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Sorcery Enchants Shelves On May 22

It's arguably the most anticipated game for the PlayStation Move, and it finally has an official launch date.

As announced at the PlayStation Blog , the long-awaited Sorcery will arrive on store shelves on May 22 in North America.

If you click through the link, you'll find some new screenshots and artwork, along with a quick summary of the story penned by creative director Brian Upton. …what, don't want to click? Oh, all right, here you go:

"Finn is in trouble. First, he accidentally blew up his master’s alchemy lab. Then he’s let Erline, his master’s magical cat, talk him into trespassing in the realm of the dead. Now he’s unleashed an ancient universe-destroying evil that won’t stop until everything he cares about is utterly annihilated. It has not been a good day.

Even though he’s only an apprentice, Finn must find a way to defeat the Nightmare Queen before she destroys the human world. To do this he must plunge deep into the realm of faerie — the Endless Stair, the Faerie Forest, the Slumbering Palace. With Erline travelling at his side he must master powerful and arcane magical spells, and use them to overcome the strange and twisted servants of Nightmare. He must solve challenging puzzles, and decipher the mysteries of alchemy. He must discover the secrets of the Nightmare Queen’s power and undo the damage that she has wrought.

And, above all, he must earn the right to be called…sorcerer."

Sorcery has a legitimate shot at becoming an accessory-selling title; Move owners have been waiting on this one for a long time. Some have even held off getting Sony's motion-sensing device until the title arrived. Well, it ain't long now, so that's good news.

Related Game(s): Sorcery

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12 years ago

100% agree on the last paragraph. I already have the Move, but I'm really looking forward to playing this game. My friend already had his copy pre-ordered… and he doesn't even have the Move bundle yet. LOL

12 years ago

I agree i've been putting off getting the move until this came out. Sony is gonna make some solid money off the "Move" this year with just this game alone

12 years ago

Not going too deep on the story side of things i see.

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
12 years ago

i'm interested in this

12 years ago

i was so excited for this, it looked like a mix between harry pothead and LOTR!
looked freaking sweet, a sourcery game thats not a kids game!
now it is though.
the recent trailer made the game look like it was made by freaking nintendo!
throughout the whole trailer all i could say was waggle much?
looks like a tech demo for a dancing and shaking maracas game!
come on $ony, what the hells going on!?
first playstation move heroes, then ape escape, then medievil moves deadmunds quest, and now this.
can we PLEASE stop trying to be nintendo?

12 years ago

Bout to find me Move for the low. Been waiting on this forever it seems

12 years ago

Finally, Sorcery is here…

12 years ago

Finally, I actually haven't used my PlayStation move in 2012

12 years ago

Finally there's a PSMove game that I wanted to play! Can't wait!

12 years ago

I've been waiting for this game since they announced it a while ago so i guess i can dust off my move controller.

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