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Killzone 3 Gets Standalone Multiplayer

For all you multiplayer lovers out there who missed Killzone 3 , this is for you.

During the latest PlayStation Blogcast , Sony revealed that a free-to-play multiplayer component will be arriving for Guerrilla's stellar shooter.

Basically, it's a standalone version of the game's multiplayer aspect, and it'll include all the game's maps, all available downloadable content, and all game modes, from Guerrilla Warfare to Warzone and everything in between. However, it's not entirely "free" as the no-cost download will only allow you to reach the level of Sergeant 1. For the "full experience," you'll have to fork over $15, which will also entitle you to a one-day double-XP bonus, free unlock points, the chance to create clans, and access to the Botzone Mode.

This standalone multiplayer version will be available next week on the PlayStation Network. Obviously, the single-player campaign – which we still say was the best of any FPS in 2011 – will not be included. This is only for the multiplayer buffs.

Related Game(s): Killzone 3

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12 years ago

The single player campaign should not be missed on this game. 15 bucks is not bad at all just to get a taste of the multiplayer part of the game.

Last edited by AcHiLLiA on 2/24/2012 12:09:37 PM

12 years ago

Awesome ! This will be good for everyone

12 years ago

Not a bad idea..but how can a person not want to play the KZ3 story??

12 years ago

I wonder if PS Plus will get the $15 package FREE ??????

12 years ago

That would rule!

12 years ago

Terrible idea. Might as well release a trial of the whole game.

12 years ago

More games should have the multiplayer protion released like this at a discount. Imagine being able to choose to get say BF3 for 29 99 instead of 59 99 and you only got the multiplayer?

I think this could be a good direction for games if it is done right and we are not just nickeled and dimed through out the year.

They would however have to step up and make the single player portion a lot more substantial if they wanted to sell that on its own without the multiplayer, provided thats even an option.

12 years ago

Yes!!! More players are always great. Especially new players that are capped lower than me. Just joking. 🙂

I am almost ashamed to adimit how many hours I have spent playing this game. I had every class maxed out with all weapons unlocked last summer. Great game that is a technical marvel. Probably the best all around looking game on the PS3. Makes COD look like a PS2 game.

If anybody want to add me as friend to play KZ3 together my PSN ID is Jamiecolts. Make sure you bring your headset or mic please.

12 years ago

I sold kz3 a long time ago so and im almost max lev with everything unlocked so if i download free to play with my kz3 save files will i be the lev i left off with and have my unlocks or what? Sony or gg needs to shed light on it.

12 years ago

i really cant see the point in this.
KZ2 and 3 floped for 1 simple reason.
2 had so much lag it was not funny, not to mention the persistent 5021 errors people were suffering from up until 9 months after release!
and both got such little DLC.
no weekly events either, like other MP games have double XP events, or game nights with the devs, KZ barley had any of these.
so i cant see this helping the game much.
it flopped because it had next to no support, making it free to play is not going to fix that.

12 years ago

I think the point was to release Killzone 3 for free so that the Vita users will have something to remote play.

After all, Sony confirmed that it *is* working. I just hope that we get titles that can be remote played that are not one of the following:

1) Old

2) PSN only

3) PSP and PS1

12 years ago

this is actually excellent cause i plat'd the game back when it came out and a week after launch traded it back in! always missed the MP after that! Awesome news 🙂

12 years ago

This is a great idea and needs to happen to more online games. And fighting games. Those are the games that are played for months or even all year, throughout other games. I have gotten to dislike disc-swapping all the time and having these things on the hard drive to play on a whim would really be great!

And Gran Turismo on the hard drive would be good too. I know its around 50 GB, but large hard drives are plentiful and pretty cheap.

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