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BioWare Gets Cupcakes…What Should We Get Square Enix?

Okay, so it's probably never going to end. Despite BioWare saying they'll try to address fan complaints about the ending fiasco, the fans still think they need to be heard.

And so, as revealed at the official Retake ME3 website , the ardent followers raised over $1,000 so they could send 400 cupcakes to BioWare's Edmonton offices. No, seriously. They did. 96 people donated and the organizers explained:

"As fans, we want Bioware to do right by us, and fix the endings for Mass Effect 3. But we also want to let Bioware know, that we trust them, and have faith in them. Bioware has been slammed by negativity from all sides in the last few weeks. This is our way, as fans, to drive our message home, but in a (literally) sweet way. We want Bioware to add some more 'sweet' to their 'bittersweet' ending. What better way to do this than with CUPCAKES :-D."

Well, isn't that…sweet. Now, what do the Final Fantasy fans get for Square Enix? We don't want a new ending for a particular game, we're not even sure what we want, but perhaps old-school fans would all agree on one big-ass cupcake that reads: BRING BACK SQUARESOFT! …you know, or something to that effect. It's interesting to note this backlash from the die-hard Mass Effect fans and compare this to the bitterness of Final Fantasy fans throughout this generation. Perhaps the ME fans can be described as a good deal more whiny, but they're certainly determined.

So who wants to set something up for our good friends at Square Enix? We'll send them something fun, but it has to have a message. We need to all agree on that message; perhaps a FFVII remake? A FFXV that actually feels like both a role-playing game and a Final Fantasy ? No offense to the ME followers but if the FF fans unite, imagine what could be accomplished…forget the damn cupcakes, we'll raise enough to finance that damn FFVII remake! Well, all right, maybe not, but you get my drift.

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12 years ago

Square Enix get a kick up the bum.

12 years ago

The way they've been sticking it to their once-loyal fanbase with watered down FF's, then I say "return to sender" that very same used condom that they've been diddling their fans with.

12 years ago

lol ewww. that was way too graphic of a comment

12 years ago

LOL, I guess I should've put in this disclaimer: Not for the squeamish.

12 years ago


I saw someone (else?) using your demon dog picture as an avatar on another website. I'm not sure if you should be flattered or angry.

12 years ago


Oh yeah?? Where???

I am signed up at tons of places & sites, & my user ID's at them might be a bit different than here, but each one will have the name "Saint" somewhere within my user ID.

Anyway, I guess I would've been flattered about the pic-jacking, but I actually purloined it myself, many, many, moons ago, so I know there was at least 1 other person that used it.

Last edited by BikerSaint on 3/28/2012 1:41:37 PM

12 years ago

I thought that you had said that the demon dog was actually your pet.

I don't know which site it was; I got there via a link and only noticed the comment because of the picture. The person's pseudonym was nothing like "Saint" or I would have assumed it was you.

12 years ago

400 letters wondering where Versus is…

On the note of Square Enix, they never did answer your questions you sent them, did they Ben?

12 years ago

What about KHIII? 🙁

Its been over 6 years… or at least close to that. I believe it came out in March of 2006

12 years ago

KH3 will start development after Versus

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

No, they disappeared. Not surprising, really.

12 years ago

We can always send them cake, but we all know that would be a lie.

Last edited by FatherSun on 3/27/2012 10:11:20 PM

12 years ago

AHA… you beat me too it. I was considering that reference but I figured I'd leave it open for a reply comment.

12 years ago

Not a cupcake… a FULL-SIZED CAKE

12 years ago

I just found out on kotaku that capcom is going to release the true ending to Asura's wrath via dlc. So why is bioware getting all the hate when capcom gets a free pass?

12 years ago

Because we have come to expect getting assraped by Capcom.

12 years ago

Get Square-Enix a time machine so they can go back to the 90's when people gave a crap about Japanese Devs. Yeah I said it.

12 years ago

A large cake that says "Don't eat unless you will remake FFVII"

12 years ago

Why am I the only person so far who thinks this is the best idea?


12 years ago

The thing is Final Fantasy was slowly killed, Mass Effect just had one massive failure. By now the victims of Square Enix are war-weary and exhausted. We don't have the energy to mount an offensive, we are just learning to accept that the greatest game series of all time has been deliberately annihilated by brainless twonks.

If Bioware fixes Mass Effect 3 I will buy it.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

I'm not sure FF was "slowly killed." FFXII was great…still trying to figure out what FFXIII was.

12 years ago

XIII was slowly killed during development, we kept getting bad news out of SE before release. From the tube maps to the lack of stores and towns and NPCs to the regenerating health it all coalesced in our heads for years while expectations lowered and multiplat status put people in mental asylums.

After release we all prayed it was just some big mistake and SE would fix things next time. After all, Versus looked great. Then XIV went live and sucked hard, Versus got shelved, XIII-2 was born out of a strange and terrible idea to make more money. Now that one needs to "be continued" it's a long and painful death.

It just seems the franchise has received many many coffin nails over the last 6 years while Mass Effect just had one big hiccup.

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/27/2012 10:51:46 PM

12 years ago

I wouldn't say slowly killed, but mainly "experimental" after 10. They started a sequel (10-2/X-2) that had an awesome battle system, but questionable story underneath the charlie angels theme, then an online MMO (XI), a political offline MMO(? (XII) that was found as either boring or great, XIII had great characters but it felt like they traveled through large rooms than a whole world.

Last edited by VampDeLeon on 3/27/2012 11:15:26 PM

12 years ago

I just don't think the FF community is as enthuastic or as powerul as Bioware's fans. On the major gaming sites the number of comments on any Square related articlres is low. It looks like a lot of gamers have just moved on. I think Square has done a poor job of creating new fans and the old FF greybeards are dissapearing.

I don't think any gift would work on Square's current leadership. Wait, I take that back….Microsoft's "gifts" sure the hell worked on Square.

12 years ago

"BioWare Gets Cupcakes…What Should We Get Square Enix?"

A dead fish.


12 years ago

Hey, Ben. I really think we should start up something like this. All Square has received is negative attention. Maybe a nice little gesture would get them in the mood as well as bring some positive attention to the situation. Heck its worth a start. It seems these kind of things are easy to start up nowadays. What do you say?

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

I don't have time to spearhead it, that's all I know. But I'd definitely support it.

12 years ago

This sort of strategy has gotten positive media attention before in other mediums. There's been similar strategies played out in campaigns to get television shows renewed.

Personally I think it's much better than being combative if you feel strongly enough to lean on executives.

12 years ago

Check the below website! We started 2 days ago! If more people would rally to our cause, we believe Square Enix would listen to the gaming community's comment and hopefully listen to the feedbacks and make FFXV a work of art! Please support:

Last edited by Noel_Kreiss on 3/28/2012 1:33:02 AM

12 years ago

I think this is cool, I really do. Makes me proud of being part of the BioWare fancloud (cool new word!).

12 years ago

thats actually not a bad idea.
as for $E best thing you can give them is a hearing aid and a rubber mallet!

12 years ago

I still have a cupcake that says, "Give us a Kingdom Hearts HD Collection already, Square!!" Pretty old, getting a little moldy.

Square wouldn't even care though. It's sad how far they've fallen.

Whenever someone asks me what game I love by Square this generation, it actually takes me a while to think of one. Last generation and the generation(s) before that wasn't the case.

12 years ago

the best part is about the news on cup cakes

it was less then a hour after the post with the idea and calling a bake shop for price that the cash for it came in

and as for the cup cakes
they are red, blue, and green but all taste the same

12 years ago

ps i found out about it on forbes last night
so this went past gamer news

12 years ago

A Thousand Words.
Not that they'd read it.

How about everyone sends a yellow feather?
A World Map?

After playing Tales of Graces F I realized I really do want those old style RPGs with new features.
I don't know why that is so hard for them to understand.

12 years ago

I guess the gamer's mentality is degrading over the years…. Most people were quite upset that Aeris gets killed by Sephiroth in FF VII. Now did they ask Square to change the plot?

I rest my case 😛

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