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Crysis 3 Will Push The PS3/360 To Its Limits…Sounds Familiar

Crytek really likes to make this claim, don't they?

There's absolutely no doubt that the original Crysis was a graphical benchmark on PCs when it released. There's also no doubt that Crysis 2 looked pretty damn amazing, on both PCs and consoles. And now, according to a recent Tweet from Crytek boss Cevat Yerli, the upcoming Crysis 3 will "push the 360 and PS3 to its limits."

First of all, we're fairly certain the 360 is at its limit; that's not bias talking; it's merely observation and what developers have said. Secondly, Crysis 2 isn't the best-looking game on the PS3 and in our opinion, it wasn't even the best when it first launched. And unless Crytek shows us something more impressive than Naughty Dog's The Last Of Us , we won't be so quick to agree with the "to its limits" comment. We're not entirely sure the team knows exactly what those limits are …we'll leave it up to Sony's first-party studios to figure that out.

However, one thing is definite: Crysis 3 will indeed look incredible. You don't have to worry about that. But Crytek continually making this kind of statement sorta reminds us of Peter Molyneux telling everyone that Fable was going to be the greatest RPG ever made…and didn't he make a similar comment just recently about something else? …anyway.

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12 years ago

Not to mention God of War Ascension, as soon as I heard about it I tried to preorder it. Crisis, not so much.

12 years ago

So really Crytek was full of crap when they said that about Crysis 2 then… I can only assume Crysis 3 will be more polished.These developers make me laugh. I like Crytek and I thoroughly enjoyed Crysis 2, it's one of my favorite shooters. But if you continuously say this abiut every game you create, you start to look suspect.

Crysis 2 looked good though, I'll give em that, so I am very excited to see what they can do with Crysis 3.

Edit: good news is this once PC developer, has obviously really started focusing on consoles, since pushing them to their limits is a goal of theirs.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 4/19/2012 11:13:59 AM

12 years ago

Blah Blah Blah, hell Killzome 2 pushed the ps3 farther than crysis 2 did technical wise. I found crysis 2 rather meh. Does anybody even play crysis 2 online anymore?

Looking Glass
Looking Glass
12 years ago

Well that's one of the issues with online multiplayer. With many games that have the feature there's little guarantee that the online lobby won't become a ghost town after a while.

12 years ago

Crysis 2 MP is a ghost town. I just tried last night and not a single other person was in any lobby, and I tried all modes.

I don't get where all the praise comes from. Like Jawknee mentioned, it was blurry, and I had plenty of pop in and glitches to boot. The AI isn't even that great even on the highest difficulty.

The only thing I really liked was the varied ways in which you can approach each stage.

12 years ago

Pushed to the limits alright…the limits of credibility.

12 years ago

No need to be to harsh on these guys… I liked Crysis 2 alot. Killzone 2 and 3 though are still better technically no doubt. Hell, Killzone looks better than a lot of games today…

I trust Crysis 3 will raise the bar once again… I am sure they will push the hardware hard…



12 years ago

Not this nonsense again. Crysis 2 was an okay game and was decent in the graphics department but just about every PS3 exclusive looks and performs better than Crysis 2.

I gotta ask? Will we be treated to the extensive amount of motion blur we had to suffer trying to see the images last round?

I hope not…

12 years ago

Even the Motion blur couldn't hide the poor texture quality in that game!

12 years ago

I said it a long time ago and I'll say it again..A multiplat can't push the limits of both consoles being that the need to be identical. There's no way they can push the limits of both when one console has already reached its limit..

12 years ago

I think they know this. They just like stroking their own ego's in hopes it will garner big sales.

12 years ago

Either that or hoping that those misinformed casual gamers buy it

12 years ago

I really liked Crysis 2. I agree it's not the benchmark setters as Crytek and some others may claim, but they do put together a pretty mean package. Graphics are awesome, set-pieces are riveting, story is not bad at all if not compelling, and above all else, the gameplay is fun and even innovative. So, I'm excited. Now that Resistance is done (albeit Burning Skies on the way for Vita), it's down to Crysis (and KZ4 and Half Life and Bioshock Infinite)nfor me for shooters.

12 years ago

If Crysis 2 did push them tot he limits, then this game kinda has too as well. Because the graphics will either be the same or slight texture improvements but other then that you making this game look worst is kinda har.d

12 years ago

I'm now even less impressed by Crytek for them making this their biggest selling point

12 years ago

Yes, the PS3 version of Crysis 2 is too blurry because it is running at lower resolution. I wonder if the technical wizards at Crytek will be able to get the PS3 version up to par this time. Resolution cuts in the PS3 version of multiplats is a nasty trick that PS3 owners have had to suffer for too long. Rockstar and several others have done this over the years. It helps get the framerate up and eliminate screen tearing in the PS3 version. It's a trade off I guess, but this was a new engine…it's not 2006. PS3 multiplats can run as good as their 360 counterparts but it apparently takes some effort even if it's a new engine. This leads me to believe it's not just an issue of the Unreal Engine favoring the 360. We have a new engine here but we also see one of the exact same issues we have seen in some Unreal based games on the PS3…resolution cuts. I will try to cut Crytek some slack(it's difficult because of their boasting) because they are not the only developer that has had issues with the PS3's unique design plus the final Crysis 2 game looked pretty good on the PS3…the only way you can really spot the differences between both console versions is to play them close together which I hav done. Anyways, the PS3 a powerful system that is more than capable. It just takes developers some time to get their heads around the PS3. Some developers may never master it. Sorry Bethesda, unlike Crytek you have had MULTIPLE attempts at the PS3 but can never ship a PS3 game that does not have a problem.

Others above mentioned the MP in Crysis 2 is a ghost town. I completely agree!! It never did have a lot of players, either. I blame that on the way Crytek mishandled the PS3 MP demo. It got called out for being inferior. The reaction was so bad that EA yanked the demo off PSN. I will note the final game was much improved but the damage was done. I am 100% sure that demo hurt sales of the PS3 version of the game which hurt the health of MP community. Another thing I hated is NOBODY uses a damn mic in that game for some reason. I will note the online community for the 360 version of Crysis 2 is still pretty robust…they love their shooters I suppose. I have noticed 360 owners speak a lot more highly of the game as well. I have a had few people on LIve tell me it's the best game ever. I just don't see that, but I did enjoy the SP campign.

It's a campign that actually has some length(11-12 hours on my first playthrough) which I appreciate. It starts off slow but does improve as the game goes on. I enjoyed the story even though it's mostly B movie material.

12 years ago

"The PS3 will push the Crytek team to their limits"

Now THAT I will believe. 🙂 The CryEngine is yet another resource hog. Building something that even a top end PC handles poorly isn't an achievement; It's a failure. I don't know about you, but running this game on a i7 with dual 6990 cards and not managing 50fp+ at very high detail in DX11 @ 1920×1080 ludicrous. ( Also, i7 3960X @ 4.2Ghz w/ Nvidia 560Ti scores ~35fps.)

So, yes this game will push the PS3 to it's limit. Unfortunately, it's not the graphical limit we're talking about…

12 years ago

Maybe you have something configured wrong. I use a i5 with a 6770m GPU and Ive played the game through at mostly 30-40 fps at 768p DX11 turned on with the high res texture pack.
Maybe you have some really expensive AA filtering enabled. Try lowering that way down. I didn;t use any AA. It sure looks gorgeous, though.

I definately prefer the PC version of this game because it doesn't have all of the input latency the console versions suffer from. Ever notice how console Crysis 2 has a floaty/laggy feel to it's control precision? A bad side effect when prioritizing visuals over input on a limited pipeline.

12 years ago

i hope thats a joke dude!
either that, or you need to re install the latest drivers or something because my 4 year old crappy multimedia toshiba laptop can run this game no problems never dropping below 60FPS!
and my I7 gaming rig does everything maxed out with the 10s of mods installed in freaking 3D and 3 monitors and it still never drops below 60FPS!
the original was a resource hog, but the CE3 is the complete opposite!

12 years ago

@Temjin – I tried helping a friend out with this issue. There were rumors that the game wasn't implementing Crossfire properly, but updates didn't help either systems. This was only the case @ max settings. Forcing AA down along with a few other filters helped tremendously, but the sole purpose of that gaming rig was to prevent compromise. The 560Ti just didn't like the game. We never figured out the issues with either rigs.

@No-named-person: what in the bloody hell are you talking about? a 4 year old laptop runs the game? GOOD for you! I'm pretty sure I didn't state the game ran like crap with ALL settings reduced. Also, your i7 comment means nothing to me. Only because you say nothing about it, minus bragging about 3 3D monitors. Cool? Congrats? Pat on the back..?!

12 years ago

It's how the hardware is used not how hard you push it that counts most, Crytek 😉

I have no doubt they'll push the consoles to their limits within the scope of their engine's design. Basically, where both consoles intersect palatably with each other.

Exclusively designed software doesn't have to worry about bridging two platforms with one engine.

12 years ago

Eh… No it wasn't?

12 years ago

how was it unplayable?
its actually one of the smoothest games ive ever played!
no screen tearing or constant frame rate drops, allot more then you can say about allot of other MP games!

12 years ago

consoles sure sure, but PC oh f*cking bull sh*t!
im willing to bet my left nut that crysis 3 will be exactly the same as crysis 2, IE a crappy console port!
i cant believe how crytek treats their PC fans especially after what we have done for them!
they would be no one, releasing crappy iphone games if it was not for the PC community!

12 years ago

Crysis 2 in my opinion played and looked way better that all other multiplat titles around at that time, however it was not exclusive type good and we all know that and why. It was a long game and had varied locales, awesome weapons and cool powers to play with and also big enough maps for full freedom of player choice of engagement.Its a one and only game of its kind so i am eagerly looking forward to more info about it. On topic Yerli have made these headlines before and will not stop now, but i highly doubt that any game thats gonna push 360 to its limits is also able to push ps3's limit, well because duh…

12 years ago

I wish all tie-wearing office people, marketing executives and PR representatives could just STUFF it. Marketing babble is the worst babble there is, and only devaluing the efforts from the developers and the product. It's counter productive.

Crysis is a mighty good shooter franchise based on an amazingly appealing concept. My personal favourite shooter this generation, hands down even. No need for stupid PR mumbo jumbo talk. What we want now is more gameplay trailers. That's all that is interesting from now on and until release.

Crysis 3 will almost guaranteed be amongst my top 3 most anticipated games for 2013.

Last edited by Beamboom on 4/21/2012 3:54:26 AM

12 years ago

Just make a good game and give us specifics. I hate hearing these cliche statements all the time.

12 years ago

An FPS will never 'push limits' of anything, at least not on consoles, lol.

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