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Max Payne 3 Producer’s Harrowing Visit To Sao Paulo

Man, what producers sometimes have to do for a project…

If you didn't already know, Rockstar's Max Payne 3 is set in Sao Paulo, which is appropriate, as it's a gritty and dangerous place. And of course, with Rockstar's patented attention to detail, they had to actually go to the city in question.

And that's where the "fun" began for one of the game's producers, Lazlow Jones. He visited the Opie and Anthony Show on Sirius XM Satellite Radio (as summarized at Original Gamer ), and spoke about his adventures in Sao Paulo. It's a great read; the guy needed a bulletproof car because of the amount of money they'd carry about, and kidnapping is apparently a big problem down there. They needed a security consultant, who changed the driver at the last minute due to a "major safety concern." …oh yes, I'll sleep well at night after that.

Interestingly enough, Lazlow's father was a drug NARC, so he's been used to being aware of his surroundings, which is probably a good thing. It must've been quite the experience and therefore, when you're playing Max Payne 3 in May, just be thankful for the exquisitely designed and realistic city, and be even more thankful your entertainment is fiction.

Related Game(s): Max Payne 3

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12 years ago

Just give me the game already! (and an HD collection; yes, I will NOT shut up about that until it happens).

Seriously, I can't wait. James McCaffrey, Max Payne, classic music, bullet-time, comic-style cutscenes, etc. Ugh, looks just soooooo good!

12 years ago

An HD collection with new controls. I loved those games but they are almost unplayable now.

12 years ago

I don t know about consoles but on PC the control are still tight .

12 years ago

My younger bro just came back from 3 months in Sao Paulo and had a great time. No kidnappings or robberys. Not saying it doesn't happen or that Sao Paulo isn't dangerous, where in the world is completely safe anyway? But there might be some over-egging their trip to make it sound exciting.

Russell Burrows
Russell Burrows
12 years ago

Tamaulipas, Mexico.
Those that survive here call it Mataulipas or die a day what with all the daily shootouts its no longer even conversation worthy to talk about bullet ridden cars or dead bodies on the street.

12 years ago

mother of jesus i had to register about 900 times
would not even allow me to up sign up Unbelievable
clear your desk your fired. frostyface your the new pasa amigo

Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

…all that effort to sign up and this is your first comment?


12 years ago

Relax Ben, it's the vodka.

12 years ago

It's gonna be great to see Max return, and to free up a few rockstar employees to start Manhunt 3! …please?

12 years ago

yes my first comment :).im not the best at using computers.i dint see the code thing Properly when you sign up.
one step at a time for can have your job back my bad

Last edited by VODKA_wizard on 3/2/2012 2:59:10 PM

12 years ago

Dude, are you from Christchurch?

12 years ago

At least now you might check first if the fault is not yours next time .

Anyway welcome to psxextreme .

12 years ago

Man, I have a whole new appreciation for Rockstar.

12 years ago

wish they would hurry up and give us the game already!
nothing does crime based shooter like max payne!
still a little bummed remedy are not doing this, but im sure R* can handle it.
and they have been sorta co developing it so i guess thats good enough.

12 years ago

Wow, think about this for more than just a few moments, instead of sounding like someone from the me, me, me, generation that most of us despise.

Almost everyone's ignored the whole reason for this thread, and I for one, am very thankful that every R* member came back safe & sound

FYI, if what was happening in Sao Pablo was true, then you should all be thanking your lucky stars nothing violent had happened to any of the R* crew or your precious Max Payne series(mine too) might've never seen the light of day ever again.

Just my 2C……

12 years ago

D1P, i'm a sucker for games with the rockstar logo on the case.
on topic,
glad to hear everyone from R* make back safe and sound.

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