If you're a fan of the well-received inFamous franchise, you're probably pining for news of a sequel. But will developer Sucker Punch oblige? We haven't…
All right, so they won't confirm that inFamous 3 is in the works, but at the same time, they don't appear to be unhappy with…
So everyone is talking about one – or possibly two – big PlayStation 3 exclusives that Sony has yet to announce. One could very well…
Many are wondering if Sucker Punch will give us another inFamous . I'm here to tell you that it's basically inevitable. There are several obvious…
Whatever they're working on, we want to know what it is. Job listings at developer Sucker Punch's website and Gamasutra have made it plain: the…
inFamous is one of our favorite PlayStation 3 games, and inFamous 2 is one of our most anticipated games of 2011. So…how's about inFamous 3…