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Medal Of Honor: Warfighter Won’t Tackle The Bin Laden Mission

The Medal of Honor reboot by Danger Close dealt with the true-to-life missions of the elite Tier 1 Operatives.

Since then, Osama Bin Laden has been hunted down and killed, and you can bet that high-ranking members of the military were most certainly involved. Therefore, ever since EA unveiled Medal of Honor: Warfighter , gamers have all been asking: will we get a chance to take down Bin Laden in a virtual setting? It could be quite the experience.

It'd be quite the controversy, of course, but such a move would also result in a gigantic amount of recognition for the game and in turn, EA. Right? Ah, but it's really just too risky and EA has confirmed that such a mission won't be featured. "That's not our story to tell," producer Greg Goodrich told OXM . He added:

"That's 'family business' to [the Tier 1 Operators]. It's been an interesting exercise learning what's okay and what's not okay [to portray in the game]."

Remember, real Tier 1 guys were involved in the making of the last MoH, and are probably involved again. And if they say "no," we're betting Danger Close listens. Hell, I would.

Related Game(s): Medal of Honor: Warfighter

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Ben Dutka PSXE
Ben Dutka PSXE
12 years ago

Please, no political or religious wars in the comments. I just don't have the strength.

12 years ago

The fact that there aren't any of those wars going on is quite the testament to the respect the members have for this site. Because the internet is capable of it, I watched a youtube video about greatest hockey hits and there was a religious debate going on in the comments…

12 years ago

Lol, god forbid we offend the barbarians who sympathize with a mass murder such as he.

12 years ago

There is something about executing a real life person in a real life event that takes that inclusion a little bit too real for me. No matter the justification.

It's all well and good that the threat he was is done for, but I'm not sure I've been desensitized enough to let that sit well for my stomach if I actually carried it out. It's not even like it was a long time ago… it was in my lifetime. I'm sure my grandfather wouldn't have liked playing a WW2 game soon after WW2.

Let the kill bin laden games come out in 50 years. lol. I had a hard time stomaching that airport scene in MW2. (And never played that scene again despite another playthrough) I honestly don't think I would be comfortable with doing that deed myself. It's not because I'm a sympathizer. (Although there is something a little twisted about celebrating a person's death, even though I totally get why we would celebrate it.) It's just a little -TOO- real for me.

Especially for a hobby that, for me, is a way to get away from real life BS.

Know where I'm going?

Last edited by Underdog15 on 2/28/2012 10:19:33 AM

12 years ago

I think it's more about making that a trivial gaming moment like Bikersaint said a few posts down. Also I think the game's focus is to show as realistically as they can for an action game, what it's like to be a SEAL without making too much of a political statement, like the Act of Valor movie. So we'll get missions inspired by true events but not actual missions, which I think is the right way to go. As Underdog said, it's meant to be a fun hobby after all.

Last edited by matt99 on 2/28/2012 11:07:48 AM

12 years ago

Yeah, I can understand things like that MW2 scene. While it didn't sit well with me, it did contribute positively to the overall story of the 3 games. It was an event that realistically could happen, but it wasn't an -ACTUAL- event that actually happened to people in our real world.

I think that while that might not seem like a big distinction, in actuality, it's a pretty major difference!

I'm just not sure that in the pursuit of realism, we need to re-live horrific events that have actually happened that directly impacts everything around us in real life. I'm more than happy staying at arms length from executing a real-honest-to-god person. I -REALLY- don't need to be the one to pull the trigger. lol You know?

I think you and I agree on that. ;p

12 years ago

Underdog must say I have never thought of games the way you have described. The MW2 Airport scene to me was "cool" because I had never experienced a mainstream developer put something so controversial in a game. As for the OBL mission I honestly think I would welcome it. I remember the original Ghost Recon for PC had a "mod mission" where you went and captured/killed Saddam and I found that fun as well. To me I enjoy that immersion and tying in the real life events/people.

12 years ago

That's fine, my issue is with the name. C'mon "Warfighter"? Of course you are fighting some kind of war.

Killa Tequilla
Killa Tequilla
12 years ago

:p as long as the game is a boss, who cares?

12 years ago

Ah, but I -AM- the warfighter!

12 years ago

all i ask from this is a much deeper story.
its amazing how we have managed to turn such a emotional traumatic event such as war into such a boring careless pastime.
thats why i was so disappointed with homefront.
the developers kept harping on about how games have faceless enemies, and empty stories with empty "heroes".
but then they went and did the same themselves.
i really love the concept of spec ops the line, id be nice if some of that rubbed onto this.
only thing that fell short in MoH, besides length, was the story and characters.
fix that up with the controversy people expect, and the emotional story with relateable careable characters and id be set.

12 years ago

So I guess battlefield 4 will come out next year and then another medal of honor the year after.

12 years ago

i just hope they support it a lot better with dlc maps etc than the last one.
I guess danger close / dice are ea's version of infinity ward / treyarch and will be releasing their fps on alternate years.

works for me!

12 years ago

I'm A-OK without that mission for that was a proud moment for our military & something only they have performed the right to bask in.

And not for others to downplay it as just another trivial gaming moment to have fun with.

12 years ago

Loved the first one, can't wait!

12 years ago

MOH, another franchise that has gone down hill.

12 years ago

How so? I found the single player to be the best FPS campaign I have played in a long time if not ever

12 years ago

I agree only to the extent that I was hooked on Jimmy Patterson and love WWII era games…have NOT played the new one yet.

12 years ago

lol i dont think it matters jeez if it did wud wudnt b blowing out each others brains online everyday

how do we "judge" wats appropriate in a GAME and wat is not?
you can't and we have an esrb for that anyway
there arent any laws that they wud break
not many ppl will be offended so who cares?
i KNOW ive seen movies and games about killing hitler or something why is that okay but killing osama is not?
we live in a truly odd world

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