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Thatgamecompany’s Next Project Likely Won’t Be PS3 Exclusive

Thatgamecompany is responsible for two of the most memorable downloadable experiences on the PlayStation Network, and the third – Journey – will be available soon.

Their titles have been great for the PSN, as such exclusive quality is a staple of the PlayStation brand. But talented, successful studios inevitably wish to reach a bigger audience.

In speaking to PushSquare , Thatgamecompany co-founder Jenova Chen confirmed that they're currently looking to expand beyond the PlayStation world.

"Thatgamecompany had a three game contract with Sony, so the past three games had to be Sony exclusive. Right now we are very much exploring ways to bring our games to a bigger audience, beyond just PlayStation. We are still in the process of negotiating, but I hope that we can announce it [soon]. But right now it’s still in the process."

Yeah, the three-game contract is complete so we don't begrudge the team trying to bring their innovative, inspirational visions to more gamers. Of course, Sony could always buy the studio, as they did with Media Molecule… The PlayStation-centric stable of first-party developers is unrivaled in the industry, and Thatgamecompany would fit in nicely, yes?

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12 years ago

Journey should be good… Well atleast i hope so

12 years ago

Their games and ideas would be perfect on a lot of different platforms and hardware.
It makes no sense – for them – to stay exclusive. So go on ThatGameCompany, get out there in the world and charm the heck out of gamers across the entire globe. I know you can and wish you the best of luck!

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/25/2012 10:27:22 AM

12 years ago

Sony should've purchased them after the success of Flower.

Too bad really. Hopefully their next game sells well as a multiplatform title. I just pray hey don't turn to EA for publishing though. No offense to EA but… well, it's EA.

Last edited by DrRockso87 on 2/25/2012 10:26:21 AM

12 years ago

Something tells me they'll stick to digital publishing and handle it all by themselves. I know I would.

12 years ago

They are a small indie publisher. Sony would have overpaid for their services. It's no sweat to Sony because as they leave, another studio will be waiting to take their place. It was a nice run though. Let them spread their wings and make some money.

12 years ago

Sony should definitely by these guys. They are some of the most talented and unique individuals in the industry.

At the same time, I totally get where they're coming from in terms of wanting to expand, but as a PS homer, I want that gamecompany to be Sony exclusive.

12 years ago

Hopefully they make them for pc too, if my laptop could handled there games.

12 years ago

Your laptop? Dude, your MOBILE would probably be able to handle the games they've released so far. 😀

12 years ago

as long as they dont waste time on the box its good
PC gamers or a cell game mite work
i can see these guy makeing a bigger hit then that bird game

12 years ago

Exclusive or not, keep the good games coming.

12 years ago

Come on Sony, make them an offer they can't refuse!!!!

12 years ago

id love to see what they can do with a full retail release.
they have a great artistic flair and imagination, restricting it to just digital portals is a injustice.

12 years ago

I disagree! I think the small, digital, independent scene is the *perfect* arena for these guys. I can't wait to see their next projects. I'll follow them for as long as they release something for a platform I own.

I'd *love* to see what they are able to come up with for the Android, for example.

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/26/2012 6:49:18 AM

12 years ago

nah, they could do so much more at retail.
they could do a much bigger longer game at retail then what they could online due to size restrictions.
obviously budget would be a issue releasing a game at retail is far more costly, but hopefully the publisher will take care of that.
online games always feel like their on a leash, no matter how good they are they always feel held back.
ms splosion man for instance.
awesome game, but it just feels like it could of been so much more if it was released at retail instead.

12 years ago

I hear what you are saying, my gutfeeling just tells me that these guys are best when they can create small gems, rather than full blown "serious" games.

It's like short stories and short films! That's an art form in itself, to stay short and sweet. And some are best at that (I *love* sci-fi short stories btw – best sci-fi there is!). We need those kind of developers too, and they deserve the respect for making these small gems.

Last edited by Beamboom on 2/26/2012 10:59:20 AM

12 years ago

Right on, Beam.

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