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I Think Final Fantasy Versus XIII Is A Figment Of My Imagination

I've been having this recurring dream for years now.

It started with what appeared to be an incredibly impressive CGI trailer back in 2007. And as time went on, I'd catch glimpses of this mystery – and apparently imaginary – title in my sleep…I have been asleep every time I've seen it, haven't I?

Every now and then, something in the real world tries to prove that such a project exists. Like for instance, the occasional word or two from Square Enix hinting that a game called "Final Fantasy Versus XIII" would be "officially unveiled" soon. I think I was having an out-of-body experience when I heard this very statement in January of 2011. But that was over a year ago now and the dream has lessened in frequency and intensity. I must've been dreaming over the past four and a half years, because it's clear that no such game actually exists.

There was something about fantasy becoming reality after Final Fantasy XIII-2 hit store shelves. But that was back in January and here it is, March…and nothing. Nothing in the physical, real world at any rate. It still lives on in my memories and wishes but like all memories and wishes, they don't exist in the here and now; memories involve things that have already occurred (and there's no going back) and wishes typically remain wishes and nothing more. Sadly, I may have to face the brutal reality that I've been suffering from random bouts of delusion (and illusion), and there's no such thing as "Final Fantasy Versus XIII."

I would strongly suggest that you do the same, lest your sanity is threatened. It's safer to make the admission.

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12 years ago

I had hopes we would see this until we found out about Final Fantasy XIII-3. Now I'm thinking Shinra, I mean Square-Enix, is going to wait until after they slap that jalopy together to unveil anything. That will put Versus at the very end of the PS3's primary life cycle in 2014.

The good news: There won't be any time to force a 360 version that gimps the original.

12 years ago

odd how we still get small updates on it and people act like it doesn't exist. have some faith.

12 years ago

Im not bothered by the development process of Versus XII I would if this was SE only project.

12 years ago

I've been waiting on this for 6 years, I can go another 3… But I completely understand how you feel Ben.

12 years ago

Another 3? I wanted KH3 this gen tho 🙁

12 years ago

0.05% chance

12 years ago

I feel so bad for Nomura, he's on record as being very excited to get the spotlight on his game but SE just won't let it happen because of whatever evil shenanigans they have going on behind the scenes. Not only that but they keep pulling his team members away to work on lame stuff.

12 years ago

I wish it was a given, but if only Nomura and his team leaving SE is a guaranteed better solution for him and all the fans. I'm guessing he probably needs all the funds from SE.

Just imagine having a game that was announced way back in 2006, only to be forcefully delayed by a sequel to a game that was announced on the same year. Not only that, but as you say, SE is announcing a bunch of new games between now and then, in which part of Nomura's team is needed for developing it. Then for whatever reason, details are still being shut down as if it's gonna be delayed even more, or possibly by another game that's gonna take over its spotlight. If I was Nomura and someone was messing with my game like that, I'd be pissed.

12 years ago

$E's probably trying to make Nomura help them count all that slush fund money they got from M$'s armored Brinks trucks.

12 years ago

What's 'Final Fantasy Versus XIII'?…..I'm, like, dead serious too….

Last edited by aaronisbla on 2/29/2012 11:42:53 PM

12 years ago


12 years ago

I don't even care anymore as I am done with square.I have been to busy playing Skyrim anyway and will be playing ME3 as it will actually be released.

12 years ago

Yep. I hope they regain their form someday but for now who can be bothered? Other companies are carrying the RPG mantle quite well.

12 years ago

My thoughts exactly. Final Fantasy couldn't be more irrelevant to me now and they have nothing but themselves to blame for losing a very avid supporter in me from the early days of the series.

12 years ago

They won't capture my interest again until they announce a release date, a solid release date. The wait for this game has been criminal. I am happy with XIII-2 but enough is enough already, I'd rather they cut all this DLC crap and just make another game already.

12 years ago

its coming eventually.
developers seriously need to stop announcing their games 6+ years before release!
aliens colonial marines for instance, been waiting for that for so long!!!!!!!!!!
if anything can can bring back the piss your pants horror in videogames back its aliens!

12 years ago

Didn't finish FF XIII, don't plan on getting FF XIII-2, and have zero interest in FF XIII-3.

That 2007 or 2008 trailer for Versus XIII had my hopes up. A darker, more mature looking Final Fantasy, like the setting and story of FF VII (my personal favourite!!)

Then XIII went multiplat…

Then XIII-2 was made…

Now XIII-3 is expected…

Now Versus XIII is getting closer to being the Duke Nukem Forever of Japan. Too long, but will it be too late?

12 years ago

Honestly, just cancel the game already, the longer the delay, the less interest i have in it and i don't think im alone in saying that. Was excited for it way back when it was announced, even more so when i was disappointed in FFXIII.

Just no excuse why this game is taking forever and a day to come out when other games announced way afterwards have hit the market.

I knew something like this would happen when they announced the game would still be ps3 exclusive. Only reason why it was announced as such was to calm down ps3 owners who didn't like the feeling of being 'betrayed' that the series finally went multiplatform.

Has anyone wondered truly why the main series went multiplatform but not a spinoff series? As of now, there really is no reason except for what i listed above.

If companies want to go multiplatform, i have no issues with it, but i do have issues when they throw out bonus gifts in exchange for the mulitplatform angle that don't pan out:

Square puts FFXIII on both systems? Its ok, ps3 owners will still get Versus. Still no sign of it.

Rockstar puts GTA4 on both systems? Its ok, ps3 owners will get Agent. I'm not even sure Rockstar even knows what the game is about let alone gamers.

Last edited by aaronisbla on 3/1/2012 7:19:25 AM

12 years ago

Couldn't agree more. It would be wonderful if the PS3 got these dream projects which would shape up to be in the same league as other exclusives, but in the end they aren't happening.

The support and resources aren't there and they're existence is entirely to give false hope, making us overlook the fact of the decisions made of the larger picture.

12 years ago

hehe. That explains it perfectly.

12 years ago

Yes they are now for the money not to make happy their fanbase but I'm proud to say I never bought a FFXIII game the third comes? whatever I would buy ten Call of Duty's instead.

Versus and the FFVII remake never gonna happen.Not at least in this gen.

Last edited by Oxvial on 3/1/2012 9:30:35 AM

12 years ago

Props for calling it like it is, Ben. This game is vaporware if I ever saw some, and considering the state of SE the last few years, is it any wonder? They are just clueless on how to develop games in the modern era. When a game goes dark for THIS long, it means nothing good is happening in the production. Don't get your hopes up for this one, folks.

12 years ago

Typo alert, last line, second paragraph;

"I've seen it, haven't it?"

Other than that, yes, this game is either vaporware, or it's in multi-platform hell where a previously exclusive game is held up for an unreasonable amount of time due to internal politics and wrangling over porting it to the inferior 360.

Last edited by TheHighlander on 3/1/2012 9:32:45 AM

12 years ago

I hate to make assumptions, but I really do think it's getting very serious, internally, over there. Something has to be going on, and it's probably not so good. As you say, them wrangling over porting or not is a pretty good, or rather a good "educated" guess… or even common sense for that matter.

I guess it's a matter of loyalty vs. money if that's the case.

12 years ago

The small number of comments in a FF topic after a full 12 hours says it all.

12 years ago

Yes, people are beginning not to care, and it does indeed show.

12 years ago

I agree that interest is declining, but there really isn't much going on here. If this was major news, or if it's an announcement of the game going multi-plat or delayed after XIII-3 or something, I think it would bring up a lot more attention.

12 years ago

A great trailer that included actual gameplay footage plus a release date would go a long way to help revive interest in the game. Gamers WERE very excited about this game at one point. I'm pretty sure that excitement can be revived if Square showed some commitment to the game.

It is annoying that Square has made gamers have to wait so long. They aren't the only Japanese developer that has done this to gamers. PS3 owners have been waiting on The Last Guardian for what feels like an eternity as well.

12 years ago

I don't believe I'm over optimistic when I say this, but the last two trailers I saw from this game is enough to convince me that this game will be great no matter how long it's gonna take to finish it. The only way for me to lose some interest in this game is the announcement of it going multi-plat, or if Nomura is no longer the head of it. Other than that, I have no reason to decrease my interest on this game till it releases.

12 years ago

I hate to say it but I doubt FFV XIII will be out until MS has finalized the signing over of a few more armored payola trucks to Wada.

12 years ago

They'll probably rename it FFXV at this rate once XII-3 is done. Originally Final Fantasy XIII was going to have VsXIII and Agito as part of the compilation, but since those games eventually didn't become part of XIII's world anymore we're now getting a trilogy to make it up.

Square Enix may not want us to forget Lightning, but they're making us want to ignore her unfortunately with these sequels people aren't demanding for. 🙁

Last edited by VampDeLeon on 3/1/2012 5:58:12 PM

12 years ago

Oh my goodness, Here we go. LOL I have been trying to forget about this game.

12 years ago

In 07 I was hyped, 08 couldn't wait much longer, 09 where's the info, '10 okay wtf, '11 forgot the game even existed, '12 fu** sqeenix

12 years ago

Was FF 13-3 actually confirmed in the making?

12 years ago

While I've been having a great time with most of Square-Enix-developed titles this generation, I've been looking forward to this one for too long.

Nomura is, in my opinion, the best game designer they have at SE at this point, and they're just wasting his talent. He clearly invests in this project and I don't understand why SE won't.
FFXIII-2 was cool and all, but I would have much preferred this to be released.

Worst of all, this is delaying Kingdom Hearts 3, a game which I can only dream of happening this generation.

It's just frustrating and annoying. I'm a patient man, so I'm still excited about it but F**K!

Also, I'm not trying to defend Squeenix or anything, but it kind of bothers me that everyone seems to be so understanding with Team ICO and their "The Last Guardian". I'm equally pissed at them. But at least Squeenix is delivering on some of their projects.

Last edited by wolfsinner on 3/2/2012 6:17:33 PM

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