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Rumor: The Witcher 2 PS3-Bound

Update: This game will be available for the 360, but we didn't know if it was coming to the PS3.

Original Story:

It seems like nothing can remain exclusive these days.

Not long after the confirmation that Blizzard would bring Diablo III to consoles, it now seems possible that The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings may also make the leap to PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360.

The game has been out for almost a year on PC; it received widespread critical acclaim and sold quite well, so maybe it's no surprise that publisher Atari wants to expand the reach of the game's sales potential. Besides, after about ten and a half months on the market, sales have long since topped out; might as well try for another surge on different platforms, right? And according to European site , that's going to happen: A newspaper advertisement clearly shows PS3 and 360 box shots of The Witcher 2 and we see developer Techland mentioned.

The interesting part is that it appears to be clarified that the ad was not a mistake. Hence, should we assume that the team responsible for nail'd and Dead Island is going to try to handle the console port…? We'll have to wait and see on that one. But as is the case with Diablo III , we still have to wonder if certain games are simply best played on a particular platform…

Related Game(s): The Witcher 2

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12 years ago

The Enhanced Edition releases on the Xbox 360 April 17th, this rumor is only pointing towards a PS3 version.

12 years ago

yeah been sour about the 360 only thing for months…
this news would be nice.

12 years ago

I have both systems, so usually I play my big open world RPGS on the Xbox 360 for the sake of performance issues, which is a shame. But, everything else is played on my PS3!

12 years ago

I hope this comes to as many platforms as possible. CD projekt really knows how to treat their fans.

I have this on the PC and the amount of post launch patches and updates we got for free was absolutely amazing. Difficulty modes were added and tweaked, they added barber shops and side quests all for free. New items added for free, I really couldn't believe it.

This was an incredible RPG and I was sad to see how overlooked it was last year. It had excellent choice and consequence, with less black and white choices, some choices that appeared good actually ended up getting some characters killed!

It had a vast world that while not as big as Skyrims felt more dense and alive. Not to mention some of the best graphics I have seen on my PC. Cranked up to max this game is gorgeous.

I am glad that this is making its way to consoles. I think it would find a good home on the PS3 as I think it would really appeal to the Demon Souls crowd.

12 years ago

Yeah CD Projekt is awesome. You mentioned all the patches and post release content, to top it off, last I heard was the PC version will be upgraded to the Enhanced Edition for free too upon release, for those that already own the original.

12 years ago

Yup! Anything they are making for the Xbox version the PC will get for free. Which is cool because they added what a couple hours of content to it or something?

I love these guys, hope they get the recognition they deserve this year. Hopefully it gets game of the year for RPGs, as I think they really deserved it last year.

If not well, I hope they sell many copies 😀 I'm stoked for the Witcher 3.

12 years ago

Witcher 2 did win GOTY and RPG of the Year from some publications and it really deserved them. I see the same happening this year with the console versions. I can't wait for Witcher 3 either. As soon as the Collector's Edition is announced, I'll be pouncing on that one just as I did with part 2. Hope they finish production on They as well seeing as how they wanted to wait until Witcher 2 was released before working on it again.

12 years ago

Nice! I didn't realize they won goty. I just kept seeing Skyrim this and Skyrim that. But I'm glad that it got some official recognition thats awesome.

Yeah, what was really cool, is that my normal witcher 2 copy came with, a strategy guid, the soundtrack, and those russian paper dolls. Oh and a cool letter to one of the assassins as well as a fake coin. All for 49.99 again I couldn't believe it.

I will give them more of my money for witcher 3 as they have more than proven that they deserve it.

Last edited by xenris on 3/31/2012 12:19:05 PM

12 years ago

The Witcher 2 is a beautiful game CD improved so much since the first one.

Last edited by bebestorm on 3/31/2012 1:20:33 PM

12 years ago

Yeah, its old news that the 360 is getting the game. Whats new is the possibility of a ps3 version.

12 years ago

So what if a game is best played on one platform over another, atleast give us the option to play it if we want. Right:)

12 years ago

Completely right you are. 🙂

12 years ago

From playing the witcher 2 on my PC, I think this will work wonderfully on a console with a controller. Its combat is pretty action based, more so than any of the Dragon Age games. If they can make those games work on consoles the witcher will have no problem.

12 years ago

Aye, totally. And I've heard from a good mate with a gaming rig that the Witcher 2 has excellent gamepad support – ie, it runs with a gamepad on PC just fine, so it'll likely have a control scheme that comes over very well.

Other than most styles of grand-strategy games (which involve a lot of fine pointing-and-clicking, which a mouse really heaps with), the idea that some games don't work well on consoles is a furphy, and a reflection of unimaginative UI design (something PC games do a bit, because they can get away with it, given the range of keys they have). There's absolutely no reason Witcher 2 couldn't run on console – only thing holding it back (as the original devs have said) is that the dev house is a small team, and could only dev for one platform at a time.

So the fact that the rumour suggests a port being handled by another studio at least sounds realistic :). It's good news as well – I've got a PC that can handle the Witcher 2, but I'd personally rather play it on PS3 :).

12 years ago

I played the game on the PC and it's so, so great.

The scary thing here is Techland handling a port? What? Didn't CD Projekt Red handle the 360 version?
I think the PS3 deserves equal treatment.

By the way, I remember reading a long time ago CD Projekt saying that they work one game at a time and that they'd only think about a PS3 version after they were finished with the 360 version.
I've been convinced for a while now that they were going to work on a PS3 version, didn't know it was just a possibility now.

Last edited by wolfsinner on 3/31/2012 1:19:44 PM

12 years ago

CD is having a conference live streamed on the 5th so maybe there will be a PS3 version will be announced.

12 years ago

Currently waiting for the 1st game to download on my PC off steam. I've been told by a friend how absolutely wonderful a developer CD Projekt is. One of the last developers out there who respects and values their fans in terms of patching, support and not asking to be paid for additional content long after games have been initially released.

12 years ago

Along with Valve, CD Projekt is the only developer that I can think of that supports their games this much post launch AND for free. Its stellar. Hope you enjoy the Witcher 1 🙂 I highly recommend the Witcher 2 after if your PC can run it.

12 years ago

I refuse to buy The Witcher 2 unless those bastards also bring the original game to my console of choice.


(Seriously, if true, this rumor would be great news.)

12 years ago

Question: did the down-voters miss the fact that I was being sarcastic ( ;P ) or are they the whiners who bitched about ME2 and didn't like the criticism?

Last edited by Fane1024 on 4/3/2012 3:41:02 AM

12 years ago

dude, you been living under a rock?
there has been press releases and new trailers almost every day for the past month!
comes out april 19th here.
wont be coming to the ps3 though the developers already turned it down a while ago saying they dont have the time and resources to do so.
i cant wait till the witcher 3 releases though ive already finished 2 on my PC so no point getting it again on the 360.

12 years ago

Well, a good RPG like Diablo & Witcher is just better played on a good PC with mouse & kb regardless.

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