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PixelJunk 4am: Become A PSN Musical Artist…Literally

Yeah, we had the same question: "But what is it?"

We're big fans of the PixelJunk series, which is why we're always interested when developer Q Games announces a new entry. This time, it's PixelJunk 4am , which involves three things- the PlayStation Move, music, and interestingly enough, "unknown territory."

Head over to the PlayStation Blog to learn more; it's quite the project. This isn't about "dancing to musical demands." No no, this is much different; this is you telling the "game" what to do, and this is why they're calling it more of an instrument than a video game. As for the Move, there are no pointing, shooting or wriggling mini games; PixelJunk 4am is designed to "fully utilize" the hardware in question.

Check it out:

"Using all 3 spacial axes (X, Y & Z plus one more axis for twist), the accelerometer & the gyro, we’ve built a Virtual Canvas in space for you. Your PlayStation Move is then tracked through space using a vibrant palette of changing sphere colours. Imagine an intricate Audio Canvas floating in space that you can use to paint and craft music on."

Woah…cool. The best part is that the PSN "has never been used like this before," as Q Games is basically giving the service "its very own radio broadcasting station." The artists that hit the airwaves? You. Me. All of us together. Any time you play, it'll be like a live performance; you'll be streaming live on PSN for anyone to tune in and listen to. They've even got you covered if you don't have Move, and a free viewer will be available to everyone on the PSN. You can watch live performances worldwide!

You can even give the performer feedback. The whole thing is inspired, dynamic and innovative and we say, simply, bravo! Gotta love creativity on this scale. 'slow clap'

Related Game(s): PixelJunk 4am

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12 years ago

I still don't understand.

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago


12 years ago

cant wait…. this thing could be a dream come true for a Electronic Dance Music lovers….. cant wait…

12 years ago

So, does this mean that even a musical no-talent like me can can make something sound good too???

If so, then artists like Depeche Mode, & electronica greats such as Jon Michel Jarre, had better look out, LOL

OK, I officially need to know more….

12 years ago

I am with you on the slow clap! This could be really interesting and actually make me want to buy the Move. Being a drummer for over 20 years and enjoying "PixelJunk Monsters" this has me really interested.

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