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History Professor Talks About Possible Story Arcs In ACIII

With Assassin's Creed III taking place in the United States during the Revolutionary War, the story possibilities are almost endless.

Because it wasn't just about Americans vs. British; there were a great many other things going on during this country's time of war and unrest. And University of California Santa Cruz Assistant Professor of History Gregory O'Malley spoke a bit about the time period, and what Ubisoft might tackle in terms of subplots and character development.

O'Malley spoke about how Ben Franklin's son sided with the British, the fact that both Americans and British has Native American allies, and that there's always something interesting about the women left at home during this whole mess. Said O'Malley:

" There were a lot of people in North America who chose to remain loyal to Great Britain, so some American families ended up split, which could set the stage for some drama. For example, Ben Franklin's son sided with Britain and they almost never spoke again.

Both sides had Native American allies. Also many American colonists had spent a lot of time living on the frontier and had really changed. They seemed pretty foreign to the British, so that tension between the British and British-Americans who had kind of gone native seems interesting to me.

If you deal with the home front at all, rather than just the front lines, there were also interesting dynamics with all the women who were left in charge of farms and plantations because the men had gone off to fight."

We definitely think it's the most interesting of all the Assassin's Creed settings…yes, we're biased because we're American, but aren't we allowed? Done correctly, the storylines and characters in ACIII could be both interesting and informative.

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12 years ago

i'm stoked.
AC:R was a bitter disappointment. i felt the story short, and not exciting really…
glad i picked it up used.
and this from a AC series fanatic…

i think AC3 will be cool cause it has new things. and all these historical possibilities are also very interesting!
the tree climbing alone is a great way around the missing buildings.
Hopefully it's not all brown-tone again, but a luscious uncharted-like green!

Last edited by erislocker on 3/20/2012 10:27:38 AM

12 years ago

Climbing a Tree to plan and execute an aerial attack could be a very interesting concept if executed properly. I am definitely interesting in this game, particularly because I am interested in the Revolutionary War and have family that fought in it.

This could be my first release day purchase from the Assassins Creed series!

12 years ago

I look forward to exploring the new world. Seems like there is going to be alot of drama. Im curious to know who will the Da Vinci like character for AC3 because the GI article says its not Ben Franklin.

Norrin Radd
Norrin Radd
12 years ago

I've not gotten into AC before, but BECAUSE of the setting of the upcoming game and how promising the production looks to be, well, I've already pre-ordered a copy. I just hope jumping in at this point won't be too arduous considering the series history. Oh well, I guess Wikipedia will be there if I need it! 😉

It would be really cool if the story involved some of the issues that the Professor brought up. Not necessarily in a gameplay sense, but in a way that helps imbue the setting with a greater sense of the history of the period. But, I'm not getting my hopes too high for that. Still, it looks great fun and I can't wait for Halloween!

12 years ago

Already preordered, there hasn't been a single AC that has disappointed me. Hopefully they flesh out Connor's story just as well as they did Ezios. 🙂

12 years ago

If I wanted to get in to Assassins Creed, what would be the best game to start on?

12 years ago

You could start at AC2, probably one of it's better titles next to AC:Brotherhood. Brotherhood and Revelations are more like expansion packs to AC2, adding more to Ezio's story and being able to recruit assassin's, the multiplayer, and tons more sidequests.

Storywise, it would make better sense to start at AC1 to get to know Desmond's side better, but if you already enjoyed AC2 you'll more than likely have a better reason to start and finish the first game in the series. Beneath how repetitive AC1 can get, it's still quite an experience knowing how it all started.

12 years ago


If you have a PSP, there's also "AC: Bloodlines" too, although I haven't played the series yet, so I can't tell where or if it fits into the other AC's.
(I'm sure others here could though).

Also, you might want to see if GameStop still has any more DVD's of "AC: Linage" left(only $4.99) which has the 1st chapter of Ezio's story & is the prequel movie to all the AC's before "AC II, AC: Brotherhood, & AC: Revelations".

The "AC: Lineage" DVD movie reveals the machinations of 15th-century Italy through the eyes of Ezio's father, Giovani.

Plus there's over 90 minutes of bonus material, including "AC Ascendance", trailers, developer diaries, & more.

12 years ago

Definitely start with AC1. It may be a bit too repeatative but still a good game. Besides it is important for the story and a major part of the AC experience is certainly the intriguing storyline, along with the unique gameplay and environment ofc.

Last edited by mehrab2603 on 3/20/2012 8:08:31 PM

12 years ago

Yeah, AC: Bloodlines takes place between AC1 & 2. It continues Altair's story, with Revelations tying up everything with him. The other short films like BikerSaint mentioned are a nice watch, AC:Lineage show's Ezio's father before AC2 and AC:Embers concludes Ezio overall after AC:Revelations.

12 years ago

It will be excellent if the series actually goes into the real history of the American Revolution, rather than the cliched (and incorrect) 'evil British' vs 'pure-as-the-driven-snow colonists'. Probably good odds on this, given the series' attention to detail :). Will be an interesting game either way though.

12 years ago

soooooooooooooooooooooooo excited for this its looking f*cking amazing!
only thing im worried about is the setting.
lets be honest the civil war is not exactly known for its amazing architecture like the roman renaissance or constantinople was.

12 years ago

I'm completely psyched for this game. It already had my pre-order since I love AC, but I was really excited when it was announced that it would be set during the American Revolution. October 30th can't come fast enough.

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