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BioWare Canceled Dragon Age II DLC But Has “Future Plans”

If you enjoyed the engaging Dragon Age II and were looking forward to more expansion content, BioWare has some bad news for you.

Well, it's bad in the short-term, but perhaps good in the long-term, as the team apparently has "future plans" for the Dragon Age universe. According to a post in the developer's forum , an expansion entitled "Exalted March" for DAII has been canceled. Executive producer Mark Darrah echoed the announcement on his personal Twitter page :

"We did have plans for an expansion pack to DA2 but, other DA opportunities came up. There were even shirts! It was called Exalted March."

We haven't heard anything about those new plans, but Darrah did mention they've been taking a look back at the BioWare vault to come up with new ideas. That, of course, could lead to long-awaited sequels and spin-offs and the like. Don't know about you, but I've always wanted a follow-up to Jade Empire . Anyway, Darrah did ask the fans an important question:

"…what does Dragon Age mean to you, and where would you like to see it go? We’re excited to hear what you have to say!"

Okay, so if you don't speak up, don't complain when BioWare announces this new Dragon Age effort.

Related Game(s): Dragon Age II

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12 years ago

Dragon Age used to mean something to me, though 2 kind of killed it for me. They took the epic and fun experience of the first Dragon Age and killed it. I don't think I will be up for dragon age 3, unless it is a true sequel to the first game and does to the characters of the second one what the second did to the first, cast them aside and bring them up occasionally to remind you that there was a game before the current one

12 years ago

The first was amazing.. I did 3 run throughs and did every single Origin story and plat'd it. DA2.. was disappointing…
but I still enjoyed it.. but was only willing to do it once.. it was too repetitive.. the dungeons look all the same. It bothered the heck out of me.
PLEASE BIOWARE.. make DA3 more like DA:O.

12 years ago

YESSS PLEASE!!! I heard (there was an article on PSX) that they were looking at Skyrim for ideas for DA3!

12 years ago

I'd like to see the third Dragon Age go bigger and better. Keep the character building from DAII but do it in an even bigger world than DAO (We all know Kirkwall was the size of a postage stamp) Take the player to distant lands all over the world with a story as good as in the first game. And they need to make up their minds on the combat, either go back to what it was or make it something like Kingdoms of Amalur. That half-assed approach in DAII was painful.

12 years ago

I enjoyed Dragon Age 2 as much as Dragon Age 1, despite the issues with the sequel. In fact, Hawke was a much better character then the generic-can't talk one featured in the first.

This is a bummer.

12 years ago

I enjoyed DA2 equally too. They just felt like two different games for me. Two different games set in the same universe. But I sure enjoyed both.

12 years ago

i REALLY want to see DA3 with a advanced in depth combat system like kingdoms of amalour reckoning.
the combat in that game was pretty good, so mixed in with the environments, story and production values of biowares games id be killer!

12 years ago

Frankly I would rather have the combat come back closer to DA1. More tactical where you had to plan your moves. Not just button mashing. DA1 really made me think of the old Baldur's gate Shadow of amn and throne of baal. I really liked it.

Last edited by Neo_Aeon666 on 3/20/2012 10:06:59 PM

12 years ago

If they Da3 they better fix the armor thing other then that I'm down for DA3 or whatever they have in mind!!

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