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Mass Effect 3 Ships 3.5 Million, 890,000 Sold In North America

Mass Effect 3 is easily one of the year's best, and a bona fide competitor for Game of the Year. You gotta try it.

And we love it when great games do great on the sales charts. Greatness = greatness, yes? According to EA's numbers , 3.5 million copies of BioWare's masterpiece have already been shipped worldwide. This makes it the largest entertainment launch of 2012 thus far. In terms of actual sales, EA boss John Riccitiello revealed that 890,000 units were sold in North America alone last week.

Right now, that means ME3 is meeting internal expectations and EA is plenty "happy." Furthermore, Riccitiello cited sales of downloadable content for the game: 40% of those who purchased ME3 from a local GameStop also picked up DLC, "the highest tie-in ratio for downloadable content the retailer has ever seen." Lastly, EA said that Star Wars: The Old Republic currently has 1.7 million active subscribers, and the "vast majority" have gone past the free 30-day trial. So yeah, things are going well for the publisher right now; they could be in for a very good year.

If you haven't gotten Mass Effect 3 , we have only one question for you:

Why ?

Related Game(s): Mass Effect 3

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12 years ago

Why? Because I am still having way too much fun with another game. Gotta wonder though is they shipped nearly 4 million copies and sold fewer than 1 million in NA, where are the other 2.9 million copies? The game really doesn't sell in Japan, so….is it really that mega popular in Europe?

12 years ago

I believe the article said worldwide shipped and not NA/Europe/Japan 🙂

12 years ago

3.5 million shipped worldwide and 890,000 sold in NA. That means 2.6 million sold in Europe/Japan combined.

12 years ago


NA/EU/JP are the only official "regions". Even if other countries in South America, Africa, Asia, Australia etc. sell lots of copies, they are merely expansions of those regions.

There could possibly be an AU region, but I'm pretty sure their sales are tallied along with EU. (Not 100% sure though)

12 years ago

yes, and that was my point with under 900,000 sold in NA, and 3.5 million shipped worldwide. Relatively few of those copies go to the Japanese market which leaves the vast majority going to NA and EU. It just seems that there is a gap between sales and shipments, or the game is expected to sell very, very well in Europe.

12 years ago

Daze, that's doubtful. It's likely a large number of these copies shipped are still sitting at retail. Most places I've been to in the last few days have been overstocked.

Last edited by Jawknee on 3/9/2012 1:33:50 PM

12 years ago

@Jawk: My bad. After reading your reply I reread the article and realized they only mentioned the NA sales. For some reason I thought I read the rest were sold elsewhere.

Thanks for helping me see the errors of my ways. lol

12 years ago

just because they shipped that many does not mean thats how much they sold.
probably half of that is still sitting on store shelves worldwide.
EB today had a whole shelf full of them!
N7 edition is even still available which was a shock, they normally sell out of LEs weeks before release!

12 years ago

Damn school is in the way. Once these college exams are over, I'll definitely be picking this up.

12 years ago

Don't have it yet, due to low funds & the fact that all of my 360 & PS3 copies are still sitting in my huge games backlog.

Anyway, this will work out better for me in the long run cause I'll be able to get a much lower deal on it when I finally get it, like I did with ME2.

(OH BTW "My Thanks" to whoever it was that posted me the heads-up $19.99 price tip on it).

Last edited by BikerSaint on 3/9/2012 10:29:50 AM

12 years ago

For all Canadians: ME2 is $14.99 this week (March 9-15) at Future Shop (may only be the 360 version, though the ad lists both consoles).

Last edited by Fane1024 on 3/11/2012 12:25:11 AM

12 years ago

Why? I'm broke and in typical EA fashion, in a short time this game will be dramatically cut in price. Then I'll nab it. Also it gives me time to finish ME2. Glad to hear it's selling so well.

12 years ago

I don't know if it'll drop really soon, I couldn't find ME2 under $50 for over a year.

12 years ago

Mass Effect 2 on PS3 has been $20 at Walmart for at least a year.

12 years ago

I got my PS3 ME2 at BestBuy online for $19,95 a couple months ago.

Plus I had them deliver to my closest BB store the very next day so I'd save their shipping charge too.

12 years ago

Well just so we are clear, I was thinking for whatever reason ME2 released in 2010 for the PS3 but that's not true it released in 2011. So I know for a fact it hasn't been $20 for a year at wal-mart, ha. But that's ok because obviously I over exaggerated my time as well. My point was I bought my copy of ME2 at best buy for $29.99 back in October or November, I believe. At that point it had been out for 10-11 months (roughly), and up until then I Couldn't find it cheaper than $50.

12 years ago

The game was released on PS3 Jan. 2011. We're now in March 2012. It was not more than a few months that Walmart(maybe just in my area) dropped the price to $20. So any exaggeration was only by a month or so.

12 years ago

Yea I don't know why your area would be so cheap or any different, but apparently your area was the place to be. That's why I waited so long to buy it, I couldn't even find it used anywhere fr under $35.

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 3/9/2012 4:38:42 PM

12 years ago

ME2 dropped in price around the middle of October; I remember because I was happily surprised to find the price listed at $30 (with all copies gone) when I was compiling my birthday wish list. This was just before EA announced the price drop, so I asked for a rain check only to discover that the price had been dropped everywhere.

12 years ago

I got a PS3 copy for myself today, and a PC copy for my nephew.

His ISP router is messed up, so it was sent for repair/replacement. Until then, he has no internet connection.
It seriously pissed me off that you have to have an internet connection for the PC version to activate and let you play.
It's ridiculous, freaking EA.

I had to go over to his house, and I tethered an old phone I have for him to play at his home during the weekend.
And it's not even a one-time thing I believe. It needs a connection every time you launch the game! What the hell?
I almost WANT EA to be pirated, if that had no impact on developers.
So gamers without internet can't play EA games.. F**k.

In regards to this topic, I haven't had a chance to play the game yet, but my nephew says it's being an amazing experience. I'll take his word for it!

Last edited by wolfsinner on 3/9/2012 10:34:03 AM

12 years ago

Yea so I'm really enjoying ME3, but they certainly tried really hard to cover up all the shooting by adding a more defined level system, although it's still not a huge focus, it definitely plays a larger role in combat this time.

Games great so far, an the story is very good!

12 years ago

Really want to play this but my current backlog of games right now is out of control!

Say what you want about buying games pre-owned but in the past few weeks I've got ALL these games for £5/£10: RAGE, Need for Speed Hot Pursuit, The Saboteur, Fifa 10, Dead Space 2 and Bulletstorm with all games requiring a game code being unused.

Gaming Overload!!

12 years ago

You stole Excelsior's icon =p

Where has that guy been anyway?

12 years ago

Auron is cool to everyone! He doesn't discriminate! Everyone has their own story!!

As for excelsior, there hasn't been any articles about Sony sales except for positive reports concerning the Vita. Also, there's been nothing about FF. And with no opportunity for negativity towards the PS brand, you get no Excelsior! badda bing……

12 years ago

just give it another year and MS will have their XZune to compete with the Vita. I'm sure we'll see plenty of Excelsior at that point =p

12 years ago

Ur avatar comes out much clearer, so it ='s better.

12 years ago

Is that Charles Atlas?

12 years ago

Steve Reeves… duh =p

12 years ago

Wait until price drop with all doc released.

Why haven't I picked it up… playing Xenogears PS1 *Awesome*

12 years ago

I played 1 & 2 on the 360 but since I no longer have the system I no longer have the save. I bought ME2 on the PS3 but have yet to play it. I'll probably start it after I finish GOW: Origins. I have finished Chains and I think I'm most of the way through Ghosts so will probably start soon.

By the time I finish I'll probably find ME3 for $40 or less. Just look at Skyrim, I waited for the game to get fixed and now I have seen it being sold for $40. I'm done buying tons of games at launch since I just can't keep up with playing them. Hell I just started & finished RAGE about a month ago which if I waited till then to buy it I would have saved $40.

That's what I get though for having the new game buying itch. lol

12 years ago

Impressive numbers. I dont think the prior ME's sold as well as this.
Could the multplayer have contributed to this seeming boost in sales?

12 years ago

I also assume the digital sales of this game via PSN and Origin and various digital distributors aren't included in this number.

yeah, I like responding to myself =p

12 years ago

Ben, I know, I know! It's not my fault, KMart's shipping SUX!! 🙂 I will be getting my copy today thankfully, very disappointing 3 days after release and for a measly extra $10 towards my 16GB Vita MC! Oh well, looks like the wait will be worth it. It's Mass Effect 3 day!

12 years ago

I'll have to finish ME2 first but I'm glad to see yet another great rpg will be waiting in the wings for me when I'm done.

12 years ago

890,000 copies day one is very impressive… I havent spent alot time playing but I will this weekend.

12 years ago

so these r not sold is disappointing.
"Saying to people who always question this to ps3 exclusives"

12 years ago

Got my collectors edition today. Finally.
My Femshep from ME2 were imported perfectly, so now, at last, The Adventure Can Continue.

I shall treasure every single hour like it was my last.

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/9/2012 12:58:07 PM

12 years ago

I am so jealous! Still haven't gotten my copy yet. Cannot wait to go through the import process.

12 years ago

I don't get it. I can't get into these games.

12 years ago

its not for everyone, thats for sure, im just happy that for me, its very enjoyable. I think its the fact that as the series went on, it got more refined as a shooter, and not as much as a rpg that may put some people off from it.

12 years ago

It's the story, combat (Use guns or biotics or both) and rich character relationship dynamics that drive this juggernaut. My copy was just delivered, so I just have to wait for the boy to go sleepy night night! LOL! Earth, your savior is upon you!

Last edited by CrusaderForever on 3/9/2012 2:35:37 PM

12 years ago

Hmmm, maybe that's why I have a problem getting into it. That it's not quite a shooter but not quite an RPG either. Almost like an identity crisis. =P

12 years ago

It's just how you perceive it. It does suffer from Identity issues though, no matter what anyone says. But that don't matter. If we are calling it an RPG its a great game, if we are calling it a TPS it's still a great game.

12 years ago

lol as much as i love the game, i gotta agree with you jawk

12 years ago

Because I am waiting to get a new pc and get the ultimate experience with ME2 and then move on to ME3 as ME series are my fav games of all time. Bioware is king for me.

12 years ago

So, have you played ME1 then? I beat ME1 on the PC and it was truly a joy. I really enjoyed it and I was glad to beat it on the PC without having to get a X360. But hats off to you for wanting to go through ME2 first as it was phenomenal.

12 years ago

I wish now I played the first two on the PC, now that I have one that is, seeing that they perform quite a bit nicer than either of the console versions. But, seeing that I've carried my 360 save over from ME to ME2, and took the time to collect all the members and keep them alive to the end… I don't want to walk away from that progress. I've also done every DLC… except for the latest, Arrival. Which I will, at some point.
The crappy thing is I'm pretty resolute in avoiding paying to play online, I'm basically locked out of the online stuff. Not a biggee, as ME singeplayer stands by itself just fine, I would at least log on a few times and give a chance.
Make it free MS, please.

12 years ago

Im having a blast with it so far. & the unreal Engine is bothering me less and less. If only JRPGS could start putting up numbers like this again.. *sigh*

12 years ago

why? i'm rushing as fast as possible through ME2 so i'll
have a save to import. plus, just bad timming and last,
i've been reading about issues people were or having with the game.
i'll be getting the collectors edition tomorrow, can'nt wait but must
finish ME2 first.

12 years ago

Oh God no man don't RUSH it! Don't! These are not games to be rushed, but enjoyed! The dialogues, the stories, there is nothing to rush here.

ME2 is just as good today as it was when first released, ME3 will not go out of date anytime soon either, so enjoy these, man. There's plenty games to just rush through, these are *not* amongst them.

Enjoy! 🙂

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