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Shenmue HD “Done For A Year,” Coming To PSN, XBLA

Most Dreamcast fans will tell you that Shenmue was one hell of a title. Those same fans have been begging for a third installment, too.

And while this isn't a sequel, it's still great news: According to GamerZines , a high-definition iteration of the Sega classic has actually been done "for well over a year" and will soon head to the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live Arcade.

The source asked to remain anonymous but apparently has ties to Sega, and said very simply that " Shenmue HD is real." The source added, "As is Shenmue II . That's big news for the fans, but we assume the next question is obvious- Why hasn't Sega released them already? Well, the source said Sega chose to wait until they had "a clearer picture of the future for the Shenmue franchise, namely, whether or not Shenmue III will ever see the light of day."

Okay, so now that these remakes are coming our way, does that mean no…? Shenmue III is out? Or does it mean the opposite? Guess it's all in how you interpret the situation…

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12 years ago

Man, I could really go for a game of Lucky Hit in HD right about now.

Awesone news, though. I just hope SEGA saw fit to place dual analog controls as an option. Really, moving your character like a tank worked for older games, like RE and early Onimusha's but today that just ain't gonna cut the mustard. Isn't that right Fuku-san. FUKU-SAN? OH NO! Lan Di, my father, the INCIDENT!!!!

12 years ago

Oh please let them fix the controls.

Edit: and new voiceovers. They could leave the super bad ones as an option for comedy though.

"Do you know where I can find some sailors?"

Last edited by WorldEndsWithMe on 3/16/2012 11:11:41 PM

12 years ago

Hopefully this sells like crazy and leads to Shenmue 3. Man can't wait! Awesome game.

12 years ago

I think they've done this HD to get the hype-train built up to prepare everyone for Shenmue 3.

12 years ago

I think it means Shenmue 3 is being explored at the very least. The fact is that Dreamcast and Xbox 1 (In the US) pulled off a couple great games that actually belong in the current generation. With all that is available to developers now, that open-city, interact with everything style of game could be a new benchmark in gaming. There really hasn't been anything like it since. I just hope if they make part 3 it has some more fights and stuff.

I did not enjoy going to work every day for like ever with that forklift.

12 years ago

oh, but it was great fun when the band of thugs showed up while forklifting a long day's work to kick your crap and Ryo dutifully obliged to kicking their crap.

Yeah, I'd be happy if they at least attempted Shenmue3. It wouldn't need to be a miracle game, or nothing, just at least provide some closure to Shenmue2's wide open ending that made you say ooooh can't wait for SHenmue 3.

12 years ago

That is just magnificent, an ancient relic being revived.

12 years ago

Hell yah awesome! The voices are pretty bad but whatever, it'll have a classic feel. As for news on a Shenmue 3, this is the closest I've ever felt to it becoming a reality, so I'm amped to hear more.

I hope they offer the European version of Shenmue 2 when they do release it as it had Japanese voices with English subtitles. I remember getting a boot disc for my Dreamcast so I could play it. It was a dream come true after the voices from the first. I had to save up valuable newspaper delivery money to get that when I was a wee lad!

Last edited by ZenChichiri on 3/17/2012 2:05:37 AM

12 years ago

Ahh! Fantastic news, i hope they also release a retail disk along with the online release, can't wait

12 years ago

This is one of the best things I have heard this year! I can't wait to play them again, the Yakuza games have been the closest thing to these since they were released and I have enough love for both franchises.

12 years ago

Only played a little of shenmue 2 asian version so that s the one i truly want .

Also hopefully this means that the HD release of skies of Arcadia might come soon too .Hopefully they can include the stuff that was in legends while doing so .

Last edited by berserk on 3/17/2012 6:03:53 AM

12 years ago

…Wish I knew that a year ago before I bought my Dreamcast… nethertheless I still might buy them 😛

12 years ago

Sega have been on a roll for awhile now. Why stop now? Release two of the most innovative, unique, brave and brilliant games of all time again!

Last edited by Lotusflow3r on 3/17/2012 8:48:02 AM

12 years ago

This is welcome news on a Saturday morning..Shenmue was just ahead of it's time like the dreamcast was. I think this does mean that Shenmue III is in the works though

12 years ago

"have you seen any sailors"

12 years ago


12 years ago

This is amazing! I've always wanted to experience this game!

12 years ago

this isnt great its amazing news. enjoyed this on dreamcast even though me & cousin didnt get to finish cause we couldn't load the 2nd disc for some reason. remember doing the warehouse job thinking damn does it ever end.

didnt know part 2 existed untill while back i was tuned in on youtube & watched some parts played threw. maybe this a way to see if folks still anticipate a part 3.

(of topic) with these hd remakes the should bring killer instict back & bloody roar those games brutal.

12 years ago

i never played them but i've heard nothing but good things. i'm definitely intrigued by this.

do these games have good stories anyone ?

12 years ago

HD remake overload. Me like

I am pumped for these HD remakes more than alot of the full 60 buck new titles.

I actually crave them! I am constantly on the lookout for new HD remakes.

I want to get rid of all my ps2 titles so I can have them as ps3 titles.

Its cause I want to get rid of my faulty 60 GB.

12 years ago

Never played the original but have always wanted to, so I for one am hoping this is real!


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