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Don’t Wait To Nab The DMC HD Collection

Waiting for April 3 to grab the highly anticipated Devil May Cry HD Collection ?

Well, don't bother. According to Game Informer , the North American street date has been lifted and this great assembly of classics is now available at retailers for $39.99.

Capcom's statement on the matter is simple:

"Capcom has approved the advanced release of Devil May Cry HD Collection. This title was offered at retail ahead of its previously scheduled April 3rd release date, so consumers can now enjoy this great collection one week earlier than expected."

What you're looking at is a high-definition overhaul for the first three titles in this critically acclaimed franchise, which is fantastic news for action fans. The original Devil May Cry was one of the first titles in the PS2 generation to really blow us all away, and DMC3 remains one of the most challenging, satisfying and accomplished action titles ever. DMC2…well, most say it didn't really live up to expectations but it's still a fine game.

Keep a look out for our review of the collection soon.

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12 years ago

Is it out in Australia?

Not really excited honestly. Only want to replay Dante's Awakening.

12 years ago

IGN has their review up. It's sort of negative.

12 years ago

When are you going to stop reading ign reviews?

12 years ago

Well if it were to happen it would've happened after their Ninja Gaiden 3 review. So seeing how that didn't work I have no idea =p

Oh, but don't be too concerned. I did write them a peace of my mind about that review 😉

12 years ago

At least they have them up fast, I read there sometimes too. This late in the generation the fanboyism isn't there as much and you can read the truth between the lines of what the poorly educated journalists type.

12 years ago

Awesome.. I totally forgot about the DMC collection was coming so soon. I noticed it sold more than NG3 in japan last week.

12 years ago

All I want is the first one, personally. That game kicked butt, the others were disappointing…

edit/ I didn't give much of a chance to the 3rd one but it just didn't click for me.

Last edited by PoopsMcGee on 3/30/2012 10:34:31 PM

12 years ago

No thanks, looking forward to Ninja Theory's effort instead.

Lawless SXE
Lawless SXE
12 years ago

Be picking it up sometime in the next fortnight. May pick up DMC4 again as well. Depends how cheap I can find a copy. Then it's all steam ahead for DmC 🙂

12 years ago

4 got boring for me, and the lack of trophies made it feel pointless to play. That's odd too because I don't really care about trophies. I liked Nero but the gameplay didn't hold my interest, I shouldn't have to kill the same group of monsters a million times because I flubbed a jump.

12 years ago

Same here. Man I tried to get into DMC4 but everytime I put effort in I somehow lost interest. I think it had a lot to do with hitting it up way late this gen, like Heavenly Sword.

It also drives me nuts how the dude jumps. Great vertical, but terrible horizontal. Those jumping bonus missions angered me.

I also was playing it on Xbox… which just doesn't feel right at all =p

Last edited by Temjin001 on 3/31/2012 12:11:17 AM

12 years ago

The problem with 4 was how they honestly thought it was fine to recycle all those levels but to do it again as Dante. The gameplay was great except how many times did I kill Belial or the snake/plant lady. The angel credo fight was awesome though.

12 years ago

This is one HD collection I won't be getting as my PS3 can already play all 3 DMC's and they look fine as they are.

12 years ago

figures, US date gets pushed forward a week and AU date gets pushed back 2+ weeks!
just got a email from EB saying its pushed back till late april.
whats with all the late delays lately?
first ridge racer breaks US street date, but on street date it gets pushed back here.
then the silent hill HD collection did the same, and now this.
the delivery trucks must be stuck in inspection from the recent investigations from companies defeating truck limiters.
bout f*cking time they started cracking down on it!!!!!!!
if i had a nickel for every time i had a truck 2mms away from my a$$ when im on the F1 already doing 120 in a 110 zone id be, well, you get it by now.
bloody trucks are suppose to be limited to 100 so what the ^%$# are they doing doing 10 over and up my a$$!?

12 years ago

I totally forgot all about this collection. Just when i thought it was safe for me to go back and pick up some games from my yet to purchase backlog.

12 years ago

I will get this when its $20. It doesn't seem like a top quality conversion like the sony titles.

12 years ago

I need this, I really do need this.

12 years ago

I think I'll get it in a month or two. Or maybe when NT's version of dmc comes out.

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