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Rock Band Blitz Gameplay Details

Yeah, we know what you were thinking when you saw Harmonix's new downloadable effort, Rock Band Blitz : "Hey, this looks a lot like Frequency and Amplitude ."

After all, the plastic music instruments are gone and you're once again switching tracks and hitting buttons on a standard controller to play notes. But according to Joystiq , it'd be a mistake to call Rock Band Blitz a "cover" of any of the developer's classic PS2 music titles.

Firstly, there are only two tracks to follow in each song (rather than the five we had in Rock Band and Amplitude ), and there's also only one difficulty level. Secondly, missing notes won't kill your score multiplier; it's "additive only," in that every time you successfully complete a measure playing a particular instrument, that instrument's multiplier rises. In the aforementioned older titles, successful completion of a measure would result in the "locking" of that track, meaning the instrument in question would continue to play by itself for a while.

But the locking is gone in Rock Band Blitz , which means you can play the same instrument throughout an entire song if you so choose. This should offer you more freedom despite the fewer number of tracks in each song. Personally, I loved those old PS2 music games and I'd actually prefer playing with the regular controller, so I'm looking forward to this one.

Related Game(s): Rock Band Blitz

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12 years ago

Looks interesting, but I love the feel of rocking out to fake plastic instruments with friends or family.

I'm sure this will appeal to core gamers more than casual music folk, but I've got many, if not all the instruments required to play all tracks in Rock Band games.

If it's cheap enough, I might check it out, but for now I am quite content with my 3 plastic guitars, 2 drum kits, 4 microphones and RB 3 keyboard. 🙂

12 years ago

Well, I am both an avid Rock Band fan with the whole kit and over 500 songs downloaded, plus all the exports except Greenday, and a fan of the old games. I will be purchasing this game, and if it interests you at all, all of the songs on Blitz will immediately be available in Rock Band 3. No export, no additional fee. I say that makes it worth it, provided it has a good soundtrack. Although, I already do like 3 of the 4 announced songs, so I feel it will be worth it. Plus that classic gameplay with all my dlc? Count me in.

12 years ago

3 letters.
m e h!
i was really excited for this its a shame music games had to take a hiatus!
so why the ^%$# would you bring them back like this!?
oh please harmonix for the love of god just give us rock band 4 already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

12 years ago

Forget Rockband and Guitar Hero….From what I've learned with only one week with a real guitar, I hope Ubisoft keeps expanding the Rocksmith games to eventually include a whole band.

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