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Rumor: God Of War IV A Prequel, Set To Launch In March 2013

A little while back, we learned that Sony would be announcing a big new title on April 19 .

The prevailing theory is that it's God of War IV , which makes perfect sense. The teaser image certainly hints at the revered franchise, the timing is just about right, and analyst Michael Pachter is "100%" certain that both GoWIV for PS3 and a new series entry is in the works for the PlayStation Vita.

Therefore, we've been scrounging around trying to find out more info. On a whim, we decided to contact a few local GameStops to see if they knew anything about it (even if they're not always the best source). Interestingly enough, one employee told us that in fact, God of War IV is indeed going to be announced next week, and not only that, it'll be slated to launch in March 2013. Oh, and it'll be a prequel, too, which might make sense considering the storyline in GoWIII (don't worry, no spoilers here).

That sort of fits, as each of the last two entries have released in March. The fun part was that as soon as this guy said all this, I heard someone in the background say something (couldn't quite make out what); after which, the employee sort of backed off and said they "don't really know anything yet." So maybe his manager told him to stop spouting off nonsense that isn't true, or maybe he told him to shut his trap because he's not supposed to talk about GoWIV…

We're not about to judge. We're just here to tell you what we heard.

Related Game(s): God of War IV

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12 years ago

got all gOw games for the ps3 so no reason i will skip gOW4. heres hoping there will be one for vita cause my ps vita has been collecting dust.

12 years ago

seriously games i want to play are all releasing in June.gravity daze,mgs hd collection,persona 4

12 years ago

If this info out came from someone a little higher up the GameStop foodchain I might have had a little more confidence in any truth to the rumor. How privy to sensitive information are Game Stop employees? Then again being on the inside may give them a few weeks headstart on the details.

Last edited by FatherSun on 4/16/2012 10:32:34 PM

12 years ago

I hope it isn't true because a prequel at this stage in the game would just be desperate.

Also, it doesn't fit the tag line, "Will vengeance bring redemption?"

Otherwise it would be "Will vengeance go back in time and bring redemption before any vengeance is dealt?"

12 years ago

Pretty excited about this one! Technically I am sure it will blow people away!



12 years ago

Prequel can work if the main is Zeus.

12 years ago

I would really like GOW4 to be an Ares story. That would be freakin' awesome.

12 years ago

Or what about use more than one character?…I would like to use Poseidon.

12 years ago

I don't put too much stock in rumors from Gamestop employees. The manager at a GS store local to me tried to convince me God of War 3 was coming to the 360. I told him that was impossible, as it is a Sony owned franchise, and told him he it was just as likely as Halo coming to the ps3, and most likely he had mistaken it for Gears of War 3. He insisted on it anyways with bright eyed glee.

While the rumor of GOWIV being a prequel does not sound impossible, I think a prequel on the Vita is more likely. Moreover, Stig Asmussen has said in interviews he was careful so as to put plot hooks in GOW3 to allow room for a sequel.

12 years ago

I would much rather have an advancement in the current storyline.

Save the prequels for spinoffs.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Can't really see it being a prequel. R@D has already covered some of that, and it would just feel wrong to go back after how III ended, no matter what questions the devs and fans think still linger. It's better to leave them unanswered, or save them for Vita games.

Even with this, I can't really reconcile that tease with God of War; it is just far more similar to Heavenly Sword. Maybe I'm dreaming and those will be crushed in two days time, but I'm holding out hope.

12 years ago

I like your idea better

12 years ago

how does a prequel make sense?
kratos got his powers in the first game, so a prequel to that would mean his just a mere mortal!
the timeline is pretty full.
CoO if i remember right was a link between GOW1 and 2, and GoS was a link between 2 and 3.
so kratos storyline is pretty much sunk out by now!
only story i can think of them doing is something with his brother demonos, or maybe zues had another son.
if you watch the limited edition videos for 2 i think it was theres a video in there that speaks of another son, kratos had another brother besides hurcules so that could be what this is about.

all that said though i seriously doubt its GOW 4.
read the back of the box of heavenly sword and you will see why.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Both CoO and GoS dealt with Kratos before he became the God of War and were set before the first GoW. Furthermore, GoS dealt with the Deimos storyline, but it was sorta kinda left open. It would have to be something entirely new, perhaps only alluded to in the original trilogy like showing how Kratos and Aphrodite know each or something altogether quite banal like that.

But yeah, "Beyond Revenge Lies Redemption" and the cover art, I said it last week, this has to be HS.

12 years ago

GOW CoO was set before GOW1 and GOW GoS was set between GOW1 and 2

12 years ago

so then how the blazing hell does he have the blades in chains of Olympus?

12 years ago

If u want to know, play the games, already out on the PS3.

12 years ago

Ares gave them to him long before the events of GOW1.

12 years ago

I hope it's not a prequel, too. What else is there left to explore? Chains of Olympus and Ghost of Sparta pretty much cover the most important aspects Kratos' past (as do the flashbacks in GOW1). I see it as the only possible move, but I feel like if it is a prequel, Santa Monica Studio is scraping the bottom of the barrel. They should just let the franchise be.

Although it would make sense considering that the Origins collection just came out last year, I really see no more room for a prequel without it being overkill.

12 years ago

This rumour should be taken with 1 grain of salt and is seriously unlikely to be true.

GOW3 did leave a small opening for a sequel by mentioning**SPOILER**Gaia's other**SPOILER**

12 years ago

as others have mentioned, I hope its not a prequel. Even though I never played the Orgins collection, I'd imagine that TWO prequels would be more than enough to cover Kratos' past. I'm in the camp hoping that GoW4 introduces a new timeframe/character altogether. What's the real wild card however, is the tagline about "vengenance bringing redemption"….Educated guess would be that it will be about what happens to Kratos after the events in GoW3

mad pony
mad pony
12 years ago

Hmmmm I agree with " " & Lawless. Guessing Heavenly Sword 2, now with jumping.

12 years ago

1. Ultimately I hope it's not GOW4

2. If it is I hope it's not a GOW prequel, they have too many of those already like others said

3. If it is a sequel or prequel to something I would hope it's Heavenly sword or something else

4. I actually just hope it's a new franchise or a reboot, we have way too many sequels this gen.

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