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Big Boss Wants You: Kojima Hiring For “Next MGS”

Okay, so you're not into Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance . You want a true-blue Metal Gear Solid installment where stealth actually exists.

If that's the case, you've been waiting for Hideo Kojima to announce Metal Gear Solid 5 , even if there's no knowing when it might show up.

The good news is that Kojima has revealed via Twitter that he's currently hiring for the "next MGS." Linking to a GDC job portal site named "Big Boss Wants You: The 'Next' MGS," the team is seeking people to fill programming, game design, art, sound, and production positions. The game in question is being made for "high-end consoles and PC" and yes, it'll utilize the FOX Engine.

Positions are available in both Japan and California, which raised some eyebrows. As it turns out, Kojima Productions producer Ken-ichiro Imaizumi later Tweeted that they will open a new studio in the US if they can "find the right people." In the past, Kojima has said he wanted to step away from the MGS series and try something new, but he has also made it clear that he doesn't want to disappoint his loyal following.

So when might an unveiling occur? Well, based on this widespread hiring, probably not for a while. But at least the term "next MGS" will get people excited and we have something definite to anticipate.

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12 years ago

Does this mean by opening a studio in California, it's another way for Japanese developers to try and westernize a game? Just Kidding, I know Kojima does things his way!

Honestly though, great news! I gotta pick up the MGS collection still, but a new MGS is exactly what I'd like to be playing. Can't wait to hear more!

12 years ago

Im surprised he's actually saying it since he's been secretive with his other project. When is the ZOE collection coming I never played them before so Im looking forward to it. Wow does that really say PC?!

12 years ago

I'll say this — I'm really excited to see there will be another MGS, but I hope Kojima doesn't have to forsake his other projects to do it. The man is just too good to stayed boxed in on MGS alone.

12 years ago

"Wow does that really say PC?!"

Metal Gear has been on the PC before. In fact, it originally began on the PC before it moved to consoles. All but two titles of the main series have been on PC.

I still want to try the arcade version but I doubt that'll ever happen 🙁

12 years ago

If I can recall, that new Fox engine was made so it could do all platforms, PS3, PC & the 360.

12 years ago

Saw this announcement last night right before bed time and — I am not making this up — got so pumped I was up another 2 hours. BIG BOSS WANTS YOU. Hideo Kojima did a ton of retweets last night from people making guesses about who would star in the game, when it would take place in the MGS timeline, etc. He loves screwing with our heads so you certainly can't take any of it as true, but it's fun to look at the "evidence" (if we can even call it that) and speculate as to what the next chapter will be. My guess based on the very little I've seen:

Stars Big Boss
Takes Place After Peace Walker
Will Depict the Rise of Outer Heaven

That's the one blindspot in the MGS timeline that could be well-served by a full-throated MGS game. I still love my MGS "Next Generation" idea, but that can wait until later.

12 years ago

I would be happy with that as Peace Walker was a complete waste of time story wise. They should create a game set between PW anf MG1 and tie it up already! Or a remake of MG1 & 2 for the Vita/PS3 using transfarring.

12 years ago

Notice the word "consoles". Meaning it's a multiplat game. Does anybody really believe they went to all the trouble of making the MULTIPLAT Fox Engine and won't release the next MGS game on the 360? The MGS HD Collection and Rising appearing on the 360 tell me no. It would not surprise if it made it to the Wii U as well.

12 years ago

Hey Hideo! Hire me!!!!! If only I had some more experience under my belt.

Maybe one day.

I think that this will be the final BB game and even though it won't be a PS3 exclusive, it's good to see MGS come back to big boy consoles. PW was amazing, but would have been so much better on home consoles.

12 years ago

Oh hell yeah. Great news. Maybe this is one small reason there shutting down mgo. Save money for this new mgs5. Running mgo servers are currently costing the team money and there not making any profits keeping them open. And i assume the next mgs5 will starr big boss so im super pumped. Im just curious if it will be another prequel or maybe even a sequel like maybe big boss somehow survives or is resurrected. He did survive 2 deaths from solid snake so anything is possible.

12 years ago

bring snake back to the ps3 (:

12 years ago

as much as i love MGS, id much rather him do a new IP!
come on, hasent the MGS series been milked enough!?
its time to move on and do something different!

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