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Versus XIII Update: Square Enix Couldn’t Possibly Be More Vague

Ever since Final Fantasy XIII-2 launched, the fans started to ask: So where's that Final Fantas Versus XIII unveiling, Square Enix?

Years have passed with promises of more information but thus far, nothing. However, producer Tetsuya Nomura did provide an update when interviewed by Famitsu (as cited by Gaming Everything ). …but don't get your hopes up.

Basically, he said he has "completed work on information relating to the game, and these details will be shared with the public in the future." Well, isn't that nice. "In the future." Now, that could mean E3 although the publisher has often made many of their big announcements at the Tokyo Game Show, which of course isn't until the fall. Or, maybe Square Enix will hold some sort of special unveiling event in between major industry shows. We're just trying to be cautiously optimistic.

But such an update doesn't really mean much, does it? And unfortunately, that seems to be a trend with Versus XIII ; there's a lot of, "oh, we're getting stuff ready to tell/show you," but nothing ever really happens. This is probably the reason a great many just sort of roll their eyes when they see an "update" for this game.

Related Game(s): Final Fantasy Versus XIII

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12 years ago

"completed work on information relating to the game, and these details will be shared with the public in the future."


So we completed work on a new press pack for the game, but the game itself remains in the holding pattern it's been in for the last half decade. That press pack may, or may not be made available to you at some point, but we just wanted to tease you a little more by telling you it's there, even if you can't see it.

12 years ago

Maybe that's why it's taking so long to finish the game: it takes 1 year to "prepare information" on it.


12 years ago

Nice to hear it's still "in the future".

Afterall… isn't that where the game will -ALWAYS- be? In the future? Even in the future, it will exist only in the future….

12 years ago

We should all be interested in the future, because that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives.

*dramatic look*

But if that's true, at least we'll be able to play VsXIII.


12 years ago

The in-game footage shown over a year ago looked very nice so it's hard to understand why it's taking so long and why it's still very much under wraps. There must be a small team working on it until recently. Wikipedia tells me it only went into full production in September 2011.

12 years ago


"The in-game footage shown over a year ago looked very nice so it's hard to understand why it's taking so long and why it's still very much under wraps."

Maybe because the displayed in-game footage is the only part of the game that currently exists?

12 years ago

Either that or the internal status on the project is "pending port to 360".

12 years ago

@Thinker That could well be true. What I was thinking was that Square Enix isn't undecided about the art and design direction or undecided over what king of game it is supposed to be. The game clearly isn't hampered by any kind of technical issues either so they could easily put a timeframe on it if they really wanted to but they just won't. I don't understand what's going on.

@Highlander I hope that's not the case. Not that I want them to deprive Xbox owners of playing their game but just for the fact that it will slow them down even more.

Last edited by JCARROLL on 3/14/2012 12:10:32 PM

12 years ago

I'm sure Versus is a damn good game and SE noticed this,they just want to release crap.

12 years ago

That is great! I never thought about it in that way. If they were to release it this gen it might tarnish their bad reputation.

12 years ago

Ha! One of the many possible reasons for why this game is constantly being delayed.

I just want to say though that if Tetsuya Nomura is butting heads with some of the head honchos as far as where to take this game and what platforms to release it on, I'd be willing to give up on FFvs13 just to see Tetsuya and those who would follow him leave Square Enix and join Sony.

At least there his visions could be realised without conflict or tarnish on his art.

12 years ago

That is to say if this is what's going on behind the scenes. I may very well be something else. But honestly, when we never get anything concrete what other choice do we have but to speculate?

12 years ago

"Ever since Final Fantasy XIII-2 launched, the fans started to ask: So where's that Final Fantasy Versus XIII unveiling, Square Enix"?

That question has been asked far longer than that. These guys are ridiculous. I'm glad I'm not a huge fan because this is pathetic. This probably won't be a huge deal when the game finally releases – if ever – but for now SE is not doing anything to help there downward trend.

12 years ago

Like Oxvial said.

SE sees how impression Versus 13 is so far ( a currently exclusive PS3 game) and is afraid because it already out shines everything they've released this gaming generation.

SE doesn't want anything telling them that going multiplat might not have been the wisest choice when comes to "certain franchises".

12 years ago

You're right but they specifically said that after XIII-2 released there would be a bunch of new media released on Versus. Yet there's been nary a peep.

12 years ago

They are scrambling to suppress the game further in order to redirect interest on FFXIII-3 which will probably release next year with an even crappier presentation than XIII-2 had.

12 years ago

I was thinking the same thing. The lack of Versus info might be less to do about Versus itself and perhaps more to do with Square squashing it for now because of their more immediate plans to expand the FF13 storyline.

Last edited by MyWorstNightmar on 3/14/2012 1:56:46 PM

12 years ago

I just wish that they didn't take Tetsuya's entire team for it. Tetsuya Nomura has no choice but to leave his baby and work on these FF13 sequels. I did be irritated beyond belief if I were him.

12 years ago

The way Nomura commented about the new info is making a lot of people in Japan think that it is going to multiplat. The way he commented about not being able to release info makes people wonder if this game really is going to stay exclusive to PS3.

12 years ago

Duide, we've been openly discussing that for at least a year here, the last time the mentioned information about this game it appeared to have been delayed for no apparent reason, except for the fact that SE were still talking to MS about how they could get FFXIV onto the 360. So it makes sense that the discussions might include a second dumpster of cash for FF vs XIII.

12 years ago

Guys, guys. It takes TIME to rip out a game's guts and make it fit on one DVD.

12 years ago

I think I love you O_O

12 years ago

Come for the sarcasm, stay for the love I say 🙂

12 years ago

I've come to terms with the fact that this might also come the 360. I only ask that the game be completed entire on the PS3 UNALTERED!!!

After that, port it.

12 years ago

An update in quotes. Nice touch xDD It's true the details about this game apart from the initial plot and couple of game mechanincs, little is known.

I think I'd be fine with the non-existence of info on this game, could they refrain from talkin bout it until they can actually speak about it in a fairly broad manner.

12 years ago


Wada: We're waiting till we've finally succeeded in nailing down another one of our humongus slush fund contract from M$.

And until we get our grubby fists those anticipated armored Brinks truck loot, & I can play once again in multiple mountains of mighty money, then V XIII will still continue on…………..

…..but only as vaporware!

Last edited by BikerSaint on 3/14/2012 1:50:19 PM

12 years ago

I wonder if they are trying to out do Duke Nukem DNF

12 years ago

Gearbox could finish it for them.

12 years ago

no… no they couldn't. lol

12 years ago


12 years ago

just rename the game and release it on both systems already, you know thats what you wanna do SE…

not sure whats worse, this or agent, as far as vaporware

12 years ago

The next time we hear about the game it will be called Final Fantasy 15

12 years ago

I believe this is the next DNF, only it won't actually be released

12 years ago

Final Fantas Versus, that's funny Ben. Well, it's funny to me, I'm easily entertained. You made it sound a little like Latin in the first paragraph.

It seems like they did Versus like FFVII and just put together a tech demo for PS3 with no actual intention of releasing it.

Last edited by tes37 on 3/14/2012 4:42:11 PM

12 years ago

The details are that it has been cancelled. Yay.

Heartless Angel
Heartless Angel
12 years ago

I think Eric Cartman said it best "Enix, Screw you guys I'm going home"

12 years ago

It's pretty clear that this game is a figment of our imaginations.

12 years ago

im starting to think that were going to see wardevil before we see this!
and the dev studio for that was closed down mid last year…….

12 years ago

*Sigh* Even Tetsuya is sounding untrustworthy. Whatever back to ME3 🙂

12 years ago

What's worse is that its delaying KH3………MOTHER F

12 years ago

Meh, i let company do whatever they want. They'll announce and release stuff when they want. If I don't like it i don't buy it and theres always other great game to enjoy in the meantime so I don't feel like i'm waiting…

12 years ago

Square Enix can't tell nothing cause they are negotiating the game with MS but they don't want to let the public know that truth just now and they don't want to take the risk of loosing Nomura cause if the make it multiplat Nomura will just live SE and they will have to hand the 360 development/port to a third part and this will turn out worst than what happened with XIII this is my believe 🙁

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