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PwC Closes 277 GAME Stores, 40% Of Workforce Gone

As some of you know, UK retailer GAME has been in dire straits lately, and it has now resulted in sad news.

According to MCV , administrator PwC has closed down 277 of The GAME Group's 609 UK and Ireland stores, which means that no less than 2,104 employees are out of a job. That's a 40% reduction in the company's workforce.

The only silver lining is that the remaining stores will stay open, but their survival "depends on the timely discovery of a willing investor." If a buyer is not found soon, though, more store locations are destined to shut down. PwC has gone on record saying the loss of jobs is "regrettable," and of course, we'd have to agree. Nobody likes to see things like this happen. But the digital age is upon us…

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12 years ago

I read a rumor that Walmart and possibly GameStop might be interested in buying them out.

12 years ago

Knowing Walmart, they'll probably see it as just another step closer to being the only retailer in world who can sell games.

12 years ago

Hopefully that situation gets rectified. Don't live in the UK, but I wouldn't want to see a game purchasing avenue disappear.

12 years ago

hi this is the first time i have posted, been meaning to join for a while as i check this website on a regular bases for all my gaming news, regards to the topic its a sad day for Game i just hope my local store hasn't gone, i live a few miles away .The comany has been in trouble for some time even with game publishers, owing them money, I know EA refused 2 give them new stock unless they pulled their act together, i know there r a few company's wanting to to take over Game, like RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland) which the goverment now own after bailling them out

Last edited by linkinpark0707 on 3/26/2012 10:47:36 PM

12 years ago

Welcome here!

12 years ago

Welcome friend.

12 years ago

Welcome linkinpark, enjoy your stay 🙂



12 years ago


12 years ago

You know what that means…


12 years ago

According to GameStop's CEO last week, he said they weren't interested in buying Game or Gamestation.

But anything's bound to change due to the dire straights condition of Game/Gamestation & Gamestop could probably pick them up now even cheaper than a fire sale.

12 years ago

Gamestop were interested in the Spanish side of GAME, but I guess the Game group wanted it sold all or nothing, I doubt they will have a choice if this continues.

i am sorry for all those who have lost their jobs, and my heart goes out to the ones left behind, because I doubt many are hopeful that they will be employed in a few months and on top of that they have to deal with irate customers demanding money back from their reward cards, as has been reported. some have lost three figure sums on their gift cards, not good!

but its not the staffs fault, no matter how they shout and scream at them, they were probably in the dark 'officially' more than the gamer watching this all unfold online.

12 years ago

I am one of those unfortunate enough to be made redundant. It sucks, because I have loved working in Game. I am lucky, as I knew this was going to happen, so start my new job next week, but I feel for the other 2000 people who aren't as lucky.
A lot of my nearest and dearest are in dire straits right now. We are spending the next 3 days packing up; the most depressing 3 days ahead of me.

12 years ago

Hey RobinHood… we feel for you man. I am sure all of the community here would like to see you get back on your feet asap.

You know, one door closes another opens. If you have another job lined up then good on you – it's a blessing these days.

What ever you do, try to look for on the bright side, there is always one, you just have to find it within…



12 years ago

Sorry to hear about that Robinhood, good luck.

12 years ago

I've been out of a job since October and still no luck finding another. Luckily I had enough saved up to make it to this point, thanks to tax returns too, but that cushion is disappearing. Had a interview for a job out of state three weeks ago and all seemed good to go. Looks like they changed their mind as I get no response from them.

12 years ago

Thank you. As I said, I'm lucky and had an inkling this was going to happen months ago.

It is so depressing shutting up the shop though. Seeing how quickly everything disappears into boxes is so sad.

12 years ago

Stand aside folks, I'll buy em!

… I need to borrow some money from you guys.

12 years ago

Apparently both my stores have closed down in my hometown, which is devistating, if I ever want to buy a newly released title I'd have to go to HMV, while a good store you look at their pre-owned prices and it's clear they don't specialise in gaming as GAME/Station used to. Looks like I'll just ahve to rely on amazon even more than I alrady do.

12 years ago

So this is why the online store was down…

I don't usually shop at Game (considering I can usually find my games somewhere else cheaper AND closer to home ) but, it's still sad to know that so many are now out of a job :/

Imagine if everybody WERE to just go digital RIGHT NOW….Imagine all the jobs lost then :/

Well, this sucks.

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