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Assassin’s Creed III’s New Engine To Offer “Next-Gen” Visuals?

The Assassin's Creed games have always looked fantastic. Each and every installment has ranked as one of the better graphical productions of the year in which it released.

And now, we learn Assassin's Creed III is utilizing a brand new "revolutionary" game engine: AnvilNext, which Ubisoft claims is capable of rendering "thousand-man battles."

As reported by CVG , ACIII creative director Alex Hutchinson told Game Informer that the goal was to produce a game that stands out from the crowd; i.e., something that looks "next-gen" on current platforms. Said Hutchinson:

"It's a scary thing to say, but I think the goal was to look next-gen on current-gen. We have this goal to do something completely new, but still remain true to the franchise. People want that familiarity, but also something radically new. So we have the familiar pillars of fighting, navigation, and social stealth, but brand new environments and brand new ways to use them and extend them."

The only concern we have is that you really can't have familiarity and "radical" change at the same time…those two things kinda clash. But we understand what he's saying, and we have all sorts of faith in the development team. And with such an unbelievable setting, a new hero, and a brave new world to explore, how can we not be excited? That AnvilNext engine might do some amazing things…

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12 years ago

I got a strong feeling he's talking mainly about the PC version now? Kinda reminds me of the talk prior to Battlefield 3.

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/6/2012 9:41:34 AM

12 years ago

I don't get that impression. The concept of "next gen on current gen" doesn't really make sense for PC.

12 years ago

Whatever the case you can be certain all the pictures and videos we see will be from the PC version.

12 years ago

Alienage makes a valid point, but World's right, the best visuals that will see are going to be on PC

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

That's really never the case with Assassin's Creed. Pretty much all the early video and screens we see for that series is from the console version. I've also seen the games on PC; they look basically identical.

I don't know where people got the idea that AC is a PC-oriented franchise. It never has been. It has always been made with consoles in mind first.

12 years ago

sorry ben in that case you need glasses.
AC2 was a really bad PC port, but brotherhood and revelations were some of the best ports ever made!
especially revelations and the 3D support, far better then the console versions.
no screen tearing in sight either!

12 years ago

We've heard it before from Ubisoft, and despite there games looking good, theyve never been considered the best, graphically speaking.

I find it hard to believe they can achieve what a game like Uncharted has done, but we shall see. I do however like the statement about the engine being capable of rendering 1000 man battles. But there's a big difference between that and activity on screen. GoW3 tips the scale there running brilliantly with tons of action and upwards of 50+ characters on screen.

We'll see how it turns out. One thing is certain though, that it will look great because as far as open world games go, AC has always been a pretty big contender for graphics, I just don't know they can produce Next gen graphics now. But it's exciting to talk about!

Last edited by bigrailer19 on 3/6/2012 10:05:24 AM

12 years ago

Good to know. I want to see what unique features this game will have on Wii U before I bite.

12 years ago

Wouldn't it be weird if you and I ended up buying this game?

12 years ago

Yurp. :p

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
12 years ago

So if ubi can produce next gen-like visuals on current hardware using a multiplat engine,that means that a first party dev should be able to do better when focusing on one platform!!!
Hence we don't need a new round of consoles for another 4 years at least.
Lazy devs and their random access memory……or ubi talking through their gasholes??

12 years ago

Both. They all just want your money.

12 years ago

Devs are responsible for random access memory?

Just … wow

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
12 years ago

Don't recall making that statement

12 years ago

With it being 3 years in development i think i might get this one.

12 years ago

Same here

12 years ago

Red Dead Redemption Assassin's Creed style. Looks brilliant if you ask me. Anyone else have the balls to put a half North American Indian in their game as the main character?

12 years ago

These are Desmond's ancestors, I'd be curious to know the story behind how Ezio's family got over to America and banged Native Americans.

12 years ago

Maybe via the Nina, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.

12 years ago

It had to be one of them, probably not all 3 though.

12 years ago

I don't think that Ezio's family traveled to the new world. Desmond is the linchpin of the story because his DNA is the convergence of several different assassin bloodlines.

12 years ago

I hope they dont copy Red Dead Redemption style.
thats what made it feel Unique and Special.

12 years ago

I'm glad it's better, see I don't agree that AC is among the better looking games. The character models are really early-gen but at least things look good at a distance.

12 years ago

with screen tearing, framerate drops, texture and object pop in , will be dificult feel next gen…

12 years ago

that's great news now how about some co op campain action and i don't meen a seperate co op add on i would like the type of co op like borderlands wher a friend can jume in my game at any time and help out do missions and which makes the game ai harder

12 years ago

yup and im eating dinner with scooby doo!
i cant wait to see how the wiiU version turns out though.
i hope they make good use of the screen in the controller so you dont have to pause the game to select items, and even have a map on there.
one thing i hate is having 101 things on the screen cluttering it up, remove the HUD and put it on the controller!

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