uncharted Series, Gran Turismo, God of War, Little Big Planet… and I'm pretty sure that Killzone 2 +3 didn't do as poorly as this article suggests.

For the record, I bought Killzone 3, Socom 4, and inFamous 2. Loved all 3. I also bought Resistance 3 but I traded it in after I beat it. Loved that game too, but it unfortunately came out at a time lots of other games were coming out. Sony would benefit from increased marketing, but they also suffered from the fact that they probably released too many exclusives within a short window. Killzone 3, Socom 4, and inFamous 2 all came out within a 4 month span. And Resistance 3 came out competing with the monster fall line up of games.

Last edited by jimmyhandsome on 4/26/2012 9:53:14 AM

12 years ago

I just fail to understand the purpose of using sales numbers as justification that PS3 exclusive titles aren't being bought. Those numbers only represent new game sales. As many articles that have been written here you have to factor in the titles that are bought used. I know a LOT of people who purchased Socom, KZ 2 and 3, and both inFamous games used.

Personally I have 10 exclusives in my library..that's not even including the exclusives on the PSN…To sum it statement such as what you read can't be taken seriously if you're not going to look at exclusives as a whole instead of nitpicking the ones that didn't sell the best.

12 years ago

Slugga, why take into account used game sales when speaking to the perceived low sales numbers of exclusives?
Does Sony or the developers get any money from those used sales? If Sony needs to decide if they want to finance a particular project, they want to forcast how many new games they are going to sell, now how many times the game will get bought used.

As far as only 1 out of every 7 PS3 users own a single Sony exclusive. I don't buy that for a second. ***Unless, what the quote should have read was only 1 out of every 7 own a copy of the 5 PS3 exclusives mentioned.***
It would be near impossible for that original fact to be true when you factor in 3 games of Uncharted, 3 games of GOW (including the collections), GT, LBP 1,2, and the list goes on and on.

12 years ago

Funny, when the PS3 came out the complaint was "PS3 has no games!". Now it's "the PS3 has too many games!".

Seriously Excelsior, enough with this crap.

12 years ago


You have to take it into account b/c what is being said is that Sony users don't buy exclusives. It's not about Sony or devs getting money. Sony users do buy exclusives. Whether it is new or used. I'd be willing to bet that more people have played those titles all the way through than the sales numbers indicate.

12 years ago

Why did I post this? I posted it because I think sales do matter. I'm certain the first question a publisher asks themselves is did this game sell well enough to warrant a sequel. I do think higher Infamous 2 sales would increase the possibilty of an Infamous 3 announcement.

Does anybody really think there will be another console version of Resistance or Socom since they bombed? I think Zipper went under and Insomiac went multiplat. Insomiac said they were done with Resistance series for now. Those events are direct result of poor sales.

Anyways, don't kill the messenger here. I openly admit I am a sales junkie for some reason. I just googled Infamous 2 sales and ran accross this article. It was the third article that came up on the google search for Infamous 2 sales. It was actually titled Gamer Woes-PS3 owners brag about their exclusives but do not buy them. It's a legitimate topic since Infamous 2 was on the list. The author praised Infamous 2 and urged Sony fans to buy it. There is nothing wrong with that.

If most Sony exclusives sell well then why is there only 1 game on that list of 5 Sony exclusives that sold over a million copies? That surprised me. Is the author of this article wrong? I would point out to Jimmy that he author of the article did note the financial success of GT5, UC3, and God of war 3 but he also called them the exceptions.

There was no mention of Killzone 2 or Little Big Pllanet 2 unfortunately so I can't speak intelligently about those games based on this single article. I can only speculate. I'm pretty sure Little Big Planet 2 did fairly well. Did it sell well enough to warrant a sequel? Again, I'm pretty sure that is the first question a publisher asks themselves which is the point I was trying to get at. In the case of Little Big Planet 2 I do tend to think that it did well enough to warrant a sequel. I have wondered about the prospects of an Infamous 3 game based on sales. It did sell over 300,000 copies in its first week in NA. Sounds good enough to me to warrant a sequel but I would back it up with a well funded marketing campign. I do think Infamous 2, KZ3, and Resistance 3 in particular deserved more sales than they got.

I did dig deeper and did find some positives for Sony on VGchartz. It was the only platform that had an increase in software sales in 2011. That's good news that I am thrilled to share with my fellow PSXextreme members. I do think some more advertising would do wonders for Sony exclusives. I love KZ3 multiplayer. The game looks fantastic and plays great. The multiplayer is dynamic and most off all fun. KZ3 is a game in the hotest genre so what's the problem? It deserves more sales than it got in my humble opinion. I would point out it's not just Sony exclusives that do not get the sales they deserve sometimes. Rage comes to mind.

I have always been interested in the dynamics that are in play when it comes to whether a game will become a hit or not, Great review scores are not enough to drive sales. Games need some advertising or clever marketing to have a chance. We are kind of spoiled in today's gaming market. There are so many great games to play. Sometimes I think some good games fly right over gamers heads in this highly competitive market. Not all gamers are internet junkies like me. So how do you reach the gamers who are not internet junkies? Smart advertising and marketing. I've seen some pretty successful marketimg campigns that I know drove sales. Kinect and Battlefield 3's marketing campigns comes to mind.

Edit: Jawk makes a legitmate point even though I respectfully think he comes accross as overly sensitive. I'm not the author of the article that I ran accross. As far as I can tell the author was pretty accurate with those sales figures of those 5 particular exclusives. Only one Sony exclusive on that list managed over 1 million sales? Come on. They can do better and would with better marketing.

To be fair there are 360 exclusives that have underperformed as well. A lot of the JRPGs went no where on the 360. The Lost Odyssey comes to mind. It's the only elite JRPG I have played this gen. I think that game was on the wrong system at the wrong time. Unfortunately for PS3 fans Mistwalker has some kind of beef with Sony. I know Ben is a big fan of that game and has given it props. I think Mistwalker moved on to the Wii because of sales. Alan Wake also comes to mind when I think about games that did not fair so well on 360. It did manage to sell over a million copies but it took a long time. I know Ben loves that game too.

Poor sales do have consequences. Microsoft won't fund another Mistwalker game because of poor sales so now we have a talented developer working on a non HD console. I'm not knocking the Wii either so please don't get mad at me Jawk. I don't think the system is a gimmick and I respect what Nintendo has done with the Wii. My sister has one her family LOVES it. What Nintendo did this gen is amazing. They essentially created a new market for themselves. Nintendo went from last place to first place when most of the talking heads wrote the Wii off for dead. They turned the 3DS around quickly when they saw it falter and now they absolutely own the handheld gaming market. Anyways, I'm confident Mistwalker will make a fantastic game. It's just difficult to go back to non HD games once you get used to HD games. Anyways, just ask Zipper Interactive employees about the consequences of poor sales.

I have a lot of respect for Jawk…he wrote a fantastic Metal Gear Peacewalker review that helped fill the void on this site because for some reason the PSP version of the game was not reviewed here at PSXE. I know Jawk is a big Nintendo fan. I have seen some of his overly sensitive side when defending Nintendo but I do not fault him for it. He's passisionate about something he cares about. I see nothing wrong with that and I have enjoyed a lot of Jawk's posts when defending Nintendo on a Sony website. I always have sympathy for those that take a contrarian viewpoint. I think it enriches the website and opens up people's minds. It adds value to the website. A wall of yes men does absolutely nothing for me. No insight is gained that way. Anyways I would never call his opinion crap or tell him to knock anything off mainly out of kindness and respect. People are entitled to their opinions. Let's just say if people are polite and on topic then whatever they say is fine by me.

Anyways I know a lot about Jawk. He loves Zelda Skyward sword. He owns a 3DS which makes me a little jealous because I have heard that Resident Evil Revelations(did I get the name right?) is the best RE game in years. I want to play that game badly. I wonder what he thinks of the game. Plus the 3DS is getting all kinds of love from Square. If Kingdom hearts and Resident Evil were available on a Sony platform I would buy that platform in a heartbeat.

Jawk is correct when he says that one of the complaints against the PS3 early on was there were no good games to play. Nobody could make that claim today. That is a huge improvement Sony pulled off and a pretty remarkable accomplishment. When I mentioned that gamers are kind of spoiled today since there are so many great games to choose from I started to wonder about all the Sony exclusives there are.

I wonder if the number of Sony exclusives are splitting off sales from each other or something. I'm having trouble understanding why a game like KZ3 is not a hit. Are we overrating Sony exclusives? Are gamers just more into multiplats? Halo's and Gears of War sales tell me no. So do the Sony exclusives listed above. Just go look up the day1 sales figures for Halo Reach and Gears of War 3 just for NA alone. The numbers they pull in are insane. Are 360 gamers buying more of those games because they have less exclusives to pick from?

I remember going to Gamespot the day Halo Reach launched. It was 1 pm and there was huge line of people. Some had lawn chairs. My girlfriend and sister asked what was going on. I honestly did not know since I'm not a 360 fan but I figured it out pretty quickly when I saw Gamespot employees wearing Halo shirts and hats. They were even giving out Halo merchandise to some lucky people in the crowd. The crowd was pumped and cheering when they saw the Halo merchandise being handed out. The cheers were almost deafining. There was almost a rock concert feel to the crowd. I must admit I have never seen another game launch that rivaled that one and I have been to many. It's hard to put a finger on the reason why but I think some of that enthusiasm I have seen for 360 here in NA is missing on the PS3. There is not much I can do about that alone. I try to remain hopeful and remember that each gen is essentially a reset. Sony could be back on top next gen. Sony did dominate 2 gens in row afterall. I knid of got used that. The PS3 enjoys great game support which is what really matters. That will continue so I'm happy about that. Anyways, this gen shows anything is possible. A mistep by a console maker can litterally flip the market on its head. Gamers are fickle bunch for the most part.

Another thing I would add for the gamers who have not played Infamous 2 is give the game a chance. Jawk mentioned above that he took a chace on the game even though he was not that impressed by the demo and ended up loving the game. I wish more people thought like that. What I'm trying to do here when I mention that is using word-of-mouth to help drive Infamous 2 sales. Do Sony a favor and pick up some of their exclusives that were a little ignored. Resistance 3 has a decent single player campign and I liked the atmosphere of the game. Infamous 2 is probably the best looking open world game I have seen. Most of all it is fun. When you do buy a Sony exclusive please make sure you buy it new so Sony gets the money they deserve. Remember buying a Sony exclusive increases the chances of a sequel and helps keep the gaming developers in bussiness. Zipper is toast because of poor Socom sales unfortunately. We need these developers around when the PS4 comes around. I think these developers are one the best things Sony has going for them. They deserve our support.

I'm proud to say I own 5 Sony exclusives and I bought all of them day1. I did my part to help Sony out. I always show off some of these games to my friends which convinced a couple to go out and buy a PS3. The PS3 gets a bad wrap here in NA. It needs all the help it can get here. Sometimes just showing the system in action is enough to get gamers to give it a second chance and rub off some of the misconceptions. Yes, multiplayer works just fine without cross game chat by the way. Load times are really no longer an issue. Believe it or not there are some seriously misinformed gamers here in NA. The online service is not broken and it does not take 5 minutes to load a game on a PS3. Some of my friends actually believed some of that crap!! Anyways, I'm not going to take all the credit either for connvincing gamers to get a PS3…the games did the job for me. One of my friends is huge Metal Gear fan so showing off MGS4 did the job. The other game that helped was KZ3. The game looks stunning. Remember word-of-mouth helps drive sales too.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 4/26/2012 5:19:52 PM

12 years ago

But I think you're missing the overall point. Sony has way more exclusives than the other 2 consoles. They can't afford a huge MS-funded-marketing campaing (or even an EA funded BF3 campaign) for each new exclusive they have. Its just not possible for them to afford to do that. Its possible that these exclusives end up cannabilizing each other too. Which is a shame, because quantity AND qualitity should be rewarded.

And I'm sorry, but I don't think that GT, UC, LBP (which has done well, I don't have the numbers but both iterations sold pretty good if I remember correctly) and GoW are the "exceptions". It's quite possible that Socom 4, inFamous 2, and Resistance are the exceptions. Like I said earlier, they have alot of franchises, and not everyone can sell like Halo does on Xbox

12 years ago

Your wall of text has nothing to do with the article. Take your anti-Sony talking points back to NG4. We're sick of you wasting space with this nonsense. I have laid off you Excelsior but enough is enough. Your comments are irrelevant and it's getting old having to scroll through your nonsense to find and a valid point that has anything to do with the topic at hand.

Knock it off!

12 years ago

why the hell are you talking about a rock concert like atmosphere at your local gamestop? You can't even stay on topic when you go OFFtopic.

12 years ago

I'm sorry for being hard Excelsior, but dude, c'mon! There's no need to be so negative all the time.

12 years ago

Thas funny, cuz most of my games are ps3 exclusive. I'm not big on multiplat cuz alot of times they are just way to dumbed down cuz the poobox can't handle the type of experiences we get in our exclusives.

12 years ago

Hey guys, I hope you did note some of the positives in the second post. I dug deep and did find some good things. Please note the quote that the PS3 was the only platform that had an increase in software sales in 2011. That was just a random thing I threw out there, but you can't deny that's good news for Sony.

I went through 3 links to find that information and I am more than happy to post something good if I see it. I praised Sony's developers and said they need our support, and urged people to buy some the overlooked Sony exclusives. I think Sony's developers are their greatest asset. They could even turn the console war around in Sony's favor next gen so there is always hope. I even went to the trouble of trying to dispell some of the misconceptions about the PS3 in NA and advised fellow PSXE members to show off their PS3's to rub off some of those misconceptions which I swear to God I have dealt with. They exist and they are real.

I also went to the trouble to point out 360 exclusives that did not do so hot as well and even mentioned the multiplat title Rage. When I asked why isn't KZ3 a hit I was being dead serious. I really want to know what you guys think about that.

Anyways, I can't control what comes up in google websearch on Infamous 2 sales. Hell, it was one of top articles on the search and it had the words Infamous 2 sales in bold letters so I followed it and posted what I read directly from the article. It seemed on topic to me and I was surprised to see only 1 of those exclusives broke 1 million copies sold.

Anyways, Jawk, I am a big boy so don't feel sorry for me. I'm just reporting the situation on the ground so to speak and I have developed some thick skin. I do respect my fellow PSXE members so don't think for a minute I blow off anything you guys have to say. I know some people prefer to keep their heads down and just keep playing games. I'm wired a little differently and I'm always looking up trying to understand all the dynamics in play. As you guys already know I'm fascinatated by sales figures. I don't know exactly why but I love going through sales charts and comparing things. That does not stop from enjoying my PS3 games that Zettai can at least confirm I spend hours playing each day. It's Mass Effect 3 multiplayer Zettai and I are enjoying by the way. We play daily at around 5:30 AM eastern standard time. My PSN ID is Jamiecolts. I have 7 PSXE members as friends by the way and it's always cool playing together and talking about some of the topics on PSXE.

Anyways, I just won't get into personal attacks of any kind anymore even if I get some snide remarks. This is a pretty mature website. It can handle diverse opinions. If it's accurate and on topic(for the most part) I don't see the big deal.

Maybe my post convinced somebody to buy a Sony exclusive new. My fellow PSXE members have convinced me to buy games because I value thier opinion. World has convinced me to make some purchases of some overlooked games.

I do think there is some truth to what Ignitus had to say. Maybe I do say some things that Sony fans don't like to hear. It's interesting the response to my second post. A couple of people overlooked anything POSITIVE I had to say. That's okay and I can live with it.

As for staying on topic I have seen people stray way off topic even into politics, race, religion, anime, cartoons, The walking Dead, the movie industry, cultural differences between nations, Hannah Monntnna oddly enough, and Radiohead. There was an incident between the two parties(Hannah and Radiohead )that led to some lively if not random discussion. Again, not a single word said. Way off topic but allowed. I have read many interesting things about a great many things here at PSXE that would considered off topic. Why are they straying off topic? Maybe they are trying to back up the things they say and feel. Interesting Jimmy finds the rock concert qoute so annoying. Would he be annoyed if I said that about a Sony game? Most likely, not a word would be said. Sometimes the truth can sting a little bit I guess. I seen an article form Ben titled Gamers need to play Halo Reach. Why is he talking up a 360 exclusive on a Sony fansite? Because he cares and is gamer first. It's not really your typical Sony "fansite" when the editor-in-chief talks up games for other systems is it? He's talked up other 360 games like Alan Wake, and the Lost Odyssey because he wants us to know about great games despite which system it is on. I would note that dicussion about other systems, the gaming industry in general, and games is allowed here. I have even read a story about a girl, and some guy ending up in a tree or shrub from Ben. Funny story (hey, look it's a random topic as well) that is in the archives that has nothing to do with Sony or gaming. Anyways, I apologize to Jimmy and anybody I have offended. Jimmy and I have agreed on great many subjects in the past. Even Jawk and I see eye to eye on some things like Nintendo. Like him I have respect for them. That can sometimes be a tough position to take on Sony themed website Remember PSXE does not consider itself a Sony "fansite". It's definitely a place that has a lot of Sony fans that I have to be aware of, but I'm pretty sure PSXE is gamer's site first. It does not just cover Sony based news or articles. Really, any topic is go and I have seen a lot of latitude aloowed here. I'm pretty darn sure I seen Ben tell some people to lay off some posters and that this was not a "fansite." Discussion here about the industry, other systems, and even other websites break out all the time here. The random/off topic card is weak card to play for that exact reason.

I want to crystal clear. One company I dislike is MS. Whether it is fair or not I just don't like their aggressive tactics and the insane amount of money they can throw around. I think it distorts the gaming industry when one company can way outspend the others by so much. We have seen MS plunge their noses into JRPG's and that totally distorted that market. They made some the most unreliable harware ever seen early in this gen. Did anybody notice the RROD 360 repair shop in Infamous 2? A clever and fun jab at MS by Sucker Punch is pretty cool. I own a 360 that was basically gifted to me on Christmas. I own a grand total of three whooping(Halo Reach which came with the 360. The Lost Odyssey, and the Witcher 2 which I have been meaning to play more I just can't stop with the Mass Effect 3's mp on the PS3 for some reason. I fired Witcher 2 up for awhile and do think it's a very good game some here might be interested in but my loyalty is with Sony. I have not even turned it on for quite awhile.

You guys might not believe it but I am a Sony fan and always will be. I'm just atypical thinker and like to explore both sides of a debate. I think there were some legitmate points I made but it's fine by me if others disagree.

Call it negative or a backhanded compliment but I do say good things too.
It's in there if you read it carefully. There is always hope.

Jimmy's respsonse about MS level funding for advertising really got me thinking. That would be like a wet dream for me. Sorry for the juvenile reference but I'm certain all those exclusives on that list would have done way better. Jimmy's point that Sony can't afford that is legititimate. He could even be right that PS3 owners own more exclusives than the other systems. Makes sense to me because most of my 360 loving friends are playing multiplats. They aren't shy about bragging about their exclusives either but they bring a lot less ammuniton to that debate than a Sony fan does.

To flip this debate around. Maybe Jimmy's point is valid and even less 360 owners own exclusives. My brief research into that seems to indicate that may be the case. My eyes tell me that as well because I know exactly what all my 360 owning friends are playing. There just as easily been an article titled: Ganmer woes- 360 fans brag about their exclusives but don't buy them.

Okay, I did post something negative. That is a fair point. I'm working on balancing out my posts and spreading the negativity around by pointing out some 360 exclusives and Rage that did not get the sales they deserve. I also sprinkled in some positives as well. They are buried in that wall of text but in the second post they are there. There is even positives buried in the first post when I listed games that were a financial success.

Abyways, Alan Wake was supposed to be a big hit. It wasn't. The Wii was supposed to be dead on arrival if you believe what the gaming media was stating at the time. I see absolutely nothing wrong with asking why a particular game did not sell well or why a console becomes a hit or falls out of favor. When I post something negative that I have directly witnessed or saw with my own eyes I think that is fair. What I see could be completely different than somebody else. Life exists beyond my own experiences. If I can't share some of my experiences with my fellow Sony fans then who else there to talk about it with?

I'm pretty sure I found the right place to talk about these things since I have picked up so many friends here. This is a great site. I appreciate everything Ben does. Pretty impressive for 1 man show. Oh, there is mysterious John Shepard. I'm not convinced of his existence yet. I don't think I have ever seen a review from him. If he does exist I would like to thank him as well. I guess we can't forget about Arnold either who I once read moved on to greener pastures.

Anyways, Ludracious once posted that he wanted to directly hear my opinion on FF13's battle system because I always posted such insightful things that others don't see and I back it up. Ignitus has told me the same thing pretty much even though he does not always agree with me. I was touched by both members comments. To be fair Ludracious did say he wanted to hear from World and I and the countless others who make great posts here on PSXE. I have enjoyed my interaction with the my fellow members. No, I have not gotten a swelled head over that but I was touched their comments. A little embarrased and proud at the same time if that makes sense. That's just how my brain is wired. Always looking for the upsides and downsides of an issue. I try hard to see patterns in things so I can understand a subject better. Maybe sometimes I look too hard for an explanation when the subject is so complicated that people could many sides on issue and not be wrong.

The gaming market is such a dynamic subject to approach. It's no wonder opinions vary wildly about certain subjects. I just try hard now to be polite and not take any personal shots. One guy says Sony exclusives don't sell but the other says MOST do. Who do I believe? The numbers never lie. They hold no bias or personal grudges. They are just numbers. Hell, on Vgchatrz you track worldwide console sales side by side on graph. You can track weekly game sales and compare them to past exclusives if you so like. Oh, and those Sony monthly sales figures they no longer release. They are out there. CVG, The Sixth Axis, and Games Radar will post them. I'm not promoting other websites either. I'm only citing the 3 sources I now evaluate since I messed up and got my years mixed up. That was an accident by the way. I'm only human afterall. I'm certainly no expert or professional of any kind. Just an amature Sony fan.

Anyways, CVG even posts a sales forecast for NA that comes from EEDAR and Wedbush Morgan each single month. Sales topics have some of the most active topics on these sites. People definitely are passionate on the subject. It's also interesting hear what my British cousins have to say. A lot them think it is patriotism driviing all those 360 sales. I'm not sure about that because if you look back Americans will prefer any system ranging from Sony, Sega, Nintendo, and now the 360 for some reason. If you look way back you can see that Sega once gave Nintendo a run for their money here. I'm too young to remember that but it is still interesting. America was Sony territory for two consecutive generations. Oh well, that is out of my control for the most part but I do make note of it.

Oh, to come back on topic…I'm happy to hear about any Sony exclusive announcement and I always cross my fingers and hope they do well. Maybe each exclusive should have a set amount of money set aside based on what the experts think needs the ads more. I'm no genious but anybody can see Starhawk needs advertising way more than God of War does imho. I simply don't understand the strategy of going to all the trouble of making a game then not advertising it. Not smart in my book. I would call out any company that went down that path no matter who they are. Pull advertising money from the their sinking HDTV or computer bussiness. Their gaming business is their best chance at posting a profit. Those 2 divisions listed above are directly responsible for huge loses the past 4 years. I'm talking about BILLIONS of dollars lost there and that's even after Sony took cost reduction measures and restructured. Did you know Sony posted a record loss in the last fiscal year of 6.4 BILLION dollars? They haven't posted a profit in 4 years. Sony is going to cut 10% of their workforce. Tell those employees sales don't matter. Those might be facts Sony fans do not want to hear but they are indeed accurate. Some of you guys take that as Sony bashing when all I trying to understand things.

I know it sounds all doom and gloom but we have seen other companies like Harely Davidson loose money for years then suddenly reverse their fortunes because of a change in management. American carmakers seemed to have done a lot better recently. Anything is possible. I do hope Sony does post a profit next time. I wish Kaz and Sony the best. I've always liked Kaz for some reason and I am pulling for both him and Sony. I do see light at the end of the tunnel. Sony does have a lot of assests that I think will be a big player next gen. I'm not going to lie, either. I don't like them loosing so much money before next gen starts. It just an awkward time to loose so much money in my view but I still do have a lot of faith in Sony, They have been my friend through the good times and the bad. Most of all I have just had more fun than you guys can believe so never feel sorry for me. 🙂

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 4/26/2012 11:51:10 PM

12 years ago

Oh for God's sake, give excelsior a break for once. Yeah, he was way off-topic, but these are probably some of the best posts I've ever read of his, and he makes a ton of valid points without ripping on the PS3 all that much.

Honestly, if Sony increased marketing even a little bit for its smaller exclusives, they'd more than likely get better sales. I'm not saying increase the marketing to Halo levels for EVERY exclusive, but even a little bit of an increase helps. Not for Uncharted or GoW, since those already sell well, just the ones like inFamous 2, Resistance 3, etc.

Although I do have one criticism of what you're saying excelsior, and that's that the last time I checked, KZ3 had sold something around 2.3 million copies. So its better off than all the other games you're mentioning.

12 years ago

Could it be that the article is dated and I am following old links? It has to been under a year old though since it mentioned Infamous 2. I did ask if is this guy just could be flat wrong. Ben says he is and I trust him way more than the other guy deep down. Maybe the game just had unusually long tail or saw a drop in price. Believe it or not most game sales are frontloaded these days and developlers have complained about the death of tails in games this gen. I have been burned by using dated info before so from now on I will always post a date on article referenced. I swear it was real article. I did openely question the author's numbers. The articile was definitely accurate for some time. If not it's the best MS atroturfing I ever seen with links to sales charts and even appearing in the top 3 of three of the google search. It even urges Sony fans to buy exclusives. MS would never really do that. To whoever stated they questioned the Sony exclusive attach rate…you could be correct because I have seen figures 1 in 5.5 owners(even that number feels low) own an exclusive but it just from somebody's reply on a website in the UK. Hey, I just thought of an explanation. Maybe this article is only using NA sales and not taking into account worldwide sales. I bet that's exactly what happened!!

Hey, that does not mean we still can't question Sony's advertising budget. A little bit more might go a long way. Nobody is expecting MS level funding. One can dream but it's just possible for Sony at this time. I really do question the wisdom of advertising a big time Sony exclusive like the new God of War game at his time and ingnoring Strarhawk. God of War Ascenion is a sequel to a game that was wildly successful. Again, no marketing genious but I'm certain GOW will do just fine without much advertising. StarHawk I'm not so sure about. I'm not going fault Sony for using their advertising dollars on GOW but StarHawk needs some help too. Right?

Thank you for the compliment by the way Lairfan, and even the one critism. It's still cool we can talk about so many things here. I read every single word of my fellow PSXE members posts by the way. I have long suspected the average IQ of members of this site is quite high. There may even be a genious or two lurking around here. I suspect World's IQ is off the charts. He is so clever with words. That's really not good enough. He is a master of words and funny too.

Thanks again for having sympathy for the Devil so to speak. I'm really not a Devil but I will play Devil's advocate sometimes. I do try very hard not be abrasive in anyway now. You guys are my fellow Sony fans afterall. I know "bashing" would never really be tolerated here. I'm pretty sure I have a good feel for what PSXE tolerates now. I have been a member here for over a year.

I'm still here and have toned down some of my dissapointments. I sure the heck have tried hard to do that. I admit it's tough to do that when you feel passionately about something and deep down really care. I always try to keep a mind on that when reading responses. There could be Sony fan out there holds an entirely different viewpoint but still just as passionate as me. I'll never really hold it against them and you will almost never see me hit a thumbs down button. Only thumbs up from me so that's positve. I will admit I hit it when I saw one the first what I considered sexist remarks here on that female Playboy interview. That's why girls avoid MP. Everybody likes girls right? Show them some more respect and they might show up more often. Really not trying lecture anybody so don't take that personal. Ben was actually pretty tolerent on that thread which went electric pretty quick. He eventually told us to knock it off but he did say he also had a feeling something like this would happen. Pretty good insight on his part.

Anyways back on topic with my reply. When Sony hurts I hurt. I have questioned whether I was little crazy at one time because I care too much. But I told myself it's okay. There is nothing wrong for pulling for a company and feeling some pain when things go wrong. That is the very nature of a fan. As long as I still enjoy my games on my PS3 and support Sony I feel like I did my part. It feels good to buy Sony exclusives new. That is no lie. Hehe. Yes, I have probably lost it but I swear that's how I feel.

Last edited by Excelsior1 on 4/27/2012 3:47:00 AM

12 years ago

Not sure someone mentioned this regarding the good ending to inFamous 2.

1. The lightning storm at the end when his body sails away. He lives of the stuff quite literally.

2 Again.. the lightning. One hits th barge/boat and is in a the shape of a question mark (?).

As for the alternate ending well if the game is in another city who knows. Lets just say the story should be good to try and explain things if characters who died come back.

Keep Playing!

12 years ago

Yea, they can go any direction that want with inFamous. The left that door open for themselves. Many of us forget were not the talented minds who think up these games. Just because we can't guess where it's headed, doesn't mean Sucker Punch can't/won't be able too.

12 years ago

The developer is Super Bot Entertainment, so it's pretty likely that it's gonna be that one Playstation fighting game. I gotta hand it to that one dude's site (Paul Gale) that really, actually had first look in terms of preview for everyone to see.

12 years ago

I hope so. I love InFamous.

And don't be so harsh on excelsior. He is just pointing out what we all know but don't want to admit.

12 years ago

Not being hard, just a debate. He points out the negative far too often while just brushing aside the positive. And he does it almost completely randomly

12 years ago

D1P enough said. SP has proven themselves they deserve my money. Heck I still need to get the Festival of Blood, maybe next week.

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