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Far Cry 3 Developers: No Malaria, And You Won’t Get Lost

Did you enjoy getting malaria in Far Cry 2 ? No, right? Few did. And Ubisoft listened.

In fact, the developers listened to a lot of the common complaints fans had about the well-received open-world FPS. And that's why the team is addressing those issues in the upcoming Far Cry 3 ; you have to appreciate any studio that listens . It's so…healthy.

During a recent IGN interview lead designer Jamie Keen and producer Dan Hay spoke about the role fan feedback has played in the creation of the upcoming sequel. In regards to the aforementioned malaria, Keen said:

"I think most people found it frustrating. Though some found it interesting because it was the world around them. There are points where we make you do something to pull them along, but we want to make sure we're not contriving situations too much."

Keen also talked about the sandbox element and how some gamers complained of FC2 feeling a little too big, or rather, a little too empty and confusing at times. They'd "get a bit lost," Keen reflected, and this is something else they're looking into for FC3:

"It's important that it has that sense of exploration, but it needs to be getting towards something. You never want to feel like you're not getting anything back from the world or that you have to wait a while until you get to the next place."

Interestingly enough, the team is also working on a more dynamic structure, in that the character's interactions with his environment will have an impact. Producer Hay said we'll "have an appreciable effect on the environment" and in fact, they've given a name to this feature (we just don't know that name yet). You might also want to read up on the part about "creating meaningful side-quests," 'cuz way too many optional things in games these days feel either generic or tacked on.

Everyone has high hopes for Far Cry 3 , right?

Related Game(s): Far Cry 3

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12 years ago

Im playing it now (Thanx PS Plus)and yeah its annoying, especially when in a gun fight and have to pop my pill to stay alive.

12 years ago

I found it a bit annoying, but at the same time somewhat strangely cool too.

Because in the real world, we've just got to expect that sh!t happens.

12 years ago

Ughh, one of the many reasons why I didn't really like the game. It was such a disappointment, imo, considering the original was so damn good. When I first heard about Far Cry 3, I was skeptical. Though, seeing the trailer and reading about it for the last few months, it appears as if it may reach it's true potential. Hopefully, FC3 is what FC2 should have been.

12 years ago

I get goosebumps just by reading it's name in the headlines. I'm definitely ready for another one now.

Far Cry 2 was in 2008. I'm glad FC3 hasn't come any sooner. 3-4 years between each release seem just perfect.

All I am hoping is that they kept some of that very distinct atmosphere from the second. The change of setting this time, with the island and all, well I just hope they don't lose the identity in all their efforts to please the masses. Cause there is a thin line between an awesome experience and "just another shooter".

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/3/2012 12:38:22 PM

12 years ago

It will be the Skyrim of FPS.

12 years ago

I went through the trouble of buying farcry 2 for my friend. He never touched it. Complained about it hard to navigate in the game.

12 years ago

then he DID touch it.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

Yea… LOL what gives?

12 years ago

You should tell him not to go using a compass around magnets

12 years ago

LOL you get the idea… he played it about 2 or 3 times, then abandoned it.

lol but he seems hyped for Far Cry3.

12 years ago

I went through the trouble of buying farcry 2 for my friend. He never touched it. Complained about it hard to navigate in the game.

12 years ago

i purchsed far cry 2 for $45 i think a little after its release. i enjoyed the game allot especially the sense of realism. the malaria at times did bother me but also made the environment of the story better. i made it to 70 something percent before my thick 60g lady went out.

my little brother has it now but hes in Ga im in Ny & with GT5 it wont be possible getting back to it for sometime.

12 years ago

I am playing it right now like the poster up top thanks PS+. The malaria is annoying and I could easily enjoy the game a little more with that removed. The maps however are not too big in my opinion. In fact I would like them to be much larger. I understand that some parts of the map do feel useless, as nothing happens in those parts other then an occasional jeep driving up and trying to kill you. I hope they don't shrink the maps at all, just add more elements to make them more lively.

12 years ago

its nice to have a developer that listens, but sometimes that can backfire.
the cut scenes from AC1 to 2 for example.
allot of people complained that the cut scenes in the original were too long and boring, so they shortened them, and in doing so removed all the detail in the sequel.
so sometimes its not exactly a good idea to listen to the fans, because 99% of the time there f*cking idiots!

im starting to get worried there changing too much in this.
the way they talk about it, it just makes it sound like a totally different game.
i want far cry 3, not a new IP with far cry 3 written on the box!
plus FC2 had so many cool features allot of people loved, there gone too?
ubisofts caught a sever case of insomniacites.
just because insomniac always strips their games of features fans loved, does not mean yous have to too.

12 years ago

I usually tend to get worried when developers listen to the "fans". Since in most cases what they call the fans are nothing but the people that go to their websites. I have noticed over the years that a lot of people that are fans never visit the websites and a good portion of the ones that do are there just to complain.

Zipper and MAG are one of the biggest ones that come to mind. The casual and bad players kept complaining about this and that being overpowered, and effectively got the entire game nerfed to the point that it isn't even fun anymore.

One game that took a different approach that I thought was genius was "Hydrophobia: Prophecy". In the game if you go into the menu you can rate the different aspects of the game, and I feel every game should adopt this strategy as you actually can get the real fans feedback, along with the whiners.

Mind you I am not saying that everyone on these developers websites are bad or casual players just crying, but it seems that the majority of people that like certain games just leave it at that. They feel they did there part by buying the game, and that they don't need to visit the website to give any further thanks to the devs for a job well done.

12 years ago

another perfect example would be the controls from KZ2.
so many people complained about it, so they changed it, that was one of the best parts about the game!
i really enjoyed especially in the MP how when you sprinted you lowered your weapon, so every time you went into a different room you would have to stop and slowly walk in just to get your aim back up.
i remember one of the gaming with the dev nights, one of the devs did not do that, just came sprinting in and by the time he noticed and raised his weapon i had already blown his head off.
small things like that, and the idiots come whining in and the developers change it back.
not all games have to be the same, sometimes doing things just to be a bit different is all thats required!
games are becoming far too much made by the players, and less and less, by the developers.

12 years ago

I got farcry2 free for being ps plus. If I would have played this game before I played vanquish and darkness 2. Then I probably would have liked it to a degree. Just can't get into it at all. Gameplay feels plain to me compared to the other titles I just mentioned.

Yet again it still would have felt plain to me if you throw games like broken helix (psone game), armored core series, and dirge of cerberus (yes I thought that was a great game including ffx-2) into the mix.

Might also be another reason why I can't really get into COD.

12 years ago

It seem a lot more like fc1 and it s a good thing .I love it much more when it s linear but with multiple ways to accomplish the objective .

Seeing another gameplay video ( showing another way to get to the chopper ) of the fc3 demo showed at E3 sold me to the games .

Also seeing another video showing how the main character got into that mess made it even more of a sure buy .Really like the main character and can t wait to see him evolve into a killing machines .The main bad guy (at least i hope so ) seem like one of the most interesting one out there too.

Fc2 was good but the respawning enemies made it a really annoying game after awhile .Really hope it s not in FC3 .

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