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Crysis 3 Outed Before It’s Announced?

Nobody should be surprised. Instead, be excited!

As noted by GameSpot , EA's erroneously posted a product page for Crysis 3 . The pages have been pulled but it's too late now; the game is listed as coming to the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 and PC.

We can gather hints from the picture they had put up; it shows a soldier wearing that familiar Nanosuit and wielding what appeared to be a futuristic bow and arrow. He's standing in front of a sprawling city-scape so it seems we'll be returning to the urban settings found in Crysis 2 (the first was set in a tropical environment). As of yet, EA and Crytek haven't officially announced the third installment, but after a good showing with the last title – critically and financially – you have to assume it's coming.

And we probably won't have long to wait for the unveiling, either. If you recall, Crytek said they'd lift the lid on a new "AAA title" this month. So yeah, this is probably it and we're happy; Crysis 2 was oodles of fun.

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12 years ago

Instant goosebumps today when I saw these headlines. Crysis just clicks so insanely with me. For me this is The Perfect Shooter.
The setting, the suit, the audio, the entire concept of choosing your play style dynamically as you go… It's a stroke of genius.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
12 years ago

Hide in a bush
aim for headshot
fire suppressed weapon (splat)

12 years ago

If that's what you make it to be, then that's how it is for you.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
12 years ago

sneek in to guarded cabin
place c4
fire at metal roof
exit cabin
wait for guards to enter cabin

12 years ago

Hehe – that was a nice one. 🙂

12 years ago

Loved C1 & C2, so great news!

12 years ago

I'll pick it up just as I did with the previous two. But I'm worried that it won't sell as well as it should. Crysis 2 has only sold around 3 million copies total across three platforms last I checked, which is the same number the original Crysis sold just on one. Hopefully this new one will be more open world then the previous one and not an urban jungle setting.

12 years ago

yeah, good news.. but I thought they might of been working on Time splitters 4 🙁

12 years ago

They are but the last news I heard from that is that development has been postponed since around the middle of last year. And with the other news story posted here today about the death of split screen, I'm not really worried about TS4 anymore as it was best played with split screen.

12 years ago

i was hoping they'd give us Crysis Warhead to compliment the original Crysis download (or even better – put both on a disc) – but Crysis 3 will do nicely!

12 years ago

Can't wait for this. Automatically has become one of my most anticipated.

Solid Fantasy
Solid Fantasy
12 years ago

Nice! This would compliment my new PC nicely. If there really is a new Crysis it's strange that we're just now hearing about it. The last one was all over the place two years out.
I hope this one gets out of the city, maybe in jungle or snow environment.

12 years ago

I have Crysis 1 and I just couldn't get into it, there's so much meandering. I'm actually looking forward to their work on Homefront 2 more.

12 years ago

OH F*CK YEAH!!!!!!!!!
crysis 2 is one of the best games weve had this gen!
i wish it would go back to the jungles of the original but it would be impossible to do so and have the graphical quality from crysis 2 on consoles so you have to choose one or the other.
i hope they keep it exactly like crysis 2, just add much more environmental variety every level looked the same, and fix the AI!
then it will be a perfect game!
the AI was really frustrating, dumb as bat sh*t at times and super super smart at others.
your 2mms away from them and they cant see or hear you shooting at them.
but when your crawling silently in a sewer underneath them they instantly see you through a concrete floor and wait for you at the exit.
your cloaked 100KMs away behind a bush, take one crawl to the left and the noise is loud enough to travel 100KMs and alert every guard in the area to your exact location!
again WTF!?
fix the inconsistent AI and this will be the perfect game!!!!!!!!!

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