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Kojima Reveals A “Major Change” For “FOX Experiment”

Even when the words are translated, it can be difficult to fully comprehend Hideo Kojima's Tweets.

The latest tells us so much and so little at the same time: If you check his Twitter page , you'll see an announcement that – depending on how you interpret it – is either very interesting or mildly alarming.

"Today I made a major change in direction after reviewing the experiment over FOX. Not sure if it was the right decision but this is my way to proceed. I gotta believe in myself as always."

Now, your guess is as good as ours. He could be referring to his still-secret Ogre Project, or he could be talking about some other project that utilizes the FOX Engine. Or maybe he's specifically talking about the engine itself, and not any particular game… Either way, one gets the feeling that such a "change in direction" might lead to a longer wait for gamers, especially if it involves a drastic alteration in a project that's in the midst of development.

But that's being all sorts of pessimistic and as always, we really have to wait until Kojima elaborates before coming to any conclusions.

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Metal Head
Metal Head
12 years ago

Kojima san is taking too long on making a new game this generation. He's a perfectionist and that's a problem for us gamers. I wonder who is going to deliver first him or Team Ico.

12 years ago

I would honestly wait than him rush something, I was never disappointed with his work anyway though.

Can't rush these things. 😛

12 years ago

Its honestly refreshing for devs to take their sweet sweet time producing something that is 1) really satisfying and inventive, and 2) a COMPLETE experience.

Not these half arsed fractionated games with planned DLC that we are getting so much of these days.

12 years ago

Am sure it's honestly regarding the 'Taboo' he keeps talking about….

He made a decision on whether or not to keep said-Taboo and he I think is trying to say that he has to just trust his gut at the end of the day.

12 years ago

If he belonged to Sony, no way is he gonna get the pleasure of taking his sweet time. Under Sony, Ico got the boot and PD definitely got the threat call (otherwise Kaz would've taken another 2 years). On the positive side though, such restrictions is needed. There's a thin line in everything, and too much of something is usually not a good thing.

Last edited by daus26 on 4/2/2012 11:12:15 PM

12 years ago

If I were a celebrity I'd too post unsolvable riddles and watch how everybody cared… 😀

12 years ago

as i said before since when did the industry turn into bart simpson eating a ice cream cone in front of the biggest looser gym?

12 years ago

As long as Hideo Kojima is taking things the way he thinks they should go i'm happy. There's a good reason why gamers love his work and that's why any change made by him is a good thing in my opinion.

12 years ago

is it only me but isn't that picture actually game footage from somewhere? im probably slow and maybe the was the last one to notice but i always thought it was a picture of real girl model in nurse cosplay….lol,,,, <.< >.>

12 years ago

I'm pretty sure it's one of the screenshots showing off the fox engine.

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