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Ridge Racer Unbounded: Build Your Own Track From Scratch

Update: It seems this game was mysteriously released, despite the delay announcement.  The 360 version has been seen in GameStop, although nobody can seem to find the PS3 version yet.  Why it was "undelayed" we don't know.

Original Story:

No, editing in games is nothing new. Heck, I still remember watching a friend build stuff in old-school FPSs on the PC back in the 90s.

But building your own racetrack at this level of detail probably hasn't been done too often outside of karting games. Check out the basic and advanced track editing that will be available in the upcoming Ridge Racer Unbounded by Bugbear Entertainment. You can create some speedy thrills!

You can either place entire city blocks from a bird's-eye view or you can get in there and move individual pieces of pavement around. It seems to be a pretty in-depth and dynamic editing program, and the results can be pretty freakin' cool…but what's with all the explosions? It sort of reminds us of Split/Second the way the tracks are set up. Check it out: