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SCEA: Sorcery Proves Move’s Superiority To Kinect, Wii

For many PlayStation Move owners, Sorcery is the game they've been waiting for.

Up until now, we haven't seen too many titles that might confirm the Move's superiority in terms of precision when compared to Microsoft's Kinect. Some maintain that move remains more accurate, anyway, but according to what Sony Santa Monica creative director Brian Upton told IndustryGamers , Sorcery will drive home that fact. Furthermore, he says the actual gameplay – casting spells, mainly – will appeal to both hardcore and casual gamers. Said Upton:

"What we're trying to do with this… it's more hardcore than most motion games are. Most motion games are intended to be very, very casual. They have an almost Simon Says quality to them. We wanted something that would appeal to a more hardcore audience and would have depth and complexity.

That's attention to detail that more serious gamers are interested in. It's not, 'Oh I can just button mash my way through.' By actually mastering the system, I can feel like I'm a more powerful gamer. The fact that Move is so precise, it lets us create that very technical focused, skill-based motion control game."

Upton goes on to say that Sorcery "does an excellent job of showing what makes Move a better and different system than other motion controls." He also adds that he's not sure such a game would work on either the Kinect or Wii, which is bound to incite plenty of argument, but perhaps he's right. We'll have to see how the game turns out; we've certainly been waiting for a while…it better be worth the wait!

Related Game(s): Sorcery

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12 years ago

Cool. But I think for the most part, those who care to prove the superior point of the Move probably don't care to play most, if any, games with a motion device. At least I don't care. Classic arcade shooters I'd like to. But I don't play those anymore. And if I did, I wouldn't want to spend a bunch of money on a device in order to spend that time…

12 years ago

We shall see. I'm waiting for the reviews. I have yet to find a Move game that was better than its Wii counter part gameplay wise. Sports Champions is pretty much better than Wii Sports. That's it so far in my opinion.

12 years ago

But isn't KZ3 better than any FPS Wii shooter?

12 years ago

For me, no. It's too sensitive. Even with the settings toned all the way down. The only game I have to compare it too is the Metroid Prime Trilogy and for me, Metroid controls much smoother, more accurate and it's easier to maneuver.

Though, it's probably just me as I know a PSXer who hasn't been around in a while, Radioheader, simply loved KZ3 with Move.

12 years ago

Isn't Metroid 60fps? That may be a reason, sort of.

12 years ago

Not sure. I'll have to keep that in mind next time I pop it in. Now that I think about it, it does seem very smooth.

12 years ago

I don't care about which motion gaming device is superior. I want this because I could pretend that I am a sorcerer. While on the Wii, I could pretend I was Link(skyward sword is the shit!) and on the Xbox, I could pretend to be a Rancor or a master jedi!

12 years ago

Kinect is better because MS says so in every commercial. You don't hear Sony claiming theirs is better in it's ads…

12 years ago

The Mass Effect 3 commercial says it's better with Kinect, maybe Kinect adds a new ending.

12 years ago

And you can now use your Kinect owners card at most major hospitals.

Insurance company's……not so much.

12 years ago

For fans of the BBC show Coupling – who *will* get the reference, how about this 'game'…

Lesbian Spank Inferno – Better with Kinect!

12 years ago

Even if this demonstrates the superiority of Move, who cares? As expected Move and Kinect just turned out to be regular old peripherals.

12 years ago

yeah, but KINECT seems to be liked too much by people. It blows me away that MS is pulling the rug right out from beneath their core audience while trying to push their users into casual games and mindless television entertainment. They even go as far as trying to promote ME3 as being "Best" on KINECT. puke.. whatever

12 years ago

"better with Kincet" LOL!

They're so petty and unprofessional. I can't imagine Sony or Nintendo doing something that petty. At least when Sony made fun of Kincet and the Wii when they first started promoting the Move, they did it with humor.

12 years ago

Exactly, "who cares". It doesn't need to prove superiority to anything – what it needs to prove is that it's worth having *at all*.

12 years ago

They could have kept it classy by saying something like "compatible with Kinect" or "works with Kinect".

Stay Classy MS…lol

12 years ago

Kinect – aka the Emperor's new clothes.

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
12 years ago

I'm not saying it's better with Kinect as I've not played the PS3 version but using Kinect with ME3 is pretty neat.

12 years ago

I hope so, we could really use a GOOD must-have game for the Move!

12 years ago

how is this game more hardcore then the others?
that is EXACTLY why im so disappointed in it, it started out at E3 looking like a dark creepy game like LOTR meets harry pot head.
now it looks like tellietubbies meets harry pot head!

" We wanted something that would appeal to a more hardcore audience and would have depth and complexity."
again, so why did you turn it from a awesome looking dark dungeon crawler to a crappy kids game!?
im sorry but this looks the complete opposite to what fans want from the move!
$ony keep tooting their horn that you can play core games with the move, but are yet to prove it ONCE!
90% of the move games are crappy kids games ie playstation move heroes and medievil moves dedmunds quest, or this.
and the final 10% which arent are really hard to control like KZ3 or SOCOM 4.
even with the sharpshooter the move is just too sensitive to use for a FPS.
people dont stand still like a statue, they shake and that causes the reticule on the screen to shake all over the place!
in yet im yet to see a single game on the move worth its weight!

12 years ago

Please read your first sentence, and take it to heart, each and every day, for the rest of your life.

Evil Incarnate
Evil Incarnate
12 years ago


Seriously dude! Get a new hobby! You have to be one of the most miserable people on the internet. And that's not an easy accomplishment. Maybe, your hobby should be looking for the tallest building to jump from without a parachute, instead of gaming. I knew life could suck, but yours must suck BIG TIME.

Last edited by Evil Incarnate on 3/30/2012 12:44:47 PM

12 years ago

Great talking point and all Sony, but why has it taken so long for this one to emerge?

12 years ago

Just patiently waiting on this. Going to buy the Move set today.

12 years ago

i'm pretty excited for this game, i have a move and i don't use it the kids do for eyepet but thats about it, so this i am hoping will be really good.

12 years ago

Uh, I know this is primarily a Sony zone, but have none of you seen what Kinect can do? They're using it in hospitals for rehab purposes and hands free operation for doctors during surgery to look up info on their computer. Let's see Move do that!

And don't forget the PS3 slogan "it does everything" 😛

12 years ago

Doubtful. They can't even get jumping in a raft to work right.

Also, you got the slogan wrong.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 4/3/2012 3:58:53 AM

12 years ago

Its not hard to believe, i mean the wii motion is just a gimmick that was added to get the casual crowd…

Most of the best game on the wii dont even need the motion control and some that do play better without it (racing game for instance….).

As for the kinect its a different system altogether and it cant be as precise as a handheld device due to its nature.

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