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Rumor: Assassin’s Creed III Tackles The American Revolution

Well, this ought to get people talking, right?

Assassin's Creed has allowed players to explore multiple beautiful locations, all in Europe and all historically important in some way. The atmosphere is part of what makes this series so amazing; the immersion offered is almost unparalleled. And we're pretty sure Ubisoft is tackling a new setting and protagonist for Assassin's Creed III; it's time for a change, after all.

There are a ton of possibilities, of course, but has the reality already been leaked? A Best Buy employee emailed Kotaku two images from the retailer's employee news section; one says Ubisoft will unveil the new AC title on March 5 (that's next week), and the other is a piece of promotional art. You see part of it here; click through the link to see the full photo. It's enough to give you goosebumps.

This supports the rumors that the game might take place during the American Revolution, which – if done correctly – could be downright incredible . In the background is a clear picture of the Continental flag, and the assassin is wearing an 18th-century military jacket. There also appears to be some Native American influence. If this is indeed what's going on in ACIII, color us pumped. Seriously.

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12 years ago


Still awesome either way. Whoever drew the Assassin on this did an outstanding job!!

Lord carlos
Lord carlos
12 years ago


12 years ago

Fable III much? Sorry, that was the 1st thing that popped in my head. Prey was actually the next. Hmmm……not sure what I think of this. Probably need to see more. I'm sure I'll end up loving the final product, but I'm waiting for badass futuristic AC. Guess they'll get to that by the next 6 or 7 sequels. I'm not even halfway through Revelations right now and a single player DLC just came out for it. I've only beaten the other games once each. Jesus Ubisoft, quit cranking titles out so freakin fast and let an aging gamer catch the f*** up. Please?

Last edited by fatelementality on 2/29/2012 9:22:56 PM

12 years ago

Guess nobody has a sense of humor anymore.

12 years ago

Fable sucks.

12 years ago

Never said it didn't. Well, the 1st one was good.

12 years ago

I enjoyed the first one, as well. Never played the other 2, so don't know.

12 years ago

This look awesome, but I was hoping to have an asian (China/Japan) journey next after seeing AC Embers~

12 years ago

I think an asian one would be cool as well, but then again it might have a Tenchu vibe to it. Although the AC series has a much better all around production value than Tenchu ever did. Would be nice if we had a current gen Tenchu to compare it too.

12 years ago

highly possible.
but the 3 part series hinges on Desmond's story coming to a close. i like this idea. but i want to see his story hit the floor front and center, he's learned a lot, let's see him use it for real.

12 years ago

Don't worry Ubisoft will find a way to squeeze six or seven more games into his story somehow.

12 years ago

yeah i hate how they did that. this should cap the main series, but i doubt it will.

12 years ago

American Revolution would be good…
Im ready for a sweet trailer. UBI always makes sweet trailers.

12 years ago

That is a great idea, if there are enough changes made I might be willing to give this series a fourth chance. Maybe.

12 years ago

I've yet to really get hooked on this one either, but this is such an incredible premise for a game I may have to get it another go too. Can you imagine sneaking around Revolutionary War-era battlegrounds, sort of an 18th century Old Snake? SUCH a great idea.

12 years ago

And, (I know I might get flak for this) they could even have long range rifle assassinations because they were experimenting with snipers at this time.

12 years ago

Scaling the churches of colonial Boston, New York, and Philly? Yes, please.

12 years ago

Lame. Small, lame, and few and far between. Gimme some interesting European architecture. Seriously… that stuff's artistic to the -extreme-.

12 years ago

Ah come on underdog….. didnt you ever see Last of the Mohicans ?

12 years ago

Sorry Underdog, but the game series has been on that side of the world for how many games now?

Nothing wrong with spreading the love world wide.

12 years ago

@Max; Well then have them go Asian then. Or South American. Or African. Or Australian. Or ANYWHERE but yet another trip to the U.S. of the effing A!

12 years ago

I'm with Beamboom. One of the awesome things about Assassin's Creed is the world history, world architecture, and diverseness.

How many games in how many series have been about the US or at least praising their perceived abilities? Isn't it time we had a series spread the love?

12 years ago

Beamboom/Underdog – That argument while valid with OTHER titles, doesn't work here for two reasons.

1 – The USA has never been featured in this series.

2 – By all means, point to a game that had our War of Independence as the backdrop. It's an experience I look forward to!

12 years ago

There's a lot of other wars I'd be much more interested in. Even the civil war would be more interesting as it has many more themes involving controlling people: a core theme in the way the Templars think.

At any rate, I think our points are more than valid.

12 years ago

Underdog. Of course you do, and of course you didn't answer my challenge in pointing out a game that features the US War of Indepedence.

12 years ago


1 – Not in THIS series, no. This one, single, isolated case there's been little americans. And you apparently think that's an argument for bringing USA into this series TOO? "There's no american backdrop here, ergo it is missing"?

2 – I can't. Still, that's no argument either, in my opinion. This is the ONE series that takes place in Europe. The one quality series where we can enjoy a different backdrop than the american one. The single exception in a WALL of american content.

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/2/2012 2:07:53 AM

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
12 years ago

"Not in THIS series, no. This one, single, isolated case there's been little americans."

"This is the ONE series that takes place in Europe. The one quality series where we can enjoy a different backdrop than the american one. The single exception in a WALL of american content."

Are you seriously saying the AC is the only series that is devoid of American content? Are you saying that with a straight face? If so, you really need to start playing video games more because there are scores of games out there that aren't American (other than the fact that the voice actors have a more American accent).

If you're searching for illusive, non-American content in video games for this generation, I can suggest some for you:
– God of War 3
– Sykrim (heck, Oblivion doesn't have any, either)
– Dragon Age: Origins
– Dragon Age II
– Uncharted 2 (yes, the "stars" are mainly American but all of the action takes place in non-American locales)
– Assassin's Creed
– Assassin's Creed II
– Assassin's Creed Brotherhood
– Assassin's Creed Revelations
– Bulletstorm
– Little Big Planet
– Little Big Planet 2
– Any NHL game. Sure, most of locations are in the US but a majority of the players are not so that's a bonus, right?
– Final Fantasy XIII
– Final Fantasy XIII-2
– Kingdoms of Amalur
– Yakuza 4 (or whatever number it's on)
– Most of the fighting in any of the Call of Duty games takes place outside of the US and in a few you also play as a British soldier, so bonus points there.
– Killzone 3
– Mass Effect 2
– Soul Calibur V

If you have an Xbox 360, you can also play the following that have no American content (other than some Americans playing roles in the game):
– Mass Effect
– Gears of War
– Gears of War 2
– Gears of War 3
– Halo 3
– Halo 3: ODST
– Halo Reach
– Halo Wars
– Fable II
– Fable III

There's more out there if you look. Don't fret! There's a lot of non-American content out there!!

12 years ago

I didn't realize it was a challenge. lol

I thought you were making a point. A point I didn't detract from because you're right. Clearly, we all know there isn't a game that focuses on that time frame. At least not recently. (I don't know of one, but there's a lot of old games I don't know about)

But that's still of no concern to me. I still don't feel the best place to start is with the AC franchise for all the good points that have already been raised.

12 years ago

Underdog – Well it seems that you and I disagree on this subject.

12 years ago

That pic has me hooked !

12 years ago

"Enzio, quickly now, wave the lantern…
the redcoats are coming, the redcoats are coming!"

12 years ago

Could be an interesting subject and environment to play through. I have never done an Assassins Creed before… this may get me involved for the first time… we'll see…



12 years ago

Lame. I couldn't possibly be less interested in the American Revolution. lol

But on a serious side of things in regards to gameplay…

what the heck do we climb on? lol… It's not like there was sophisticated, interesting, and diverse architecture like there is in Italy or heck… any European country. Do I air assassinate off a… like… tree maybe?

Based on the fact Ubi is a French developer, and the fact that you could pick… like… ANY European country for a better open world to run around (Architecture was nice in America at that time, but few and far between)… I'm gonna go ahead and say this is fake.

And if not? Well… I will be extremely skeptical about this one.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 2/29/2012 11:51:56 PM

12 years ago

I agree dude! I think that a French Revolution AC would be awesome… what if we got to storm the Bastille! 😀

12 years ago

@ Uunderdog

At least it's not Canadian history: total snooze-fest.


12 years ago

I agree Fane. Except for the war of 1812 we won when we fought off the US invasion and burned down their white house.

That was kinda cool.

Not enough political oddities that could be used as a link to Templars, though. You need to have that kind of political controversy.

Our country's far too peaceful and free-valued for that.

Although… we did harbor slaves. Pre-Civil War, thousands of slaves managed to escape the US to the free-thinking Canada for a better life.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 3/1/2012 9:37:34 AM

12 years ago

I'm with you Underdog I'm actually extremely turned off by this.

I wonder if the protag is white or maybe aboriginal – (I think that might salvage it for me).

12 years ago

Yeah, I'm not bagging on Canada. I live here for a reason. But *nothing* has happened here.

Oh, and the underdog (!) Americans repulsed the invading British forces after Washington. The War was a draw, as you well know.


There do seem to be hints of an aboriginal background for the protagonist.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 3/1/2012 6:02:43 PM

12 years ago

If it comes down to a tie-break, "burned down the white house" is the deal breaker! :p

12 years ago

Oh no…
One of the things that made this franchise such a genuine experience was that it was *not* taking place in the U.S.!

I can understand that this might be cool news for those of you who are US citizens, and I totally respect that. No offence intended.
But as a non-american I'm just so sick and tired of 9/10 games (surely it must be even more?) featuring American heroes, usually on American ground. Add to this the fact that the same kind of domination exist also in TV series and movies, and the US culture overload is pretty darn choking.

There are *so* many other fantastic and exciting locations and historical events in the history of the world, and it just feels so incredibly refreshing to play a game where the heroes are *not* from the USA, and the scenes are not yet another more or less historically incorrect recreation of a location in the USA.

And quite frankly, I think it's only healthy for *all* gamers to be introduced to the world outside the US borders, no matter how fictional the story they get served is.

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/1/2012 2:47:42 AM

12 years ago

As an American (expatriate), I concur with everything except the first sentence.

Last edited by Fane1024 on 3/1/2012 2:36:06 AM

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

I wanna play GTA in Mexico 🙁

Maybe someday!

12 years ago

As far as game characters go (regardless of where they're from) my faves would have to be Miranda from Mass Effect 2 & Chloe from Uncharted. No bias here at all 😉

12 years ago

@Kevin5: Well, as far as favourite characters go – who kinda is a totally different topic but good topic nonetheless – my favourite character in recent times is definitely Mordin Solus from Mass Effect 2.
On second place comes pretty much everyone else in the crew of Normandy. (I suffer from a serious case of Mass Effect pre-release fever these days 🙂 )

Last edited by Beamboom on 3/1/2012 5:55:32 AM

SirLoin of Beef
SirLoin of Beef
12 years ago

Yeah, I wish someone would release a game that didn't take place in the USA. That will never happen though.

12 years ago

/irony scanner ON

… searching…

/irony scanner OFF

@Sirloin: Uhm… The Assassins Creed games up until now didn't take place in the USA.

12 years ago

Ah Beamboom, that's because the USA has the coolest toys!

12 years ago

I agree with Max in that the USA thinks the USA has the coolest everything. ;p

Maybe… but notice… when you turn those toys upside down, they all say "Made in China".

Last edited by Underdog15 on 3/1/2012 1:10:47 PM

12 years ago

Underdog – By toys I was referring to the fact that most games that feature the US Military do so because American military might is a thing to behold!

12 years ago

Alexander the Great, Joan of Arc, Atilla the Hun, the Romans, the Greeks…. all had greater armies and much more might for their times.

While the US has the cash and population to support a military, your best armored vehicles are made in Canada through a company called General Dynamics. (Shipped out of my country all the time) The US only tried to fight Canada once. I live on Canadian soil that used to be American. :p That's all I know. And our septic lines course beneath the earth.

But at any rate, thanks for the case in point. All jokes aside, it's that exact attitude I was talking about. No one outside the US cares. And the "OUR POWER IS A SIGHT TO BEHOLD" crap is exactly why people outside the US resent the US. And it isn't fair, because it's not an accurate representation of the people there. Most Americans are kind, good-hearted people with family values who, for the most part, value diversity and equal rights. It is a country that is a haven for people who's countries are not safe. Definitely a wonderful place to live.

But when you hear people unfairly painting the US with the same brush about being pompous, arrogant, and egotistical, it's in cases like that. The idea that your country is "the best" or not being able to understand how other people could possibly love their own country more… that gives you guys a bad rap.

I know it's not true. You know it's not true. But when I hear things like that, I can't help but at least understand where these people are coming from.

Do I think canada is the best? Well, I dunno. Maybe, maybe not. It's definitely my favorite country, and I have -ZERO- desire to live anywhere else (although I'd love to travel). But there are things about our country that need to change just as every country has things that need to change. There are things in Canada I despise, in all honesty, but there are things about the US (especially politics) that I -REALLY- despise. Because no place is perfect. *shocker* And I'm incredibly proud of who I am and where I come from. Just as other non-Americans on this site feel the same way about their countries (Australia, Norway, England, Ireland, and more).

Anyways, military might doesn't impress me. Plenty of other countries have stronger militaries than you think. Even Hollands war 60 years ago in India would have been cool to depict in a game. Or Canada's fight at Vimmy Ridge or a game that highlighted the feats of the RCAF in WW2 or the liberation of Holland… just… there's more than the US, you know… and that diversity is a huge selling point for the AC series. Especially since we ALL have some sort of tie to that age.

Last edited by Underdog15 on 3/1/2012 3:29:59 PM

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