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Slant Six Unveils Their First Original IP: Strata Scavenger

Okay, so Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City didn't turn out so well (our review is coming soon, by the way).

But that doesn't mean Slant Six can't make a decent game. They've already produced several solid SOCOM titles for both the PS3 and PSP, so they've got what it takes to produce a quality product.

Today, the developer lifted the lid on their new project, Strata Scavenger . It's expected to arrive next year and all we've got to go on is this poster. …yeah, we know, it could be just about anything.

It'll be the team's first original IP; Resident Evil and SOCOM obviously weren't unique to Slant Six. We're just wondering if all the criticism Operation Raccoon City is receiving will have some sort of financial impact on the team…bad games can do that, especially if you were counting on them to bring in a certain amount of profit. And in this industry, panned titles really don't sell well.

But we hope everything turns out fine for Slant Six, and we look forward to hearing more about Strata Scavenger .

Related Game(s): Strata Scavenger

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12 years ago

They received a cool million from some Canadian media firm, for the innovation in this game, sounds interesting to me.

12 years ago

IDK why all the reviews are bad(Operation Raccon City)…i played the game, and to compare it with other Co-Op shooters its AWESOME and i love how they went back to REAL Zombies.

12 years ago

What would not be good is if, as you put it "if all the criticism Operation Raccoon City is receiving will have some sort of financial impact on the team…". Hopefully this project – Strata Scavenger – won't be affected!

I was looking forward to Operation raccoon city, if not at least for the mp. But the review scores have hindered that. I was never serious about it, but it could have been fun. From what I gather it could have been great, or maybe it is, had it been more polished and story driven. Sounds like it's more mindless zombie slaying. But I don't know when that's bad.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 3/21/2012 1:42:18 PM

Russell Burrows
Russell Burrows
12 years ago

When mentioning shooters Developer Slantsix screwed the pooch on the SOCOM franchise with the garbage that was Confrontation.
To reiterate Confrontation sucked!!
Operation Racoon City sucks!!

So what game has Developer Slant Six done thats any good??
Hmmm ummm well……ummm…..none???

12 years ago

I want Capcom to take note of how their action direction for Resident Evil is wrong, but I know they won't.

Strata Scavenger sounds like an extended version of the Hammerhead missions in Mass Effect 2. Bo-ring.

12 years ago

I honestly just don't see how this developer is still making games, after all the flops it has.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

Both Socom and Resident Evil sell almost entirely on name recognition. Especially Socom, so it shouldnt be a surprise at all.

Russell Burrows
Russell Burrows
12 years ago

At least we did not get Resident Evil Bambi,Sora and Yuna.

12 years ago

what does that even mean?

Russell Burrows
Russell Burrows
12 years ago

That means Capcom doing a Disney/Final Fantasy cash in.

12 years ago

Is it me or that poster is just lame .They will have to do a LOT more then this to make me care one bit about another game from them .

12 years ago

no, im sorry they CANT make a good game!
latest they have done is the buggy as hell and sh*t socom confrontation and this.
there almost as bad as bugthesda when it comes to rushed piles of sh*t!
then they come out saying they cant understand the poor reviews for operation racoon city.
what, you cant understand how shoddy aiming, poor AI, tons of bugs, repetitive gameplay are bad things?
yup, that just proves they dont know how to make a half decent game!
to be honest i would not be surprised if they voted rouge warrior game of the century!

12 years ago

After David Sears left, the company went straight into the crapper.

12 years ago

/6… with their direction they carpet bombed the Socom community. From the game feeling 60% done at release. Which in their defense they did mostly fix up to make a nice playable game. To then adding "special" guns and thus again ruining the experience and the spirit of what made Socom, Socom.

Now I have only gotten to play RE:ORC a little bit, mind you it is more playable than Conforntation was at release. It is fun, with friends (and everything runs right)but it isn't so much by yourself. Can this game get better.. yes, probably 6 months down the road, BUT guess what?

The new RE game from capcom is coming out. oops! there goes the community on this game!

/6 has a potential to be good game makers IF and only if they can release finished and POLISHED products. It reminds me of the early days on the nintendo when a top game maker now kept releasing games that almost had it. I honestly wish I could remember the name.. sigh.. getting old sucks.

Can they survive? Yes, if they learn to knock the game outta the park. But if the next game comes out the shoot like the last two. I'll predict that /6 will be no more.

12 years ago

After some serious play time with ORC I have to add this..

You don't have to have the best looking games.. you just have to have a game that is fun. ORC is a lot of fun. I am really enjoying the game.

The Co-op is a blast as is multiplayer. The threat of zombies adds an interesting spin on the my team vs the enemy team. Wait. I am the enemy team!

Ok, so that statement right there adds some of what /6 captured. Fan base love. There are tons of little gems that elude to the previous RE games. Hints on why this happened etc etc. Total fan service.

Back to the subject at hand. If this is an indication of things to come.. and /6 can add more polish to the game (for there are glitches in ORC, but none break the game)I am really looking forward to their next project now!

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