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Three More Expansions For Battlefield 3, First Hits In June

If you're still storming the battlefield, you've been waiting for new expansion content.

Luckily, EA has announced that three more pieces of downloadable content will be coming to Battlefield 3 .

The first is called Battlefield 3: Close Quarters , which is obviously focused on infantry and "vertical gameplay;" the pack boasts four new indoor maps and ten new weapons. This one is set to hit in June. As some of you know, EA struck a deal with Sony so the PlayStation 3 gets DLC a week early, and this deal holds true for Close Quarters . Next up is Battlefield 3: Armored Kill , which is going to include new vehicles and the "biggest maps in the franchise's history." No release window for that one yet, though. Lastly, there's Battlefield 3: End Game , which remains a mystery.

They continue to work on patches for the online experience as well. Some PS3 players have complained of server issues, which should be addressed in future updates. You'll probably want to keep playing, as there is no Battlefield slated for this year, although Danger Close's Medal of Honor: Warfighter certainly looks promising.

Related Game(s): Battlefield 3

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12 years ago

Holy call of duty batman. Umm the 2nd and 3rd DLC pack seem interesting but the first one is a bit disappointing from what I have read so far.

I'm still waiting for the back to karkand maps to rotate with the original maps when playing hardcore

Last edited by 79transam on 3/7/2012 10:53:32 AM

12 years ago

I can't wait for the new DLC, and especially the one with new vehicles >:)

12 years ago

7 months and close quarters for an actual "new" map pack. I'm not to thrilled about it. Sounds like Activision!?

12 years ago

Wow I'd be onto so many other games by now if I had gotten into BF3.

12 years ago

For myself, this has PASS written all over it. Sure new content is good, but when the game is broken still, and they only " pacth " every 3+ months, which is casuing the server populations to drop pretty hard, I dont see any reason to support this game anymore.

EA isnt intrested in fixing the game, all they want is more money from the dlc, then depending on how they sell, they might have another round of dlc, or they'll just drop this and move on. If you seek balance in ur FPS, look elsewhere.

12 years ago

so much games so little time i have to make a time table lol keep up the great work dice

12 years ago

Battlefield isn't broken, its ten times better than MW3. I gave my copy of cod to a friend. The online play in cod is horrible. Everyone is in a little box, killing you as soon as you spawn. it sucks.

12 years ago

This and Medal of Honour 2 will keep me busy I have to say over the coming months 🙂



12 years ago

i'm excited for the new dlc but bigger maps? man, i hate running around for nothing when every one of our vehicles is taken.

12 years ago

it would be really nice if they could take the time to fix the damn input lag a lot of people have with this game on the ps3 (and no dice – switching to gaming mode on the tv doesn't fix it) – the xbox version of course controls just fine – which pisses me off even more.

Ended up having to buy this for my pc as i wasnt able to enjoy the ps3 version

12 years ago

Umm, they already fixed it. It's not even there anymore.

12 years ago

yes it is im afraid. Only certain tvs are affected. from what ive read LG and Samsungs mostly – 50" + tvs. Ive tried playing the 360 verson hooked up to the same tv – HUGE difference.

12 years ago

Dice are "aware of the problem" but so far have only given the 'switch to gaming mode' that any idiot could figure out to try advice

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