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BioWare Reveals Free ME3 DLC: Resurgence Pack

Wow, a Mass Effect 3 story that has nothing to do with the endings. Such a novelty.

BioWare has announced free downloadable content; it's called the Resurgence Pack and it offers players new characters, new weapons and fresh maps.

It'll be ready to go this week (April 10) and the new faces are: Justicar Adept, Krogan Battlemaster Vanguard, Geth Infiltrator, Geth Engineer, and Bataria Soldier and Sentinel. The maps are Firebase Condor and Firebase Hydra, and your new firearms include the Kishock Harpoon Gun, Striker Assault Rifle, and the Geth Plasma SMG. You can read up on the specifics of each weapon and character through the link; it sounds like a great update for those who actually like the game. And if you're wondering, yes, this DLC is free.

This news comes only a day after BioWare confirmed the Extended Cut , which will feature "deeper insights" concerning the climax of your adventure. That'll be available this summer and remain available all the way through April 12, 2014.

Related Game(s): Mass Effect 3

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12 years ago

It'd be funny to see a Krogan do a Biotic Charge. LOL Whoever it'll hit is one unlucky chap. And Krogans are mean with shotguns, too! Well, at least their Soldier and Sentinel counterparts are.

And Yay for it being a free DLC!

12 years ago

So free? that's good.Lets keep it like this.

12 years ago

This must be more for the MP? Which is fine, I just havnt played it yet. Looking for someone I know to play with, before I go into it. I'd like to get into it before I finish the game so I can get my galactic readiness up a little bit, but I know it doesn't mean much of anything other than it's a number, and it plays a part in the endings a little bit.

12 years ago

Feel free to add me on the PSN if you want to play MP with somebody from here. My SEN ID is HardCorrFan. Still waiting for BeamBoom to start playing MP. LOL

12 years ago

Alright I'll do that. I hvnt played it yet so looking forward to it! Mine Is bigrailer19 if I havnt added u by the next time u log on.

12 years ago

I'll do that. I just hope we are online at the same time. LOL

12 years ago

The batarians look pretty cool in that trailer, actually want them more than the geth to be honest.Better start saving up your credits people.

12 years ago

That ending was something terrible, but the game itself is great (quite a lot of people who hate the ending, loves the game up until then), and the multiplayer is pretty damn fun, glad to see them doing this. Shocked that its free

Seems like its just in time too, 6 maps aren't a lot, so an extra 2 works for me. New weapons and characters makes it even better

Last edited by aaronisbla on 4/7/2012 2:47:46 AM

12 years ago

I have spent countless hours trying to come up with a reason Bioware screwed up the ending so much. It was looking good and they just flat out blew it. 86% of ME3 fans said as much. I honestly think I could have come up with a better ending. Kids in sci-fi are usually a really bad idea let alone a mass effect destroying one. No, it does not have to be a happy ending. Just show some freaking aftermath for the love of GOD. Mass Effect Relays are toast. Commander Shepard has become a legend…..continue what he started through DLC!!!! Maddening. There is a reason EA was voted the most evil American company recently.

12 years ago

I would have laughed out so hard if I hear you saying those things while we're playing multiplayer. Haha!

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